19. Carter

I felt motivated.

I was out running early, I was training with the idea of surviving the battle of death and being able to win Aaron's heart.

Orland had stopped my battles at the club, with the promise that he would not harm my body so that I would give one hundred percent in the final battle.

My pounding echoed as I ran the solid metal floors that supported the city in the wee hours of the morning, just before people left their homes to report to work or school.

When I got back to my room, worn out from running for a full hour, I wiped the sweat off my face and started doing push-ups while bringing Aaron's face to my head.

He only had to survive the battle of death, but it was worth it, he would rather die if he could not win Aaron's heart.

After what I considered an intense two hours of training, I took a quick shower so I could go to school.

My mind wandered as I touched my manhood at the thought of Aaron. I was crazy but I deserved to draw a shock at the thought of him.

I didn't know what he had been thinking when he saw my video, I didn't even know if he had seen it, but it felt great to have done it thinking about him, it was like the water in the shower was jealous at the thought of someone else touching me.

I took the opportunity to grab a quick breakfast before heading to the academy.

When I arrived, my eyes met Aaron's in just a second. It was like every other time our eyes met and we both couldn't find anything but embarrassment.

That day there was something else, his cheek was red, someone had hit him and I didn't have the chance to defend him.

I felt a rage slowly begin to grow inside me. Surely a stubborn customer had decided to hit Aaron.

I don't know what prompted me to go to where Aaron and Wallace were, something had given me the courage to speak to him again.

"Tell me who that asshole is" I said to him when our eyes met.

Aaron shook his head, as if I had gone crazy, but something inside me burned with the desire to hit someone.

"He's standing in front of me" Aaron replied with a grimace on his face.

"Not me, the idiot who punched you in the face."

"Why? You think I can't stand up for myself."

"No, I know you can defend yourself, but I don't want you to get in trouble" I said feeling a lump in my throat.

Aaron flashed a small smile in triumph, as if he was laughing inside, then shook his head.

"What will you do if I want to get in trouble? " Aaron said with a smirk, "the only asshole who can have a fight with me is not able to take a swing at me."

I shook my head, it was true, I couldn't hit Aaron, it would break my heart if he took a hit from me, but I was more worried if I knew Aaron was looking for a fight elsewhere.

I bit my mouth and walked to my chair.

The rest of the first period I watched as Aaron stood by Wallace's asshole side, imagining how Aaron was picking a fight.

I wanted to protect him, I needed to find out more about his actions before it was too late.

Maybe I would follow him after school, maybe I would look for him in his workshop. I was sure that if I asked Bill about his activities, the robot would tell me.

I let out a small smile inside me as I thought about that robot. If I hadn't sent that stupid video, my relationship with Aaron would be different.

I finished my soup casually and then headed for the gun room.

Professor Dolph would finally instruct us in the fine art of aiming and shooting.

The room was no bigger than the training room, but it was different.

An entire room about fifty meters deep, divided by a small line at one end and the targets at the other.

The targets consisted of white dummies with a target in the center, which had to disguise a person.

"We'll run the dummies at a distance where they can teach themselves to aim" Professor Dolph said.

We went for the dummies and put them at a distance of twenty meters. Except for one person who thought it was not good to follow instructions.

"I'll try fifty meters if that's no problem" Aaron said with a smile on his face.

"Let's see what you've got" Said Professor Dolph approaching Aaron and handing him a small light weapon.

Aaron picked up the gun with a smile on his face. He swung it upwards as if he were an expert and in less than a second, when the gun reached the height of his men, the light bullet followed its course until it hit the center of the dummy.

"It can't be luck" Said one of my teammates.

Murmurs started to be heard on my sides, I was just proud and shocked by Aaron's skills, apart from being beautiful, greedy, intelligent and a good fighter, he seemed to be an expert in the use of weapons.

Aaron smiled, as if the murmurs were a challenge, and fired several more shots, each one reaching the center of the dummy.

"Well, that's enough," Professor Dolph said. "You've proven you don't need to be here, maybe I should give you the police badge at once."

"I really need to be here," said Aaron after a time of restlessness.

Professor Dolph scratched his head, but then shook his head.

"Maybe you can help me teach your classmates, if you need to be here. But I also understand that you run a business, so why don't you take advantage of that time off and get back to your business early."

Aaron looked around, trying to meet our faces. When our eyes met again I felt the blush explode on my cheeks.

I thought I would never feel that way again, not after conversing with Aaron in the morning, but I guess my instincts were fired up after watching Aaron shoot with such precision.

"Thank you master Dolph" Aaron said designating himself to leave the practice room.

"Everyone else, get your dummies ready," Professor Dolph pointed out.

Aaron left the room resigned while I started practicing.

My shooting was lousy. The day ended in defeat when I only hit one bullet in the dummy's shoulder after a thousand attempts.

Wallace was not bad, although he was not as excellent as Aaron.

I remembered the smile on Aaron's face when he shot, his youthful bearing and his incredible nature at being perfect.

My heart raced and a smile broke out on my face as I pulled into the academy parking lot.

I had to win the death course, it was the only way I could hug Aaron and have him by my side.

I watched Wallace get on his Kat 77 and before he left I ran to him.

"Wait," I said before Wallace started to ascend.

"What do you want Carter?" said Wallace before he started to light up, with a face that was not one of fear, more like he had been looking forward to our conversation for some time.

"You're pretty close to Aaron, he seems to trust you" I said.

"He doesn't trust me, but I don't know where you're going with your assumptions."

"Do you know why his cheek was swollen?" I reached to ask. Wallace shook his head before answering.

"I'm sorry Carter, I don't know, I'd like to find out too, but when I asked, Aaron just gave me evasions."

"But you'll find out" I insisted. "I won't leave you alone, if you need help or see something suspicious you can inform me, we'll be in this together".

"I don't know what I can gain by helping you, your intentions with Aaron are obvious, but maybe I signed up for the race too."

"You're too honest to say it" I said with a fear of losing Aaron.

After all, Wallace was also close to Aaron, closer than me. But there was one point in my favor, Wallace didn't know why Aaron had a puffy cheek, despite being such close friends, Aaron still didn't trust him.

"What if he dies? If Aaron is getting into unnecessary fights" I said, imagining the worst.

"I think you're being way over the top," Wallace said, rolling his shoulders up.

"Maybe, but because Aaron would hide what he's up to. We can help each other solve this mystery, then we can continue with the race to see who conquers Aaron first."

Wallace gave a smile before nodding. I felt a pulse in my heart. Wallace used to be afraid of me, I couldn't even cross a glance with him before he ran away.

I couldn't imagine what had happened, but I was pleased at the thought of someone in the room looking at me as the person I was, even if I was an enemy in love. I just hoped I didn't cross the line in the vetting process, otherwise I would pay dearly.

"It's a truce then," Wallace said. Afterwards, we exchanged contact numbers.