Chapter 16


I almost didn't go. I wanted to crawl back into bed and wait to see if they'd take pity on me and assign

a different Reboot to their stupid mission.

But I'd never seen any pity from HARC, and it didn't seem right to desert Callum. So I pulled on my

clothes, plunked my helmet on my head, and trudged across the facility.

HARC had found an adult Reboot living in Rosa and needed him brought in immediately. They didn't

give us specifics, but I suspected they'd use him for testing and then kill him. The hospitals made sure

adults didn't Reboot, but if one died in the city and Rebooted we had to go get him before he started

killing people.

Lissy and Ninety-three met us on the roof. Four teenage Reboots for one adult. It was necessary.

"How's he doing?" Lissy asked me, gesturing at Callum.

I blinked at her. I couldn't speak. Everything around me felt fake, far away, like if I reached out to

touch it my hand would fall straight through.

Lissy peered at me like I was a moron as the shuttle approached. I felt Callum's hand on my arm and I

turned to see a worried look on his face. He'd given me that look all day through training as I

halfheartedly threw and dodged punches. He could have hit me multiple times, if he'd wanted to. I

couldn't focus, couldn't stay in the moment.

The shuttle door slid open and we filed in, sitting when Leb gestured for us to do so. I buckled my

strap and leaned back, letting my eyes close.

I'm sorry.

I took in a sharp breath and my eyes flew open at the sound of Ever's voice. I almost expected her to

be in the shuttle with me, her voice was so clear, but only Leb stared back at me.

He was standing right in front of me and I frowned at his closeness. Why wasn't he in his seat?

"You all right there, One-seventy-eight?" he asked quietly.

Callum hovered next to me. The seats where Lissy and Ninety-three had been sitting were empty. We

had landed.

Leb knelt down and unbuckled my strap for me. I slowly got to my feet, confused where the minutes

had gone. Nothing made sense.

I staggered out of the shuttle, turning my gaze to the ground when I saw the annoyance on Lissy's and

Ninety-three's faces.

Callum pulled out his map and pointed west. Lissy and Ninety-three turned to me for confirmation.

I had no idea.

Lissy frowned at me and peeked over Callum's shoulder. She nodded and began walking west with

Ninety-three. They'd dropped us on Main Street, and Lissy veered off the paved road and disappeared

onto the dirt street behind a small house.

Callum laced his warm fingers through mine and I started to look down at them as we followed them. I

caught myself just in time, snapping my head up before my camera recorded it. Officer Mayer would not


"Is there anything I should know?" he asked, squeezing my hand. "About tonight?"

I didn't know what he meant.

"Fighting an adult Reboot," he prompted. He looked down at his assignment slip. "Gregor, adult


I felt an emotion pressing against my chest, and this time I knew exactly what it was. Guilt. I should

have prepared him. I shouldn't just stand there mutely listening to Ever's voice in my head.

"He won't run like a human; he will stay and fight if we approach him," I said, my voice working for

the first time all day. "In an adult, the Reboot causes insanity and extreme aggression. We're ordered to

capture if we can, kill if we have to. His strength will depend on whatever his human strength was,

because he probably hasn't been a Reboot long. But he will be quick. The Reboot reflexes kick in right

away. Don't try talking to him. You can't reason with an adult Reboot. Whoever he was before is gone."

"Why are the adults different?" he asked.

"They say it's something to do with our brains not being fully formed. An adult brain can't handle the

Reboot the way a kid's can." I shrugged. "I don't know. I think it's more about change."


"My parents always started screaming at each other when something changed. Like if we had to move

or if HARC mandated another vaccine they couldn't afford. But I always just went with it. I think we

adapt better."

A hint of a smile crossed his face. "That makes sense."

Lissy stopped in front of a house with a crooked roof and sheets covering the two windows in front. I

quickly dropped Callum's hand as she turned. I missed the warmth right away, and I wanted her to point

her camera in another direction so I could link my fingers through his again.

"You guys take the back," she said. "We've got the front."

I nodded and walked around, reaching for Callum's hand again as soon as we were out of sight. He

kept his face pointed straight ahead but tugged me closer, until my shoulder touched his arm.

I closed my eyes briefly, letting the tingles of warmth dance over my skin. I could see Ever in the

darkness, feel her hand as it pressed into my back.

I'm sorry.

My eyes popped open as a tiny gasp escaped my mouth. Callum's eyes were on mine now, full of

concern, and I quickly looked away.

"Be prepared to fight," I said, clearing my throat and trying to push Ever's voice out of my head.

My hand was poised over the knob of the back door when I heard Lissy scream.

"One-seventy-eight!" Ninety-three yelled.

I took off with Callum close behind, rounding the corner to the front of the house in seconds.

Gregor was huge, so big that Lissy was a doll perched on his back, her arms around his thick neck.

His eyes didn't focus right, like all of the adult Reboots I'd seen, and his mouth hung open, even when he

wasn't growling. He brandished a large knife, wildly swinging it behind him at her.

Ninety-three lunged at him and Gregor whipped the knife in his direction.

I saw Ninety-three's head snap back as the blade slid in, but I slapped my hands over my eyes before I

had to watch him slump to the ground.

"Lissy, get—" Callum's words cut off as I heard Lissy scream, then another thump.

Take your hands off your eyes.


My brain wouldn't communicate with my body, wouldn't do anything I said. I dug my fingers into my

skin, trying to wrench my hands away, but I was frozen.

A grunt from Callum broke the spell. I dropped my hands to see him tear the knife from Gregor's hand

and hurl it as far as he could. Lissy and Ninety-three lay motionless on the ground, and Callum stumbled

over the former as Gregor punched him across the jaw.

Callum's eyes darted to me as he sprung to his feet, his expression clear.

Help me.

My feet worked, even if the rest of me didn't. I raced across the dirt, launching my foot into Gregor's

stomach. He barely stumbled, his dark Reboot eyes sparkling at the challenge of a fight.

I found I had that in common with adult Reboots. They seemed glad for a fight, eager to release the

pent-up aggression and anger inside. I understood that. But tonight I couldn't find that energy.

Gregor threw a punch. I ducked, but another immediately followed. He'd been trained in combat as a


His fist slammed against my cheek and I hit the ground with a grunt.

I wanted to get up faster, to bounce up and revel in the fire of a fight burning in my belly, but my limbs

were lead, moving like I was a human.

I was only up on my knees when he kicked me again.

He lifted his foot for another one, but Callum launched himself at the bigger Reboot, taking them both

down. He tried to pin him to the ground but Gregor grasped his shirt and tossed him across the lawn.

I managed to stand before Gregor made his way over to me, lifting my fists to protect myself. I had to

be faster than him. He was stronger, so I had to be faster.

I scrambled behind him as he swung, giving him a solid kick in the ass. He hit his knees and I reached

for my cuffs, relief flooding me.

I yanked one arm behind his back but he spun around and grabbed my ankle, sending my butt to the

ground. His foot connected with my helmet, smashing the camera.

"One-seventy-eight!" Officer Mayer yelled in my ear. "We've lost visual on your camera."

A pair of arms grabbed my waist, dragging me away as Gregor lunged for me. Callum darted around

me and threw a punch directly into Gregor's face.

"One-seventy-eight!" Officer Mayer yelled in my ear.

"He . . . he broke it," I gasped, the world spinning a bit as I got up.

Callum turned at the sound of my voice and Gregor delivered a massive punch to his stomach, tugging

viciously at Callum's head. He succeeded in getting the helmet off, tossing it aside with a growl.

"One-seventy-eight! Get that helmet back on Twenty-two's head! All we see is the ground!"

I raced for them, fighting back the urge to rip my com from my ear. I threw myself in between the two

Reboots, breaking Gregor's hold on Callum. I was messy, panicked, my eyes flying to my newbie to see if

he was okay. I never saw the punches coming. Only felt the crack as he smashed my nose in.

My face was in the dirt again. I couldn't remember why I should get up.


Officer Mayer's voice was distant this time, and I squinted to see my com lying on the ground.

"One-seventy-eight, report—"

I slammed my fist down, the little plastic device making a pleasing crunch sound. I almost smiled, but

a hand grabbed my shirt collar and I wiped at my eyes to see Gregor preparing for another hit.

I didn't care.

Callum grabbed the fist and Gregor let go of me. I collapsed back to the ground. Callum punched

Gregor, the hardest hit I'd ever seen come out of him. The bigger Reboot stumbled and Callum struck him


"Would you shut up?" Callum yelled. Considering neither Gregor nor I had said a word, I could guess

who he was talking to.

He went for a third punch, but Gregor snatched his arm and cracked it.

Callum didn't even wince. He slammed his palm against the bone, putting it back in place as he kicked

Gregor in the stomach. He doubled over in pain and Callum kneed him in the face.

Gregor went down with a yell and Callum slapped the hand- and foot cuffs on him. His feet thrashed,

but he wasn't going anywhere.

Callum knelt down next to me and I forced myself to sit up, wiping the back of my sleeve against my

bloody face.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, unable to look at him.

"Twenty-two!" I could hear Officer Mayer yelling in his ear. "What is going on?"

I felt his hand on my cheek and I looked up at his bruised face. He gave me a little smile. He opened

his mouth to say something, then frowned as Officer Mayer began yelling again.

I gently removed the com from his ear and set it on the ground.

"What a rebel," he said quietly. He scooted closer and gathered me into his arms. I felt like a little kid

in his lap, but when I pressed my face to his chest and smelled his fresh skin through his clothes, I didn't


"I'm sorry," I repeated. "I was useless—"

"No, you weren't," he said, running his fingers beneath my helmet and up into my hair. I liked his

warm fingers there, liked the sensations they sent down my neck. "I'm sorry about Ever. She was your

best friend?"

I'd never thought of her that way. "Yes," I said.

He wrapped both arms around my waist, holding me tightly. I could hear the muffled sounds of Officer

Mayer yelling in the com from a few feet away, and I closed my eyes and blocked the sound. No one

could see or hear us. I had been under the watch of a HARC guard every minute of the past five years.

I felt free.

It was a false freedom, of course, since my tracker gave away my exact location, but I sank into

Callum for a moment and pretended.

When I pulled away he tried to bring me back, but I shook my head and gestured to his com.

"You should put it in," I said. "If you don't report they'll send in more Reboots. It'll be bad if they

send more in and we're alive."

He sighed and reluctantly stuck the com in his ear. "Callum Twenty-two with Wren One-seventyeight. Assignment secure. Lissy One-twenty-four and Raul Ninety-three are dead." He listened and looked

around. "All right." He grabbed his helmet, plunking it on his head and adjusting the camera. "See? She's

fine. Her com just got smashed." Callum winked at me. He knew exactly how that had happened.

He paused for a moment, then looked at me sadly.

"Can't you send—" He sighed. "All right." He jerked his head toward Ninety-three and Lissy. "They

want us to bring them back."

I nodded, beating down the disgust. "Yeah, standard procedure when Reboots die in the field. I've got


"I can do it, Wren—"

"It's fine," I said, attaching a leash to Ninety-three's wrists, then Lissy's. "You get him."

Callum secured Gregor, a frown crossing his face as he hauled the Reboot to his feet.


I frowned at him in confusion.

"No," he repeated into his com.

"What are they saying?" I asked.

"Nothing. You sure you got them? I can take one."

"It's fine. Are they telling you to do something?"

"Nope. Let's go." He nudged Gregor forward.

"Callum, you can't just ignore them."

He cast an amused smile back at me. "Come on. Everything's okay."

I doubted that, but I trudged after him, dragging the two dead Reboots behind me.

Leb ran around the corner, coming to a stop when he spotted us. He winced as his gaze fell on me, and

I wiped at my face and found blood.

"Where's your gear?" he asked.

"Smashed," I replied.

He pulled his hand com out of his pocket and lifted it to his lips as he turned his back to us. "I have

Twenty-two and One-seventy-eight. Smashed gear. Heading back now."

Callum and I piled the adult Reboot, Lissy, and Ninety-Three into the cargo shuttle and headed back to

our own. We plopped down in our seats and Leb settled in across from us as the shuttle lifted off the


Callum let out an annoyed sigh, giving his helmet a shove so the camera pointed up at the ceiling. He

took his com out of his ear and sat on it.

"They won't shut up," he said, to our horrified looks.

"What are they—" I stopped, glancing at Leb as the shuttle lifted off.

"There aren't any other camera or audio feeds in here, if yours are gone. Just his," Leb said. He

nodded to the com in his pocket. "They can't hear everything on mine. It mutes unless I'm using it."

Callum looked from him to me in surprise.

"What are they saying?" I asked, ignoring the look.

"They told me to kill Gregor."

I gasped, clapping my hand over my mouth to stop the wave of nausea that crashed over me.

"You shouldn't have done that, kid," Leb said. "They did not sound happy."

Leb's sympathetic tone made the pounding in my stomach worse, and I forced my hand away from my

mouth and gripped my seat instead.

"You can't just disobey an order," I said, my voice shaking.

"I can, and I did. They can't make me do that."

"But you knew! I told you it was a capture-if-possible, kill-if-necessary mission."

"It wasn't necessary. He was contained. The only time it's necessary is in self-defense. They can't

make me kill someone."


But they'll kill you.

I couldn't say the words to him.

"I know what they might do to me," he said softly. "I'm not killing anyone for them."

I sprung out of my chair, not sure what I intended to do until I smacked his head. He lifted his arms to

defend himself as I swung again, my rage at his stupidity burning a hole through my stomach.

I wanted to scream at him, to ask him how he could be so thoughtless when I had just lost her, but no

words would come out of my mouth. My throat had tightened painfully.

"I'm sorry," he said, trying to catch my hands as I halfheartedly hit him.

"One-seventy-eight," Leb said. I felt his touch on my arms, pulling me backward, and I let him, my

shoulders sagging.

"I'm sorry," Callum repeated, his eyes big and pleading. "Don't be mad. I just couldn't."

I turned away, watching as Leb sat down in his seat again with a sigh.

His gaze met mine and he took in a sharp breath, barely shaking his head.

He could tell what I was thinking.

I leaned down and put my hands on either side of Leb's chair. He pressed himself into the wall.

"Can you help us?" I whispered.

"No," he said automatically.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Callum leaning in, trying to hear us, so I shot him a look. He

sank back into his chair.

"Can you help just him?"


"Please. They're going to kill him."

A frown crossed his face. "I'm sorry about that, but even if I wanted to help, I'd need some time.

Time he doesn't seem to have."

"I think I can convince Officer Mayer to let him continue training. I'll take the blame. Tell him I didn't

prepare him properly."

"Then he'll be fine."

"No, he won't," I whispered. "How long do you think he has here, really? He'll disobey again and

they'll eliminate him." Or a human would kill him. Or HARC would start giving him shots.

Leb's gaze turned to Callum for a moment. "I can't. It's too risky."

"Please. I'll do whatever you want. Name it."

The deep frown on his face slipped as something crossed his eyes. I held my breath as he considered,

but the frown returned and he dropped his eyes from mine.

"No." He said it firmly as the shuttle hit the ground. "Get in your seat."

Of course not. What did I have to trade, anyway? I could think of nothing a human would want from a


I sat down as the shuttle door opened to reveal a furious Officer Mayer.

"Both of you, in my office. Now."