

The balcony on the second floor of the ballroom was much quieter. Normally, no person goes to the second floor to begin with since it's just an inside terrace with a good view to look down at, along with balconies on either end.

I stood against the railing as I took deep breaths and then stared at the night sky. Although people were enjoying their time and I could still hear distant chattering, the night was very lonely for me.

There was only one thing on my mind was my family. People who loved a failure like me. Mine was a proper family.

This place, on the other hand, is so cold.

It's full of enemies I didn't even make. People who hate me for just existing now. I understand the origin though, Sorin was rude to everyone because she wanted to maintain her distance but it wasn't like she killed anyone. Her abuse of power has only gone as far as slapping someone or pushing them away.

And no one likes a rude person but the sort of hate Sorin gets is quite something. I understand why she doesn't get any affection but this much hate?

Just my luck I guess…This is a place full of hate that's specially directed towards me.

I slowly drank my drink as the effect of the previous ones began to hit my head.


I miss dad so much!

I remember when he caught me and Natsu sneaking out his wine once but instead of getting mad, he joined us on the roof and we three had a secret drinking party while mom slept.

I remember we were initially stealing that wine because I failed a test and couldn't stop thinking about it. I was so upset that Natsu proposed we just drink and drown the sorrows away.

Getting caught by dad was the worst thing that could have happened at that moment.

Or so I thought.

In reality, it was the best one.

He drank with us and I ended up telling him how bad I performed but he wasn't mad at all. He just bucked me up. That's what family is, they taught me that.

And I love them so much! And I miss them so much! My heart aches whenever I think about them but I constantly think about them. This place will always make me think about the love I had with them.

I want to go back so bad! So bad that if I somehow find a way, I would jump to my death for it.

I don't like this place.

I have to suffer because someone else made a living hell for themself and died.

Why did I have to take Sorin's place?

"Damnit!" I stared at the stars, "This is so unfair…"

"Sorin?" I didn't have to turn to tell Enri had followed me here.

"What?" I replied looking into the night.

"You seem a little out of it?" There was a slight concern in his voice.

"A little?" I scoffed, then calmed down, "It's fine." I didn't want to say anything to him. He's Leonidas's loyal dog too.

I drank my drink in one go but it went straight to my head making me dizzy. I almost fell over the railing when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"That's it." He took the glass from me but sadly for him he didn't see the extra one I put in the corner of the balcony. "I'll get the waiter for you." He said, "You need some water right now to sober up." He said and left the balcony but as soon as he was gone, I heard another person.

"Are you alright?"


I looked back at him and he came and stood by my side but I didn't reply to him.

"Did I do something?" He asked, "You're glaring."

I continued to glare at him some more.

"Why didn't you tell me," I scrunched my nose because I felt like I was gonna sneeze, "You could have warned me." It calmed down so I continued my glare.

He seemed a little confused, "About what?"

"You know what!!" There was a sudden surge of anger in me when he asked that question so innocently.

"..." He didn't answer. He just got more confused and concerned about my actions.

"About my succubus going berserk!" I hit him, "You're such a jerk!!" I hit him again with my lifeless punches, "I don't even know what I did!"

He grabbed my wrists, "What?" He asked, "Your demon side went berserk?" He remained calm as he questioned me.

I looked at him with tear filled eyes and his expressions softened a lot, "You could have told me," A tear slipped down my cheek, "You could have told me I was going to lose my mind there…" I was so angry at the moment. But it was mostly because I was hating my luck. I'm trying my best here but nothing seems to be going my way.

He shook his head in guilt, "I'm sorry," He let go of my wrists and placed his hand on my cheek, "I had no idea something like that would happen." He seemed a little shocked himself, "This sort of thing has never happened among any demons before."

"Liar!" I slapped his hand away, "You're a liar." I took a wobbly step back, "You knew I'd discover my identity in the brothel." I pointed at him, "You're a liar."

"Did something happen there?"

I gritted my teeth in response but didn't reply. I just brought down my arm and looked away with a clenched jaw.

"Look," He raised his hands up next to his chest, "I promise I had no idea you'd lose your consciousness to your demon side." He kept looking at me with concern, "Maybe it happened because your succubus is always trapped inside of you." He sighed, "I promise, this has never happened to any of the demons, so I really had no idea that a suppressed side could go berserk."

"..." I didn't reply again.

"It's possible." He said, "I knew it would come out because that's what a succubus specializes in but I promise I had no idea that side would take over." He explained again.

I moved to the railing again feeling sick.

"Shit…" I whispered as my feelings began to overwhelm me again and I grabbed the glass I had hidden in the corner of the balcony railing and chugged it down.

So what now?

He's not at fault either. Leroy isn't at fault either because he had no idea where I was going. So it was my fault in the end.


I leaned for the railing as I felt faint and weak.

Kaan moved towards me but I raised my hand to stop him. So, he paused in his place while I rested my body on the railing feeling utterly miserable.

"Sorin!" I heard Enri, "The waiter is here with the water." He stopped before entering the balcony when he noticed Kaan but then glanced at me and frowned, "Did you have another glass?"

I was very dizzy but I still managed to shake my head and lie about it.

But of course anyone could tell I was lying and that pissed him off. The waiter who was behind him with the jug and glass of water stood there quietly while Enri snatched the glass from the silver tray and marched towards me looking rather scary.

"I don't need it!" I hugged my glass and turned my face away as I straightened up.

"Sorin!" Enri grabbed my face, "You have to drink this!" He tried forcing the water in my mouth, "Come on!"

I escaped Enri's grasp, "No!" I tried to run away but Kaan grabbed me.

"Sorin," Kaan called my name softly, "You need to sober up." He implored

"Good." Enri said, "Keep her there." He grabbed my mouth again and squeezed my cheeks to open my lips.

"I can drink more!" I protested, "I'm not drunk!!"

"You're not a drinker, Sorin." Kaan said, "Don't push it."

"Oh?" I hiccuped, "You can hold your liquor?" I asked, "Huh?" It was all drunk talk.

"Yes," Kaan replied, "Way better than anyone here," He glanced at Enri, "And this guy here." His words pissed Enri off.

"Please don't delude yourself, there is absolutely no way you can win against me."

They both looked at each other and passed a sarcastic smile and Enri sort of forget about chugging water down my throat.

Didn't they come here for me?

I wondered but I couldn't think about it much since my mind was too drugged up and it was getting worse by the minute.

"Hey!" Enri pointed at the waiter, "Bring us all the spare drinks." The waiter nodded and went on his way to grab everything alcoholic he could find.


This probably won't turn out well but good for me though.

I'd love another drink too!

And just like that Enri and Kaan started a drinking competition while I blacked out even before I could get another glass.


I woke up with an excruciating headache and the feeling of something firm below me.

"Huh?" I opened my eyes and found myself on a bed with a blanket on top of me.


I was in a room lying upside down on a bed? The curtains were drawn and the room was still dark.

Where am I? I pressed my hands down on the mattress to help myself up a little.

Why is this bed so hard?

I looked down at the skin colored mattress with rock hard abs. My hands were on the buff chest that made my already suffering brain freeze.

"Oh shit!" I gasped then put my hand on my mouth as I realized who was under me.

What the hell!?!?

I moved to the side slowly, getting out of the blanket, only to realize I was naked.


I looked at Kaan, on whom I was sleeping.


He was naked too with an off balanced blanket covering him now.

Oh my God!!

I slowly got off the bed but before I could I noticed another person on the floor.


Him too being butt naked. One of his legs was hanging on the bed and it made me realize he had probably falled down in his sleep. He had a blanket twirled around him covering some parts while exposing more.


I shook my head.

'That' did not happen!?!?!

I searched for my clothes. It was still dark outside and I had to get out of there immediately. I got dressed in my messy clothes and quietly left the room, after which I ran towards mine, went in, closed the door behind me and screamed internally.


No! No! No! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!