54. Carter

I parked the slider next to a laundromat. I was carrying a paper bag containing an order of fried chicken.

I walked through the door and the first thing I noticed were terrified eyes on me, watching me as if I was about to mug them, from the customers to the laundry manager.

"An order of two surprise flavored fried chicken" I said, trying to fake a huge smile and be as friendly as possible, but what I observed were hostile looks.

I was somewhat envious of Aaron, although he was a tough guy, he was so good at his performance that he even managed to snatch sighs.

"This way young man" Said the laundry manager.

"That'll be fifteen hundred Jolts" I said, leaving the fried chicken on the laundry table.

"Here you go" Said the laundry attendant, dropping the money on the table with some trepidation in his hand.

"I thank you for your purchase, I hope you enjoyed it".