Intermission 1: Whims of the sponsor

People are tapping away with their computers analyzing the first round and going through viewer feedback. A man watches over the office and asks one of the people near him "How are the players?"

A woman answers "They all are healthy and well. They are currently in the dream sequence."

The man then asks "How about Him?" Another woman says "You mean Lex? He is… wait a moment… Chief, we have a problem at section 5. Mr. Turpe is currently heading towards player 12… I mean… Mr. Abrem."

The Chief says "What on earth are the other outworlders doing? Aren't they supposed to make sure things run smoothly on their end. If Turpe wakes up Lex, then we have to explain why round 2 is delayed to the viewers. The truth of all this mustn't reach the public."

Another man says "The cameras are currently tailing Mr. Turpe. We'll put the image to the main screen. People have been called to deal with this."

Then an video image of Mr. Turpe walked towards the room where Lex Abrem is. He is wearing a similar mask like he did in round 1, but this version has the hands a little higher so his mouth shows up. He is currently smiling ear to ear as he walks the hallways.

Suddenly red and blue demon women, Charlotte and Stefanie, appear near Turpe and seem to be trying to convince him to return. Stefanie won't dare to touch Turpe, but Charlotte tries to tug Turpe's hand to stop and return to their world.

Turpe seems to stop for a moment, turns to face Charlotte and raises his hand to seemingly pat her for a moment. But then suddenly Charlotte's body is separated from her head and the body falls to the ground. Charlotte says something to Turpe with her last breath and Turpe throws her head away without the care of the world and continues to head towards Lex's room.

The staff who see this from the screen are horrified, but the Chief doesn't bat an eye and says "Get someone to clean that u…" But then the screen shows that Charlotte's body has already disappeared along with the mess.

Turpe enters the room where Lex is, and he starts laughing. Then he touches a pod where Lex is and says, this time the voice reaching the Chief "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

The Chief then sighs and says "He really got fixated on this world's religions. Especially Catholicism."

Then the audio picks up Turpe saying "I really can't wait to see where you end up little one." Then the blue demon appears and says "Mr. Turpe, I still don't think that the humans here will look kindly towards our interference." Turpe just retorts "It matters little. After all, I already gave them the courtesy of walking here from the front door instead of teleporting here directly. They know where they stand in our agreement."

Then Charlotte appears and says "Still Mr. Turpe, with all due respect, this gives a poor expression of us if we continue playing with the boundaries of our agreement. You don't want to make them think you are some fool who does things carelessly, do you?"

Turpe then says with a more serious tone "How many have we already done at this point? Ten? Twenty? I stopped counting after the third one, so I don't entirely follow what you are saying."

Charlotte bows down as she realizes that Turpe isn't pleased with her at the moment. Then she says "This is the sixty seventh season my lord." Turpe then says "So if we have done so many seasons for them already without any major issues, why can't I have fun of my own for once?"

Charlotte then says "With all due respect, there have been several incidents in previous seasons." Turpe then grabs Charlotte's cheek gently and Charlotte blushes a bit. Turpe gives a gentle smile and grabs Charlotte's head and pushes it to the ground with enough force to splatter the head into mush. The slam shakes the building they are in a little, which causes people to tense up.

Then people finally reach the room the outworlders are in and one of them says "Mr. Turpe, we need you to return to your world and stop causing trouble to this side." Turpe pauses for a moment, then walks towards the people from the organization, smiles gently and says "Thou areth quite bold to tell this one what to do. Tell me though, what will thou do if this one refuses to comply?"

The people are speechless for a good moment until one of them says "Mr. Turpe, please don't cause trouble to this side as per our agreement." Turpe pauses for a moment, looks up to the ceiling, opens his hands and starts shouting "Are thou children this arrogant and tell this one what to do?! Thou should have been more careful when raising these ones! They know not of what they are saying, as they think this one wouldn't send them to you to be judged!"

Then Turpe looks back at the people with violent movement of his head and says "So tell this one again, what will thou do to impede this one?" The people were terrified at this moment, as they felt the same kind of aura that the remaining players felt at the end of round 1. The aura could be felt even in the main office where the Chief was watching.

The people fled and then Turpe said while nearing his left hand towards his mask "You know, Chief of Lupes, I always wondered why you send these lambs to me so easily. Then again…" Then Turpe removes his mask, violently looks at the camera and says creepily "Not… That… I… Mind…" Then he cracks his neck to an unnatural degree.

The Chief managed to look away, but several people got a glance of Turpe's face, so the slaughter of several staff members proceeded. One of them was the woman that was standing by the Chief at the start. The woman says "Chief… will I die?" The Chief says "You may run if you choose to, but in the end there is no escape from our sponsor."

The woman was the last one to be slaughtered and the Chief quietly stood by as she was quietly shredded to pieces. The Chief asks "Are you done Mr. Turpe?" To which Turpe says "That was the last one."

Then Turpe grabs the Chief's shoulder as he walks by and says "I look forward to our continued partnership, Chief of Lupes." Charlotte and Stefanie appear with their eyes closed and Stefanie says "If you are done here, please return with us Mr. Turpe."

Turpe then puts the full version mask on and says "Let's go. Also Stefanie, please send one of ours to help with the mess." Stefanie says "Understood" and then all three of them leave.

The Chief then puts his hand to his pocket, opens a box of tobacco sticks, puts one of them in his mouth, looks for a lighter and then starts smoking. After a first smoke filled breath, he says "This is for all of you. I hope this will give you some peace wherever you are. If you are."