42. Carter

The men in white looked at the bodies of the guards on the ground. I knew that with a simple blow I had knocked them unconscious, they knew that just a touch would be enough to end their lives if they claimed to betray me.

The men in white led us down a corridor opposite to where the other comrades were. I hoped that the others would do well, I was afraid that they might lose their lives in the confrontation, but I reminded myself that we were all giving our last effort to live.

The men in white led us into a corridor that had no exit and then pressed the wall, revealing hidden buttons that illuminated the wall.

One of the men in white pressed the wall with several keys, until the wall opened to reveal stairs.

"This will take you to the exit," said one of the men in white, "there may be people waiting for you."

"I'll take my chances" I said, stepping in front.