CHAPTER ONE ( part one ):leaving the past

This is a tail not of any real cause or explanation but of thrill, adventure, fantasy, romance and science fiction.....

Little Samuel son of Elisha and Alice Scott. was born in East London of South Africa. He was rich, famous, loved by celebrities and liked purchasing all material objects such as phones, cars, televisions, and so on he spent the first eighteen years of his life as a rich and spoilt brat . Not until he heard the way brats end up. He had black pony tailed hair , a crimson chin, six feet one and dressed in an elegant manner with a blue first cut neon suit.Six years had passed and he changed his behavior he become a kindhearted fellow and a good morally upright lad with no additional physical features except a mullet on his face.

later the day he entered a blue private jet owned by his parents with there family logo by it's tail.

" Hey flight attendant, could you please prepare me a meal, caz I'm starving", he said.

" Is that all sir"she said . "Yes for now that is", he replied.

Anxious and hungry Samuel started chewing his nails as he waited for the attendant to return .

" Why is she taking so long, and why won't my stupid phone work" he said. "Here is your meal sir" the attendant stretched forth his food on his high class airplane seat .

" why thank you Elsa" he said.

Elsa blushes to see Samuel calling her by her first name for the first time in two hours and replies " Yes, your welcome Samuel "

As the plane continued to travel for some time the pilots had their first communication with the passengers .

" Hello passengers and we've hoped the flight so far was to your liking , although We've discovered a certain disturbance up ahead. It's getting really cloudy, stormy and we have lost all communication this will be a bumpy flight for some time, but all is well." said the first pilot.

As Samuel looked outside to see the disturbance as he notices a little angel girl outside with the purest blue eyes and pink hair with pink wings standing on the wing of the plane.

" Wait, is this true or doeth mine eyes deceiveth me" ,he says to himself.

Elsa looking confused as she can not see anything Samuel is seeing " Samuel are you sure your ok" she says with a curious and worried tone.

" Yes I a..... no only if I sleep on your thighs will I be calmed down" he says with a smirk on his face

Elsa blushes " oh, ok then here you go Samuel" she says with a smile

Samuel lays his head on her laps and comfortably goes in a deep sleep. He dreams of seeing the same Angel girl from earlier in his dream.

" You little girl who or what even are you?" he asks

" I'm what the people of your world call an angel and I've been sent by my father to summon you" she replies

*Gasp* " what?!! oh this is just a really messed up dream" he says

" No it's not, it is a vision and a message to test you , for your the only one who can fix it" she says

" Test me what for.... and fix what...."

Two hours had passed in the flight and Samuel immediately wakes up on Elsa's lap

" wake up Samuel we are almost here" Elsa says

" No mum, I want to marry Elsa" he says

Elsa immediately blushes and is shocked

" oh... uhm Elsa did I say anything odd that stunned you?" he asks

" No everything you said in your sleep was normal" she replies

" We are almost here all I need is to drift this one" says the second pilot

" Kaili stop playing need for speed on your phone and help me land this baby" he says

" Alright Captain John, let's do our deed together " says kaili

" stop using gayish terms for the last time kaili" says Cpt John

As the pilots land the plane and the passengers all come out a man dressed in a black suit approaches them and asks " Are you all the passengers of the M-16 task 22 jet.

"Yes , this is sir Samuel Scott of the Scott legacy , Miss Lily Scott of the Scott legacy , private pilots John Gary and Kaili Munga with me Elsa KindHeart has there attendant" she says

*Gasp in shock* " I see , and did you say Scott legacy as in the fast break incidence" he replied

" UHM fast what .." she says

" Four years ago that very plane you just came off disappeared without a trace....the Scott family kept searching and looking all those years to no avail they spent almost a quarter of the family's wealth" he says

As Elsa, Lily and Samuel looked at the man shocked, the pilots in the background both vomited in shock as well. Another man approached them and led them to the waiting room where he spent twenty minutes explaining to them what happened exactly and he told them that they must have passed over the birmuda triangle. He also told them the date , time and exact location the plane went missing.

" It was one the 17 of February 2071 around six forty pm and approximately latitude 50°north and longitude 3°west " he says

Samuel and Lily both stared at each other just wondering about how their parents were

" Wait, what about our parents are they ok" she asks

" yes we contacted them immediately we received and they sent a driver to come pick you three up" he replied

Samuel looks relieved and says " whew that's good news"

" It will take a while before he gets here so is there anything you'd like, just say it and I'll have it down myself..." he says

" Not right now, but thanks anyway" says Lily

" For me just a glass of cool water " says Elsa

" A newspaper, of the main events of everything that happens when I was gone till date " Samuel demands

the man looks drizzled " UHM , for the young miss I'll do it right away and for you sure it will take a while So give me some time" he says

" it's okay I'll help you if any will present its self"

Sometime passed , three hours exactly , Samuel had already read three fourths of the newspapers and their driver had arrived.

"This way " Sayed the driver

The driver directed them to a black limo with pure black tinted windows with six doors . they got in and he drove them northward to north Manchester were the Scott family lived .

" Sue, you've been fixated on those papers for too long , I know you want to know who won the premier league, world cup , NBA finals and Noble prizes since you left....."

" No! I have no use for such tasteless bafoonary . I just want to know whom bought my orphanages, who got my foster kids and who won the auction on the preservation of tabby my white lion .

Everyone in the car is unravelled and shocked to see how surprising honest and pure Samuel was although he just learned that he was erased from the face of the earth for four years. time passes and they arrived at the Scott family mansion their parents owned in north Manchester.

*sob* *sob* (tearing)" My babies, how long has it been, four long years I thought you were killed by those Russians.." says a woman dressed in pink with pink hair , and pink shoes

" Mom!! you still have a grudge on Russians because of your first boyfriend who dumped you in highschool was Russian.." *sob* *sob* (tearing)

" Hey don't put up that sas with me young lady" she says sarcastically

" I missed you too mother but remember for us it felt like the Normal two hour flight we intended to have" she replies

" Son, daughter and Elsa your all home alas I nearly commuted suicide because of you three. but I remembered on my son's kids and and foster homes he would have lost with no legal heir male older than 21" says an old man with yellow spiral hair and a yellow beared

" thank you Father , I'm so great full that you re bought all of my belongings" says Samuel as he starts tearing up

" If you cry I'll start crying " says Elisha Samuel's father

As Samuel and Elisha cry their lungs out three little kids come out of the house . One a small girl with yellow hair just as Elisha the second another girl with white hair and a bit older than the other girl and the last in one a bit with pure black hair.

" why are grandpa and dady crying" says the one with yellow hair

" Alice they are just happy to see each other that's all" says the older girl

" Dad! your finally back !!" shouts the boy

" come here Dave, Becky and Alice come receive the largest hug of your lives my children" says Samuel as he hugs the three kids

" There shall be a feats to celebrate the arrival of my son, daughter and my daughter in law Elsa for returning home safe and sound"

" daughter in law?!" says Elsa

" wait Samuel you haven't yet proposed . then what was the who point of that flight if you forgot " he says

" Ah, shit I forgot I kinda over slept ..." he replied

" overslept you slept on my laps for eighty percent of the flight " says Elsa

The enters the mansion and Samuel presented Elsa the engagement ring covered in gold silver and diamonds he was supposed to give her back in the plane.

" I customized it to your liking"

" Wait so the whole point of the flight was so you could propose to me" she asks

" Maybe it is , maybe it isn't what are you going to know" he says sarcastically

Elsa blushes and moans just a little

" dady why are you flirting with mummy Elsa eat your food already" says Alice

Time passes and as they sat by that huge dinner table and the feats presented to them Elisha stands up and hits his cup against his fork

" Grandpa your doing it all wrong, here let me show you how it's done " Dave hits his fork against his cup slowly twice

" Now continue.."

' Damn brat at least do it after the meal your embarrassing me ' he thinks

" thank you Dave , now I would like to make a toast to the arrival of my children all three of them..." Elsa blushes " secondly I thank God for all your lives and my life .. thirdly I appreciate him for the wedding between Elsa and Samuel next winter and I hope for the best wedding between the two..."and

As everyone shout there cheers in laughter and joy time passes and Samuel fails to sleep so he heads outside to the garden to see the water fountain although he was cosy with his fiance Elsa . he had a little insomnia so he failed to sleep and went to wash his face I the cool fountain water. The mysterious angle girl appeared again, the one from the plane.

" Yo.... you...your the one responsible for the time warp aren't you..?" he claims

" yes and I'm Hilkiah, at first I doubted my father in selecting you to fix things but now I see your true intensions and I'm positively sure he was not wrong You truly are a kind heart Samuel ."

*Gasp* "wait do you know my name .."

" I'm here to get you let's go."

" No I'm not leaving my family behind " he says furiously

" sorry Samuel, they will take care of each other even without you " she replies

" I can't leave them behind without saying goodbye.."

" okay then goodbye" Hilkiah waves at Samuel

Samuel looks confused and Hilkiah disappears and a plane immediately crashes on Samuel . All the people in the house hear this and come outside

"Why!!! this had to be spikes doing" cried Samuel's mother

"Dady!!! why can't you wake up and why is that aircraft on you" cries Alice

"His demise was foreseen, but not like this" *sob* *sob* cries Dave

" My only brother!!! I love you brother ...I love you!!!! now come back , come back!!!" cried Lily

Elsa remains shocked and nearly had a stroke seeing her fiance under a plane with crashed spine, broken ribs and blood gashing out of his body. *blink* *blink* *blink*

Samuel blinked once more and woke up looking confused and upset at the same time. Then he notices the Angel girl from a distance and floats towards her. He also notices that he is a place as white as snow where no darkness lied.

" Why'd you do this to me, why! " he cried

" I'm sorry and also sad to see your family in its current state even after they just reunited with you.."

She shows him an orb that shows everything happening at the mansion , Elisha starts preparing for Samuel is funeral while his wife , sister , kids and mother all cry.

" You said that you had to fix things, so let's make a deal if I fix things will you take me back.." he says I'm a sad tone

" Sorry, but It doesn't work like that, and plus your physical body has been squashed remember.." she replies

" oh, I see, but ... what exactly am I fixing!?"

" Here..."

She shows Samuel pictures of the endless war between Eli and Shato. the Shatoians had rapidly dispersed and compressed the Elian warriors and citizens

" the entire existence of Eli is in Shato's palms ..." she illustrates

" well, let me tell you this, In the beginning both Eli and Shato were one united country called Shelito meaning the great Grootsi barrier ..." she explains

As Samuel still look confused he asked " UHM.. what exactly are Grootsi .."

"Shall I continue to explain to you what you need to know or what you want to hear because small minded questions won't take us anywhere .." she says with a furious face

" sorry miss Hilkiah,...carry on"

" As I was saying Shelito is the great Grootsi barrier and is called that because humans with special abilities to transform into giants or titans as you can say ..."

" wait what your saying is that I'm about to be reincarnated as an AOT character...damn that's awesome !!"

arghh " just let me finish" she exclaims

" so sorry carry on" he says

" yes the Grootsi have infinite ability to run, jump and fight they also carry unique special abilities like flight, teleportation, draw out weapons from thin air , their flesh and bones ...also the ability to cloak with their surroundings. "

" wait what about hybrids ...they just have to be some.." he asks

" yes these are for.ed when two abnormals mate they form a hybrid normally the hybrid formed is a titan Grootsi . one that stretches even to the sky's .."

' I guess that's the colossal Titan here..' thinks Samuel

" hybrids are incapable of bearing fellow hybrids but abnormals and the cycle re-continues. there's more I wanted to say but I'll save it for the next time we meet .."

" After hearing and seeing all this I know what I must fix..the hearts of the Shatoians and bring back Shelito to existence.."

" not only that you must also kill my older brother Josiah...because he can restart the war at anytime he wants . his the Main cause if it in general." she says

" and what was the reason behind that..?" he asks

" he'll restart it for his own personal entertainment."

" so your saying your brother poisoned there hearts for his own personal gain.." he asks furiously

To be continued.....