45. | The Village That Was My Home

"We have to move fast." Slade looked out the window of the cabin, then back to Yue. The silver haired man nodded, lips pressed in a thin grim line.

So close to his home, to his babà. He could not allow his heart to hope. He had been away for so long. Who knew what cruelty may have befallen his sickly father in his absence.

"The moon is not as strong now that the day has begun, but she is still there." He said, making his way towards the door. The sun had yet to rise, but the sky was already brighter with the absence of night.

The air was still chilled and crisp, but nice against his heated skin as he placed the bowl of water down gently on the porch deck, careful not to spill it.

Slade watched from the cabin door with an intense curiosity. "Do you consider yourself human?" He asked randomly. randomly.