Chapter 13

I gazed at the millions of neon lights as we came to the main strip. It was overwhelming. The amount of blinking lights, loud music, casino sounds, and strange smells was almost too much for my senses to bear.

"Wow. The door to Hell being in Vegas…" I mumbled, still dazed by the environment. "That's real original."

"We don't have the time for your sarcasm, sunbeam," Lucifer muttered, snatching up my hand again and pulling me onto the crowded sidewalk.

"You picked this place on purpose didn't you?" I smiled, "You're impossible."

He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled, "What better place than 'The Devil's Playground'?" He pulled me towards a nearby building, "Come on, we should get off the streets."

I scoffed as we opened the doors of a large hotel, "I have zero cash on me. Where, exactly, do you expect us to go?"

The devil shrugged and continued to drag me through the mass of bodies and cigarette smoke that filled the lobby. He pulled me past a large fountain in the middle and towards the slot machines on the other side. He took a seat at one of the gold and red machines, the screen lit up to display different virtual fruits and currency symbols.

"What are you doing?" I asked, standing as close to him as I could. "We don't have anything to play with."

"Amazing things can happen when you dance with the devil," Lucifer smirked.

I was going to question him more when I stopped to watch him reach forward for the machine lever. The lever pulled down smoothly and the virtual dials started to spin. I knew he hadn't put even a single quarter in the machine, so why was it working? Had he used grace to start the machine? I watched him closely as he inhaled deeply before touching the machine again. His eyes briefly flashed red before all the dials began to stop, eventually all five displayed the same image.

Immediately, loud horns sounded and the machine lit up even more than it already had been. And the slot on the font began shooting out change into a small silver shelf. Before long it was overflowing and we scrambled to pick everything up.

Lucifer laughed, "This will hopefully be enough." And he winced, a hand going to his head briefly. I knew he was low on grace. But was he low enough that even doing a simple party trick was difficult? How much was too much for the Devil? "You gonna help me pick all this up or are ya gonna keep starin' at me?"

I nodded and returned to pick up the mass of coins, a small blush coming over my cheeks. We picked up as much as our pockets and hands could hold and carried it all over to another machine to count it all. As soon as our hands were free, Lucifer snaked his into mine again. Was he just trying to comfort me? Or was he making sure I hadn't disappeared? Either way, it was nice.

Eventually, the machine was done with its counting and we made our way up to the front counter with the ticket it spit out. The workers there eyed us with suspicion. I didn't blame them, I could only imagine how it looked to have a man who looked twelve years older than me dragging me up to a hotel counter. We must have been an odd pair. I shrunk back behind him slightly. It was the only thing I could think to do, the only way to hide myself even a little.

I let Lucifer do all the talking at the counter, and he eventually got us a suite in the hotel. I'd tried to protest the large room, but he'd shushed me by squeezing my hand tightly. The elevator ride up was quiet. The door opened and I let Lucifer lead me down the small hallway to a golden door at the end. He opened the door for me, and I entered the large presidential suite. It was a gorgeous room.

"This isn't very subtle," I said, making my way over to where one of the walls was made entirely of windows.

You could see the entire strip below us. The lights glittered off the large fountain as it shot water into the air, sending rainbows and golden flecks everywhere. It was mesmerizing. I was so amazed by the light show, that I wasn't aware Lucifer had crept up behind me until his hands were on my hips, pulling me back into his warm body.

"Is this why you wanted a place like this?" I asked softly. My body tensed as his hands ran gently down my thighs.

"Would you have your first be any other way?" His breath was cool on my neck, drawing out a shiver.

"Being with the actual devil in the most expensive hotel room in the world?" I sighed as his lips kissed my neck, "Not in a million years."

I wasn't sure I'd be able to relax. It was hard with the devil touching me in a way I never imagined the devil could touch me. His lips roamed over my neck, soft and sweet, gentle. His hands roamed over my thighs, softly tracing the pockets and inner hemlines of my jeans. And little by little, I did relax into him, leaning back against him for support.

"I can smell the Winchesters on you…" Lucifer grumbled, taking Dean's jacket in his hands and sliding it off my shoulders.

"Well, I have been staying with them. And I had no clothes of my own" I said quietly.

"You borrowed clothes from them?" He asked, his hands stopping in their advances.

I looked over my shoulder at him. "Is there a problem with that?" I smiled a little.

His returned grin was devious. A smirk only the devil would have. "All the more reason to rid you of them."

He spun me in his arms, stealing a kiss before starting his advances again. His hands pushed under my shirt, immediately scaling to my breasts and teasing softly. A light from the water show outside shown through the window, the beat synchronized with my soft gasps as he teased, lips at my neck once again.

I hadn't been sure about this. About spending the night with him. But the longer he teased, the more I wanted it. I sunk into him as he kept one hand up my shirt and the other started unbuttoning my jeans. He slid the same hand smoothly inside my panties, teasing both sensitive points now.

It was hard not to melt into him now, our movements becoming part of the show. Every moan and gasp lines up with every shot of water that was shot into the sky. I was putty in his devilish fingers.

His teasing was relentless, and soon a new feeling began to well up inside me. I felt like I could barely catch my breath and was suddenly very hot, my body wanted to collapse and become rigid at the same time. There was no way I could ever inscribe the feeling to anyone who had never experienced it before. I was upset when it was gone, almost whining when he removed his hands from me.

But then I was hanging off him, legs wrapped around his hips and hands gripping his hair as he carried me off to one of the bedrooms. I didn't have time to pout or even look around before I was on my back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. The satin sheets were soft and cool against my skin.

He was slow and gentle when he came over me again, much different than I would've ever imagined. Soft hands were pulling my shirt off and tossing it aside. Soft lips teased at my neck again as quick, gentle fingers removed my bra. Then he sat up and removed his shirt, he looked more fit than I thought he'd be, not that I could see much in the dark room.

And again he was gentle with me, gently teasing my breasts and, although a few hurt at first, leaving small hickies along my neck and collar. I gasped as a hand slipped its way between my legs again, and another moan synchronized with the light show still going on out the window. I let small moans slip through my lips as he played with me, my body taking control of its movements and arching my back against his hand.

"Enjoying yourself?" Lucifer whispered against my neck.

I could only nod, the rest of my body was too focused on the things his fingers were doing to me. My mind of a blur of unfamiliar emotions. The flush returned to my body as he played, that unfamiliar feeling welling up again. He played with me more as his mouth moved down to my breast, softly pulling my nipple into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue.

Thoughts of what he would do to me began to run through my head. Thoughts I'd never spoken out loud to anyone, or ever acted on. Thoughts that now made me plead for him to continue.

He groaned, "I can hear you thinking." he said, sitting up, "It's going to drive me insane. Hearing my name run through your head over and over again." he tore my jeans and panties away from my legs in two quick motions, "I wonder if I do some of those things if you'll say my name just like that."

I couldn't reply before my breath was taken from me as he slid his fingers into me, skillfully touching me in a way I'd never been touched before. It made me arch my back further, driving his fingers to reach the spot where I needed them the most.

"Lucifer!" I moaned.

"There," He growled, "That perfect sound."

I whined when he pulled away from me again after only a few moments. I wanted him to play with me more. I thought about it, sending my thoughts to him as if I was praying to him. I teased him with it, knowing now that he could hear them all.

"Stop that," Lucifer said, his eyes glowing red in the dark room.

I pushed my thoughts further, taking them deeper than I'd ever let them go before. I watched as he closed his eyes and listened to them, a deep groan coming from him.

"That all sounds amazing, sunbeam," he said, another growl-like noise following the words. He pushed against my legs, making them bend at the knee before pushing them apart, "But I have other plans for you tonight."

Make me yours, Lucifer.

He didn't wait for another thought. That last one was enough for him to push me hard against the bed and drive into me. I wasn't sure how he'd gotten rid of his jeans so quickly but in the moment it didn't matter. I yelled out against the sharp pain at first, but it soon turned into pleasure as he pushed a steady rhythm in and out. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me. I moaned in his ear with every thrust, the heat growing in my gut again as we continued this dance. My dance with the devil. I dug my nails into his back as he bit my neck, making a gasp turn into a moan as he sucked the spot, soothing the pain he'd just caused.

It wasn't long before his breath was hot against my neck, and the speed of his thrusts increased with the warm feeling in my gut. I was a moaning mess at this point, his name the only form of encouragement I could muster. It was a plead for him to continue, but also a warning at how close I was getting to the edge again.

"A…little longer." He moaned, kissing my neck softly.

Moments later the light show filled the room again as everything reached its climax. I fell into the bliss of it all as the feeling inside of me exploded again, throwing my head back and digging my nails into his back, wanting to leave scratches. With that, I pulled him with me, feeling him pulse inside of me as the lights filled the room once again, red and gold light glistening off our bodies.

We were both panting, not wanting to move a centimeter until the bliss and adrenaline began to leave our bodies. Then he pushed away from me, pulling out and rolling off to the side.

"You were…absolutely amazing…" Lucifer huffed.

I smiled, drifting into a comfortable sleep as I curled into his chest.

I inhaled deeply, sleep still hugging my mind as I stretched lazily. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the grand ceiling for a moment. It glistened with the morning sun. rays of gold splashed across the white.

The memories of the night before came back to me slowly. The images of us together. The devil taking my virginity. My hand went to my head, covering my eyes. What had I done?

A smile curved my lips as I sighed. I didn't care. Not a single piece of me regretted the night before. The world could come back and bite me in the ass but I wouldn't care. I had slept with Satan himself and lived to tell the tale. It was a weird thing to feel happy about, but I did. And that was all that mattered to me.

I turned my head to look beside me, but the bed was empty now. I felt my smile falter slightly. I really should have known. It was just like him to fuck my brains out and then ditch when the deed was done. I shouldn't have expected anything else. I would be lucky if I didn't end up just like Kelly. I'd have to take a pregnancy test when I got back to Alex.

Fuck. I needed to call her. I had no doubt she was worried sick over me, if not pissed as soon as Cael had gone back to her and told her I'd gone with Lucifer instead of going back with him. I sighed again. There was no point in dwelling on something that I knew was inevitable. I needed to get out of here, and if he'd left, then he'd left. There was nothing I could do about it. Plus, if he had ditched me then I shouldn't expect to have this room for much longer.

I sat up and slid from the bed. The bedroom was even more beautiful in the sunlight. A small chandelier hung from the ceiling, and although it wasn't on, the sunlight shining through it cast small rainbows around the room. The bed itself was dressed in white satin sheets, and topped with plush gray pillows. There was a small gray chair that sat against the end of the bed. I wasn't sure how we hadn't tripped over that in our haste. I walked barefoot and naked around the room, eventually finding my panties and putting them on. I pushed open one of the white and gold doors and found a beautiful master bathroom. Gray marble counters and a golden clawfoot bathtub looked perfectly inviting. But I hadn't gotten up to bathe.

I closed the door with a sigh and continued to look around the bedroom for my jeans, before finding where they'd been discarded. I searched the pockets for my phone, but it wasn't there. I must have left it in Alex's car. That was stupid. How was I supposed to contact her now? Maybe there was a phone in the main room.

I huffed, annoyed with myself, and walked to the other door. I opened it and walked out of it and straight into someone. An arm wrapped its way around my waist. I looked up into smiling blue-gray eyes.

"Morning," Lucifer smiled at me, "I got you some coffee. I wasn't sure what you liked, but I thought something was better than…" He trailed off as his eyes wandered over my still mostly naked form. "Damn. Ready for round two already?"

I felt my cheeks flush and I pushed away from his grasp, instead wrapping my arms around my chest self-consciously. "I-I…" I stammered, I had never had an experience like this. What did I expect of him now? "You weren't that…good." It was the only thing I could think to say to try to deflate his ego.

"I'm pretty sure the scratches down my back would say otherwise." His comment only made me blush more. I turned away from him and covered my face with a hand. "For it being your first-time last night, you have an extremely dirty mind. I didn't expect you to ever think of a riding crop."

"I never thought of that!" I protested.

"Oh, I know." Lucifer said with a chuckle, "But some of the other things, mmm. They were quite scandalous, Sunbeam. Would you like to try them out?"

"No. I hate you." I said, embarrassment hot in my blood.

"No, you don't." He laughed. I could hear him step closer to me before his fingers traced down my spine slowly, making me shiver. He pushed my hair away from my neck and kissed the base. "You should be more careful with what you pray to angels," Lucifer warned. "You'd make even the most holy blush with what you think."

"Sh-shut up." I stumbled over the words, my mind wandering back to last night again.

"Especially with the religious comments." He mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I looked back at him.

"'Dear God, Satan is going to make me cum.'" He did his best to mimic a breathy moan.

I didn't think my cheeks could get redder. But he'd proven me wrong. I knew the blush would be spreading to my chest now.

"You're adorable," He whispered in my ear, biting it lightly. I covered my mouth as I gasped.

"I'm…going to get dressed," I said, pushing away from him and walking back into the bedroom. I could hear him laugh as I closed the door.

I did my best to regain some composure as I got dressed. When I felt I had control of my breathing again I walked back into the main room. I walked around a beautiful white couch to find a coffee cup sitting on the small glass table in front of it. I snatched it up and took a small sip, the liquid inside still nicely warm. I carefully walked over to Lucifer, who stood looking out the window.

"Thank you for the coffee," I said.

"No problem. I'm sure you needed it." He winked at me.

"You shouldn't sing your praise." I chuckled, moving a little closer to him. His arm snaked around my waist again and I leaned into him, watching the bustling city below.

"I don't need to when you sing it just fine." He said, leaning down to bury his face in my neck and nip at it softly. A small moan escaped my lips when he bit at my jaw. "You sing beautifully."

"You're so full of yourself." I ran my hand along his jaw, pulling his face from my neck and caressing him. This couldn't be right. What was I doing here? Surely I wasn't falling for the devil. Was I? No, I couldn't be after only one night with him. That was absurd. I needed to stop being so stupid about all this, or I really would end up like Kelly. Used and tossed aside to die.

He leaned towards me and I took a small step back, making him stop. I saw confusion flick through his beautiful blue eyes. I suddenly felt like I needed an excuse to shy away from him like that.

"Do you even know my name?" I settled on.

Lucifer shook his head, his nose wrinkling, "Should I know it? We probably won't be together much longer. I just gotta make sure you get back to the Winchester bitch, and then I need to disappear and look for Jack."

I rolled my eyes. "It's Elisabeth," I said, giving a half smile.

His eyes danced over my face, looking for if I was lying. "Elisabeth," he tested softly. It sent an odd feeling through me, hearing him say it. It was soft and gentle when he said it. "That's an old lady's name." He snickered.

I laughed and pushed him away from me, "Asshole."

"Would you expect me to be any other way?" He asked, throwing his hands out.

I bit my lip and smiled at him, shaking my head. He stepped forward again and brushed my hair behind my ear. Then he leaned towards me again, capturing my lips in a kiss that stole my breath away. He pulled back and ran a finger over my lips.

"Elisabeth fits you." He said, looking over me again with those China blue eyes. Then he cleared his throat and stepped back from me, "You're coffee's gonna get cold."

I looked down at the cup I still clutched in my hands. "Right." I mumbled, "Did you sleep?"

Lucifer looked at me, puzzled. "I don't need to."

"You should try it," I suggested, taking another sip of coffee, "I know how weak you are right now." I turned away from the window, "I need to call Alex. Let her know I'm safe and where she can find me."

"Why do you care?" He asked, making me turn to face him again. "Why does it matter to you how I use my grace?"

I was silent for a moment, thinking. I wasn't sure how to answer the question, and if I picked wrong he would be gone again. And right now I wanted anything but that. I was enjoying his company way more than I should have been. But what was the harm in a little fun?

"Because I like you." I settled on.

Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows. "You were serious about that?" I nodded and he left his place next to the window, walking over to me and hesitantly lifting his hand towards me.

What were we doing? This had to be some game to him right? Another way to make a new Nephilim if Jack rejected him or was somehow dead. That's all I could be to him. This wouldn't end well if we continued. I knew where his story went. I had seen what his future held for him and it didn't have me in it.

"Why didn't you leave?" His hand froze, centimeters from my face. I looked past it and to him, "You didn't have to stay."

I saw his jaw clench briefly, and a vein in his temple pulsed. "That stupid Cael. If I don't keep you safe, not only will I have the Winchesters on my ass again, I'll have him to look out for too. He's not an angel you fuck around with, especially in my condition." His hand dropped back down to his side.

I licked my lips and looked down at my feet. That didn't feel like all of it. There had to have been other reasons for him to stay, or he would've taken me back right away. We wouldn't have stopped to rest last night, let alone sleep together.

"Thank you for…not leaving me," I said softly. "Please…stay a little longer."

"Me?" He chuckled, "I just…"

"I'm asking," I interrupted him, playing with the lid of the coffee cup. "You don't have to. If you want to leave I won't stop you. But…I'm asking that you stay with me. At least until someone can come get me."

"But why?" He asked again.

"Because…" My reasoning sounded stupid even in my head, "I feel safe with you."

He laughed, reaching forward and pulling my face up to look at him, "You have a funny idea of safe, Sunbeam. I most certainly am not safe." I opened my mouth to object, but he held up a finger, "Just call her."