Chapter 33


He fumbled around in his pocket and produced a com, almost dropping it as he held it up to his mouth.

"Bishop," he said into it. "Medical lab on the seventh floor. Tell Officer Mayer and Ms. Palm to get

to Austin right away. I've got One-seventy-eight."

I've got One-seventy-eight. The words rang in my ears, caused my throat to close up. He couldn't

have me. I wasn't failing because of this one little human.

I pulled the gun out of my pocket. The glass couldn't be bulletproof.

It couldn't be.

I fired one shot. The bullet flew straight through, leaving a spiderweb of cracks around the hole.

Bishop's eyes widened, and he took several steps back, slamming into a lab table.

I grinned, lifting the gun again.


I was out of bullets. I reached for my tranq gun, which had plenty of shots left, but that was useless

with the human on the other side of the glass.

Bishop let out a visible sigh and spoke into his com again. "No, it's fine. Come quick, though."

"Don't move," I heard a voice on the other end of the com say. "Keep her in your sights."

Bishop swallowed and nodded, taking a few more steps back from the glass.

I looked down at the vials at my feet. No. I wasn't letting Callum die a blank, emotionless HARC


I was getting out of here.

I lifted my boot and kicked the glass as hard as I could.

A crack snaked up from the bullet hole to the ceiling.

I kicked it again. Another crack.

Bishop stumbled as he scrambled to the other side of the lab. "Hey!" he yelled into the com. "Hurry!


The glass shattered. I let out a whoop and launched myself across the lab, leaving the vials for now.

Bishop was headed for the door and I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

I grabbed him by the hair and he yelled as I jerked his head back. He gasped, strangled noises

escaping his mouth.

"Please don't kill me," he sobbed.

I didn't want to prove him right, so I punched him instead. I hit him so hard I heard a crack and he

sunk to the ground. I fired a dart into his neck for good measure and his body sagged.

Racing back to the vials, I scooped them up in my arms and bolted out of the lab and through the

hallway. It was still empty, and I threw open the door to the stairwell.

Reboots streamed down the stairs, running and jumping and laughing. They all had on their helmets

and field gear and I didn't see a single guard among the crowd.

I stepped into the crowd and let them carry me along down the stairs. Explosions and gunshots rocked

the building but the cheers and excitement didn't fade in the least. I couldn't help grinning.

We were almost free.

As we poured through the door on the ground floor, I saw the lobby was full of smoke and dead or

unconscious HARC officers. I clutched the cases of vials close to my chest as we burst through the back

door. The early morning sun burned my eyes and I squinted as I sprinted across the grass to the trees

where I'd left Callum.

Two big HARC shuttles were parked immediately to my left. Addie stood in front of one, directing

Reboots. She beamed at the sight of me. The blood was gone from her forehead, and I felt a tiny burst of

relief that she was okay.

"I'll take those!" she called, rushing over. I dumped the cases in her outstretched arms and plucked out

one vial for Callum. "Get him quick. We've got to go!"

Addie turned back to the shuttles and I raced to the fence, wrapping my fingers around the metal and

hurling my body over. My momentum carried me into the trees, where I vaulted a fallen log, clutching the

antidote. The hole was just ahead of me and I quickly tossed the leaves and branches covering it aside.

Callum was curled up in a ball in the dirt, his eyes half-open. He didn't move or make any indication

he'd heard me approach.

I lowered myself down in the hole and tugged him up to a sitting position. He was limp, an empty


I jabbed the needle into his arm and pushed the liquid in.

Nothing happened.

It would take a minute. That was all it was. I balked at the alternatives as I untied his legs and arms

and plopped down in his lap. I put my hands on his cheeks, my panicked attempts at breathing filling the

silence. His head swung back and forth as he looked beyond me at nothing in the distance.

"Callum," I whispered, my fingers inching up into his hair.

What if it was too late? What if it wasn't the right one? My throat closed and I pressed my lips

together to keep in the scream. What if that human had given me something else? What if—

Callum took in a sharp breath and his head jerked up. He blinked a few times and color bled back into

his face.

The laugh escaped my chest as a strange sort of gasp and I wrapped my arms around his neck and

pressed my lips to his. I trailed kisses across his cheeks until he laughed, too.

I ran my hands up to his neck and stared into his eyes. "You feel okay? You feel normal again?"

A smile spread across his face. The big, happy, hopeful smile I loved. He nodded, leaning forward

until his lips brushed my cheek. "You're shockingly good sometimes, you know that?"

I laughed and gave him another quick kiss and hopped up. "We've got to get out of here." I dug my

fingers into the dirt and scrambled up from the hole, turning to help Callum. He'd already climbed out

behind me and was on his feet, staring at the scene in front of him with wide eyes.

Reboots ran across the lawn and officers lay unconscious on the ground. The back of the HARC

building was riddled with bullet holes. Smoke poured from several windows on the upper levels.

I reached for Callum's hand we ran out of the trees and launched ourselves over the fence and across

the grass. "In! In!" Addie yelled. "Everyone, now!"

I didn't see Tony or any of the other rebels anywhere, and I paused near Addie on my way to the

second shuttle. "Tony?" I yelled.

"Gone. They made it out." She slammed shut the back door to her shuttle and tossed me the tracker

locator. "I got another one inside for my shuttle."

"Thanks." I passed the locator to Callum as I threw open the driver's door to the second shuttle. I

gestured for him to get in, and he raised his eyebrow.

"You're driving?"

"Just get in," I said with a laugh. He climbed into the passenger's seat and I followed, clicking the

door shut behind me. The dash in front of me looked very much like the diagram Tony had drawn. The

lever in the center took us up or down; the buttons on either side were for landing gear and

communications. Someone had already started the shuttle, so everything in front of me was lit up, ready

for takeoff.

Bullets pinged the door and I squinted out the window to see a few straggler HARC officers

staggering across the lawn. I quickly grasped the center lever, like Tony had taught me, and pushed it up.

We were off the ground. I pushed it higher and we lurched. I could hear people in the back yelling and

crashing into one another, and Callum was gripping the dashboard in front of him, but I focused on flying,

pushing the lever forward to increase our speed.

"Here," I said, pulling out my knife. "Give them the locator. They all need to get their trackers out as

fast as possible."

He nodded and disappeared into the back of the shuttle. I pushed the lever to the right until I could see

the other shuttle hovering not far from us. I followed its lead as it swung north.

A hand brushed under my chin and I jumped, turning to see Callum. He grinned as he unhooked my

helmet and kissed my cheek.

"I'm driving here," I said with a laugh as he kissed me again.

"I noticed. What a show-off," he said with a chuckle. "Saving just me wasn't enough for you?"

I grinned as he kissed me again. He plopped down in the seat next to me, both our helmets in his lap.

Behind me, I could hear the clinks as trackers hit the floor of the shuttle and the Reboots celebrated.

"Do we know where we're going?" Callum asked, leaning forward to look out the window. The

slums were below us, and a few humans were beginning to mill around.

"Addie has the map; we're following her," I said. "But I know the general direction if we get


As we watched, the side door of Addie's shuttle opened a crack and tiny pieces of silver caught the

sunlight as they rained down. Trackers.

"Hey!" I called, twisting around in my seat. "Toss your trackers out the door!" A few Reboots

nodded, and I turned to face forward.

We passed over the HARC fence at the edge of Austin and I leaned sideways to look out the window

to my right. The sky was clear behind me, the HARC building growing smaller and smaller in the


I let out a long sigh as I turned to look at Callum, a smile spreading across my face at his excited

expression. I focused on the sky in front of me again, gripping the lever and pushing it forward just a little.

We were a few shuttle lengths behind Addie, and I pushed the button marked cruise. The shuttle continued

forward as I let go of the lever.

"Soooooo . . ."

I turned around to see a girl about my age gripping the edges of the pilot's door, a crooked smile on

her face. She tilted her head to one side, her dark ponytail swinging.

"We're sort of wondering where we're going." She looked from me to Callum. "And who you guys


A younger Reboot stood on his toes to peek over her shoulder. "I heard Addie say she was Oneseventy-eight."

"Yeah," I said, holding my hand out. "Wren. One-seventy-eight."

She raised her eyebrows as she shook my hand. "Beth. One-forty-two."

"Callum," he said. He didn't offer his number, but I saw her glance at his wrist and frown in


"We're headed north," I said. "Toward the old Texas border. There's supposedly a Reboot

reservation there."

The Reboots behind her got quieter, several of them shuffling closer to hear.

"Where Reboots are living by themselves?" Beth asked.

"Yes. That's what we've heard, anyway. We have a map."

Beth's eyes bounced around the shuttle. "Don't you think you might scare the crap out of them, arriving

in a couple HARC shuttles?"

"We're landing several miles from the reservation and we'll walk in." I left out the part where the

human rebels suggested we do that, to avoid getting shot down. We could fill them in about the rebels


Beth looked from me to Callum. The way everyone stood behind her quietly made me think she was

one of the highest numbers in the Austin facility, if not the very highest.

She let out a soft laugh, taking a few steps back. "Interesting plan. I hope it works." She jerked her

head toward the front window. "Some of you guys should take a look."

I turned my attention forward as a few Reboots stepped into the pilot's area. The shuttles weren't

meant to fly too far off the ground, so we weren't high above the trees. Open land spread out in front of us,

a lake sparkling in the distance. I could see pieces of old, deserted highways where greenery was poking

through the black asphalt.

Callum leaned forward in his chair, blinking at the scene around him. He was still a little pale, but

otherwise looked like himself.

"Do you feel okay?" I asked softly, scooting sideways until I could put my hand on his leg.

He turned, taking my hand and pressing his lips against it. "I'm fine."

He slid one hand up my neck and inched forward until he could press his lips to mine. I reached for

his hand, melting into the kiss. Behind me, someone cleared her throat.

"Are we kissing or flying?" Beth asked, her annoyance tinged with amusement.

I pulled away from Callum with a grin. "Right. Flying."

The shuttle quieted some as we continued north, the occasional Reboot wandering up front to check

out the view. The land was mostly trees and grass, but there was an occasional animal or two. We flew

over a big group of cows at one point, and I wondered how the Reboots in the reservation got food. Did

they hunt? Farm?

The Austin Reboots didn't spend too much time up front with me and Callum. They mostly spoke in

hushed whispers behind us, casting suspicious glances our way. I couldn't really blame them.

Many of the Reboots stared at me but didn't come over to talk, and I ran my finger over the 178

printed on my wrist.

"You think the numbers will matter there?" I asked quietly.

"I hope not," Callum said, leaning back with a sigh. "I mean, I don't think so. HARC is the one who

started all that."

But we bought into it. We separated ourselves into groups and acted accordingly. I glanced back at

Beth, who was standing with two girls and a guy. I didn't even need to ask to know they were the Onetwenties of the Austin facility. Their faces were serious, the guy's eyebrows knitted together as he

listened to Beth. The other Reboots milled around them, but no one came too close.

I had no idea how Reboots would divide themselves up when left to their own devices. Maybe they

wouldn't. Maybe Callum was right, and the numbers wouldn't matter without HARC around.

I looked up at him and smiled, turning my wrist over so I couldn't see my number. I hoped so.

Callum straightened suddenly, pointing in front of him.


I turned to his window to see the remains of a city. It was bigger than any one I'd known and lay

smack in the middle of a circle of highways. Parts of the city looked untouched from this distance, but as

we flew closer I could see destroyed buildings.

"Which city was that?" I asked.

"I don't know. I think we're too far west for the original Dallas or Fort Worth." He looked at me with

a smile. "We should go see those sometime. I heard they're huge."

I'd never considered going to any of the old cities. I wouldn't have guessed it would be appealing, but

I felt a spark of excitement at the prospect. "We should."

Addie's shuttle started to descend about twenty minutes later, and I held my hand out to Callum.

"Helmet. Put yours on, too." I glanced at the Reboots in back. "Everyone put your helmets on and brace


"But I don't see anything," Callum said worriedly as he handed my helmet over and strapped on his


I scanned the area in front of us. The land was pretty flat, but I couldn't see that far at this height.

"We're landing a few miles out," I said. "We still have to walk a ways."

He nodded, taking one more glance around as we headed for the earth. "We're totally going to crash,

aren't we?"

I grinned at him. "Probably."

I pushed the lever down and tried to lower the shuttle slowly, but the ground was suddenly right there

and we were smashing into it. I locked my arms against the dash as we flipped once, twice, three times.

We ended up on our sides, Callum crumpled against the window, and when I pulled off my seat belt I

tumbled on top of him.

"Sorry," I said with a laugh, grabbing the edge of the driver's seat to pull my way to the door. I

shoved it open and crawled out, landing in orange-red dirt. Addie's shuttle skidded to a stop a few yards

away, and I squinted at it in the sun. She'd had a rough landing, too, but at least they didn't flip. The land

beyond her shuttle was flat and dry, the sky stretching out massively above the red dirt.

A strong wind whipped across my face as I offered my hand to Callum and he climbed out beside me.

I opened the back door of the shuttle to see the Reboots were all piled on top of one another but grinning,

their eyes wide as they took in the scene behind me. They chatted happily as they emerged.

"Hey, nice landing!" Addie called, and I turned to see her standing next to her shuttle, grinning.

I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "They're all still alive!"

"Sort of a low bar you set for yourself, huh?" Beth asked, playfully punching my shoulder as I helped

her out of the shuttle.

I laughed again, the sound echoing in the sudden silence. The chatter and giggles around me stopped

all at once. Everyone went quiet.

Callum touched my arm, and I turned to see a grin spreading across his face.

He pointed in front of him at a large wooden sign.