40. Carter

I didn't know at what time I closed my eyes. The alarm woke me from what seemed like a terrible night's sleep.

I had fallen asleep on the floor, on my knees. When I opened my eyes, I immediately focused on Zac. Zac didn't seem to have woken up. I walked over to where he was and touched his forehead, it was still warm, which meant he was still alive.

I took my shirt and soaked it again, I was supposed to watch him at night and that meant changing his shirt regularly, but at some point I fell asleep, it was something I couldn't forgive myself for.

Before I got to the water repertoire, I felt Zac grab my hand and force me to stop.

"Don't do it" Zac said with over exertion, "you should get ready to go to training, at least you have a chance to live".

I wouldn't let him die, I said I would protect him and I didn't plan on changing my plans.

"Please Carter, don't let me go with regrets, do it for me, do it for today."