24. Aaron

Somehow I felt uneasy.

If it wasn't for Bill stopping my madness, I had taken things further with Carter. I hated to admit it, he'd stolen my first kiss and I'd had a good time. Even more so when I slipped my hand under his shirt and felt his warm skin.

I didn't know whether to hate Bill or love him. All I knew was that I was restless, waiting for Carter to come for me that night when I closed my business.

The problem was that it didn't arrive on time, at least not at the time I expected it.

I decided to avoid him, he was stupid and had no word, he had made a fool of himself with the money he owed me and he would most likely have found out that night in one of his adventures.

I would have done the same if it wasn't because I had to wait for him. But something inside me made me avoid leaving the workshop and waiting for him.