

"So you like her." August chuckled, "The girls here are the best." He rubbed his hands on the shoulders of the women sitting on his either sides.

The person who was gripping my wrists pulled me to the front and sat me down on his lap, "I'll decide that later. Tell me what it is that you were going to tell us." He asked.

Oh no! This is bad!

My heart was pounding pretty badly. I was now nervous as well and that was making me dizzy.

I feel like this could get messy and I still haven't confirmed if these two are demons or not!

I looked at the person keeping me on his lap, then at the other person who was wearing the hat only to find him staring back at me. He was confused as to why his fellow changed his mind but after a few seconds he decided to ignore it and looked at the Duke again.

"You're very eager." August said, "Your king has been missing for months now, hasn't he?"

My head was starting to hurt a little now and I was starting to feel a little thirsty. And, it wasn't the normal kind of thirst. There was something different about it. It was constantly making the desire grow bigger.

"Do not waste our time." The hat person said, "If you have anything to give us, say it."

"You're hasty." The duke gestured for some wine and the prostitute beside him stood him to pour him some, "I would need something in return for the information I'm about to give you."

"And what do you want?" The hat guy asked and I noticed a burning gaze that was on me, the scarf guy was most likely analyzing me.

"Oh nothing much." He got his wine from the lady, "I just need someone dead."


To hell with this dude. He's planning my murder, isn't he!? August just wants me dead! I have to hurry and do something!

I looked at the scarf guy and slowly moved my hands under his shirt. He was mostly covered like the other guy but as soon as I felt his chest, I knew I was in the right place because I felt fur.

"Someone dead?" The hat guy asked.

The demon on whose lap I was on looked down at me with a glare so I moved my head up and joined our foreheads, "Don't trust this guy." I whispered, "Don't you know that the palace already officially announced that the demon king is staying with them?" I whispered the words right next to his lips.

His glaring didn't stop but he moved his lips closer to mine as he slid his hands around my naked back slowly, making me tingle, "I received no such word." His breath on my lips made my skin stand up and I felt a shiver go down my spine.


I turned and glared at the Duke.

This must have been his doing!! A duke can hold such power especially when there's a king like me, who's hated by everyone!!

A hand touched my cheek and turned my face towards him again, "Why should I believe you?" I was very close to him and being this close made it possible for me to see what was hiding under his scarf even though it was dark.

I saw lion ears.

Oh! He's a Yali! A half lion with human build!

"Believe me," I told him, "He just wants the current king dead. Your Lord is alive and well in the palace." He looked up at the Duke.

"So?" The Yali looked at the balding man, "Who is it you want dead?"

"The king," He answered and I felt a tighter grip of his hands on my skin, "But don't worry, I'm not saying this because of anything personal. The current king is the one who has the demon lord enslaved in the palace's dungeon." The Yali's grip on my skin got harder, I felt his sharp nails pierce my skin and I hissed in pain. He was most likely getting emotional here but he was putting me in a lot of pain. I tapped his shoulder to get him to stop but he didn't, "King Sorin is a disaster." His nails went in deeper and I couldn't hold my pain in anymore.

"He's lying!" I yelled out making everyone in the room freeze. Even the Yali stopped and looked down at me in shock.

I stood up from his lap and took a step aside. My head was throbbing and my body was very hot. It felt like it was boiling.

"What did you just say?" The Duke looked at me angrily, "I'm lying?"

Oh shit!

I messed up again!


I bit my lower lip in anxiety.

"What?" The hat demon looked at me, "You say he's lying? Then do you know where he really is?"

This is the point where August made the demons believe that Sorin was behind their king's enslavement.The demons started the attack on their own in the novel. The purpose was to get the attention away from the dungeon so that they could get their king out.

Kaan was furious when he was freed and he wasted no time in transforming into a dragon and setting the whole city on fire. His rage drove him, he didn't even recover from his injuries fully, he just went through a little healing magic and then went on a rampage.

I've managed to calm Kaan down but I have to stop the demon attack too!

And this is the best chance for that! I already shouted it out, might as well keep going.

"I work at the palace!" I glared at August, "And I was sent here by the demon king himself."

All three of them stood up in surprise. The Duke was horrified while the demons were mystified.

"King Kaan wants to meet you." I looked at the demons as I stepped back, "You can go to the palace." I kept going back, "The guards will let you in if you say you're the guests of his highness, Prince Leonidas and you're Kaan's companions."

I reached the door and almost fell over because I was dizzy but was able to grab the door handle for support before I fell and humiliated myself.

What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like everything is dancing in a blurry mess?

"She's lying!" August pointed at me, "Have any of you heard about the Demon King being at the palace?"

"That's because you blocked the news!" I shouted, "You want Sorin dead even though he did nothing wrong!"

"Liar!!" He accused me, "Guard!!" The feeling of dread overcame me as he called for his support.


I didn't waste any time and ran out of the room.

I've done my part. Even though they may have not believed me, I'm sure my words at least caused some doubt.

I blended into the crowd while my breathing got heavy.

Luck was on my side because it was a busy night and I was able to dodge my way around. When I reached the outer corridor of one of the upper floors I began to run again.

I kept licking my lips because they just felt so dry, along with my throat.

What is this!??

What is happening to me!?!? It felt like there was something inside of me that wanted to come out.

I was losing my mind and at one point started running aimlessly when someone suddenly grabbed me and jerked me into their embrace.

But I couldn't tell who.

My mind was going blank. The scent of love, lust, sex and desire was getting to my head.

"Sorin!?" I heard a familiar voice who tried to steady me, "What's wrong?'

"Leonidas?" I looked at the person but he looked a little foggy.

"Yea! It's me," He looked a little concerned.

"I got it." I was dizzy, "I've done it. We have to hide," I told him with a swaying head but he didn't question me. Rather, he acted fast and took us both into a free room where he locked the door and took me to bed.

"Sorin?" He sat me down there and sat right next to me, "You seem a little pale." He said the words right next to my ear making me purr, "Sorin??" He was surprised at my action but I completely lost it then and threw him on the bed as my mind went completely blank.