12. Wallace

As I listened to Killian and company express themselves about Carter, I understood that I had been acting like a jerk. Aaron seemed quite comfortable with Carter, he wasn't afraid of him and it seemed like the two of them were close.

I could see something in Carter that I couldn't see before, he was fragile, he had distanced himself from everyone because no one could understand him and when Aaron showed up he showed his true self. Someone who cared about what he wanted and that made him an idiot.

"hey" he said to Aaron as he drove my Kat 77, " maybe this will come to sound annoying to you, but I'm sure you have something with Carter more than a debt, all day long you were looking for him with your eyes."

"you're not going to believe this, but we both grew up together in an orphanage in district 11, at least until he disappeared. He's like a brother I have to take care of, but don't mention him, the idiot doesn't know I've found out" Aaron said making me feel some respect.

District 11 was the worst place to live. The people there were piled one on top of the other amidst poverty and hunger. Drug addicts went there so no one would bother them. It was clear why Aaron felt the instinct to protect Carter. The two had become close as they survived in a hostile environment.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" I said.

"don't worry" said Aaron " maybe that explained why I feel this way".

"In what way?" I tried to ask, but Aaron diverted my attention and directed me to park on top of one of the buildings in District 5.

It wasn't one of the best buildings, but it was two blocks from Aaron's workshop, so that must have given several points to the apartment I was looking for.

I followed Aaron to the front desk, he asked for a guy named Glen and said we were looking for a place to rent. The lady at the front desk said there were a couple of places, pulling out some keys from her desk.

"since it is you, Aaron, you can go visit them. Apartment 311 and 527 are available" said the lady handing the keys to Aaron.

"thank you very much Lillie, I'm busy with my friend right now, but later you can tell me how it's going" Aaron said with a smile that I had barely seen, it wasn't like he was flirting, it was like he was pretending to be a person he wasn't and that came off perfectly.

With his eyes he told me to follow him.

"It's not the best of the apartments in the area, but it has all the basics, plus it has parking," said Aaron as we walked down the stairs, "there's security, the neighbors are nice people, and the street across the street sells good food.

I followed Aaron until we were three floors down. He turned the key and to my surprise it was not the apartment I expected, it was something much better.

Maybe the whole place was the same size as my room. A small living room where you could barely fit an armchair, a small kitchen that consisted only of a metal bar next to a small one. At the back were two rooms, one must have been the bathroom, the other the only bedroom.

When I opened it, I saw a small three-by-three empty room in which I could fit a single bed.

"I feel it Aaron" suddenly said a voice from behind me.

I turned around and looked at a man in his forties, somewhat fat, with black hair and round glasses. He looked agitated and worried, but at the same time grateful, as if seeing Aaron brought back good memories.

"Hi Glen," said Aaron, stretching out his hand to greet him.

"I see you're planning to move," Glen said with a greedy grin, the same grin Aaron made when they mentioned any money to him.

"my friend wants to move and I came with him so you can give him the best price" said Aaron addressing me.

Glen looked me up and down, I could feel him undressing me with his eyes to discover all my secrets.

"you know I always give good price for friends, twenty thousand Jolts per month, for being for your friend" said Glen, making a smile come across my face. I could deposit that money per month with him and I would have enough left over to buy food, but it was Aaron who spoke before I could say anything.

"let me be honest Glen, even though you see he dresses like a rich kid, he is not like all of them, he has nowhere to drop dead, besides, he still has to buy furniture, you would practically leave him on the street with that amount" said Aaron making me cringe.

Glen's look changed, instead of looking friendly, he looked worried, as if he had said something he shouldn't have said.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I didn't know he was really your friend" said Glen" let's leave it at the right price, twelve thousand Jolts ".

"that sounds more reasonable, Glen" said Aaron" we'll let you know, we'll look around if we find something better."

I wanted to say that I had found something good, that Aaron would stay out of it, but I understood that the two of them had gotten into their role as greedy negotiators and resisted my idiotic pulse so as not to screw up and ruin things for Aaron.

"you know you won't find any better, let's do this, ten thousand Jolts and you'll help me check the air conditioning" said Glen" you'll do your friend a favor and I'll do your friend a favor."

"sounds more reasonable Glen, sounds like a good deal" said Aaron.

"When will the move be for?" asked Glen" you know, I have to do paperwork and clean the place."

"We'll let you know Glen, but just in case, we'll see you at the weekend" Aaron said without asking me when I would be ready. Well, in the end I hadn't committed myself" in the meantime we would like to go to the other vacant apartment, maybe it has a better view than this place".

Glen led us to the other apartment, although it looked the same, apartment 527 had two bedrooms, what did he want two bedrooms for?

Glen said goodbye to us when we returned to the reception and Aaron said goodbye to Lillie. When we got in the car, he was ready to rent that place.

"I'm sorry you committed to fixing the air conditioner because of me, I'll pay you that extra two thousand" I said, Aaron shook his head.

"don't do it" said Aaron" I would have done it anyway if Glen had asked. Glen is one of the good guys in this town. He's always taking in people who have no place to live and getting them a roof over their heads for a while, until they get stable and can afford to pay him.

It would have been nice to know him from before, but I guess I'm also one of the good guys and help Glen when he needs something," said Aaron with a sincere smile. Discovering more than just greed, he really was one of the good guys.

"practically, that apartment is yours, if you occupy furniture, we can also go to a place where they can give you a discount" said Aaron with a genuine smile.

"thank you" I said, knowing that for the first time in my life I had found someone I could trust" it will be another time, before I buy anything I have to let them know I will be moving".

"Good luck with that," said Aaron.

I dropped Aaron off at his workshop and then headed for the dome. Maybe, if I was lucky, I would see my father at dinner time, if not, I would go find him at his work and tell him about my decision to move, I could no longer live in the hell he called home.

Parking my Kat 77 in the hold, I headed to my room.

I thought I could play for a while and get some money, but I concentrated on heading to my room and start packing my things. At least the things I considered valuable. It was limited to just a few changes of clothes.

The jewelry could stay, I didn't need it, I never did. Maybe I would need some blankets to keep me warm. Some personal hygiene. Undoubtedly, my gamer gear, but that could be left until last.