49.| Far Away

Yuè slept restlessly, dreams of Lord Payton's bloodied corpse turning into Marcellus' lifeless body left him tossing and turning. His heart was thundering when he finally awoke, blurry eyes staring up at the ceiling. The smell of food touched his nose as he sat up attempting to shake away the chill that his dreams left behind. 

His head turned towards the large window that his bed lay beside, catching sight of Elarion there. The man was the source behind the delicious smelling food it seemed.

Shuffling over to it, he tugged the window open, leaning against the frame. "Good Morning, Elarion."

Elarion was just placing strawberries on top of a fluffy-looking cake with whipped screams and blueberries already on top, when he glanced up at Yuè. "Good morning, Yuè. Come on down."