90. Wallace

Jon entered my apartment like a menacing shadow, his wielded weapon reflecting the fury that consumed him. In his gaze, I found the mixture of resentment and despair that welled up from the darkest part of his being. The air was charged with the electricity of his anger as he berated, with dagger-sharp words, for taking away everything he claimed belonged to him.

"You've ruined everything, Wallace," he whispered with a coldness that chilled my blood. Every word echoed with the bitterness of his pent-up resentments. His madness was beginning to flow, overflowing like an uncontrollable torrent that threatened to wash away everything in its path.

My attempts to calm the situation were met with a wall of irrational anger. Jon, immersed in his own delusions, saw in me the person responsible for his misfortune. The atmosphere was charged with palpable tension, as if we were on the edge of an abyss from which there was no return.