I will not let go

>>Kaan (A few days ago)

"Speak," I glared at the servant tied up with chains in the basement cell, "I won't hesitate to kill you in the worst way possible if you don't speak,"

The boy was a minotaur, small in stature. I could tell he was young and new here. I hadn't seen him before or most likely never noticed him since new recruits work in places I usually don't visit often.

"M-m-my lord-" His voice was trembling, "I-I don't k-know what to say…" He had been beaten up once by Robin but not severely who brought him here.

I let out a sigh slowly, then looked at the sheep triplets who stood outside the cell with a concerned expression. Their eyes were glued to the boy but none of them dared to look at me.

"You three can leave." My eyes glowed as my anger rose, "Good work finding the culprit, I'll take it from here."

"My lord," Sim said, "He's just a kid…"

"Leave," I concentrated my magic on the palms of my hands, "It's going to get ugly here."

"B-but Your Highness-"

"Leave," I said once again but this time in a more demanding and domineering tone.



The three of us made our way to the kitchen where a number of servants come to take a break and grab a snack every now and then.

"The Lord seemed so angry…" Sim, the youngest of us, felt dejected but she wasn't alone, her feelings were shared. We all felt the same way.

"He was so happy the past few days-" Rim said, "He was glowing like he was complete…"

"Yea," I agreed, "When his son and lover were here…" We made it to the kitchen where a number of palace workers were, "It's sad to know they were forced apart just because the Lady was a half-" We paused the moment we noticed the crowd.

Seeing so many of them there made us all stop in our paths in shock, more so because it looked like all of them were waiting for us. All of them looked at us with curious eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "Why are you all here?"

"You know!" The head chef spoke, "What about His Highness?" He asked, "Is he still angry?"

We three looked at each and then nodded.

"He's never been like this!"  Fiene, another palace staff member, said, "He's always been so compassionate!"

Everyone agreed and began to talk, "Right!"

"He's always been so calm and cool."

"He's terrifying right now!"

"He's honestly never been this scary,"

"It's like now you can feel his dragon energy coming out!"

"Honestly, it looks like he would kill someone!"

"That person was an idiot! Why would he do something like that to the King's lover!"

"Really! That was stupid!"

"Now the Lord seems like he's losing himself!"

"But!!!" Rim started, "Wouldn't you all be angry too?" She asked as she looked around the room, "If someone tried to kill the person you love so much?"

They all quieted down and slowly nodded their heads.


Sim bit her lower lip in frustration, "I think there's something more to this!" We all looked at her, "I mean, does it matter to any of us that she's a half?" 

"Righ!" I agreed, "So what if she's a half human! She's also a demon!"

"I agree!" Fiene said, "Does it really matter when the Lord loves her?" Some people nodded but many didn't. No one spoke out after that.


Other people didn't speak at all. It was as if all of them got lost in their own thoughts or perhaps, they just didn't want to agree.



The purple haze inside the communication orb swirlied around as it tried to connect with the other party. I sat on my bed, in my room, on the top floor with all the windows around me open as I constantly used my magic for the orb.

I had it in my hand since it requires a lot of mana to use this magic item. Thus the reason why only a handful of people have it.

I waited for a while before it was picked up by the other party.

"Greetings Demon Lord," The mist inside the orb subsided as the live image of the other person took place

"Hello young King," I greeted him back, "How are you?"

"I'm quite alright." He smiled, "It's quite an unusual thing to get a call from you."

"Ah, yes," I gave him a wry smile, "I'll get straight to the point, I need some help."

"Help? With what?"

"I need to get in contact with a person." I looked at the orb seriously, "If possible, I want an audience with her too."

He was a little taken aback but nodded anyway, "Alright but I'll need the context."

"Sure," I smiled, "You will be surprised though."

He chuckled, "Then I'll pray it's a pleasant surprise."

"It is…" I glanced out the window, out at the full moon and then looked back at the orb, "How is your wife Leonidas?"

"Sonomi?" He seemed a little excited saying her name, "She's doing well." He grinned, "On that note, when do you plan on getting married?"

"Soon," I replied, "Soon enough,"


"You know that demon flower? That black one that grows in the depths of the forest." I asked my childhood friend the question as I sat on my throne and she stood right in front of me. 

The sunlight that made its way into the hall was quite bright and strong. It showed that the weather today was sunny and pleasant.

"Death bane?" Leysa was confused as to why I was asking about it.

"Yes, bring me that." I ordered.

Her eyes twitched the moment I issued the order, "What are you going to do with that?" I think she already had a good idea what I was going to do with it and because of that her expressions got more serious

"Consume it." I replied

Her eyes went wide, "Kaan are you out of your mind? It will kill you!!" I knew there was no lie in the feelings she portrayed. She has always been a good and genuine friend to me.

"It won't," I said

"Death bane is its name for a reason." She had a worried expression on her face.

"I'm the demon lord." I replied calmly, "A dragon, one or two petals won't kill me."

"What are you- Why?"

"It'll weaken my power, allowing me to enter Rugen without a problem." I laid my plans bare in front of her. Just to let her know what was most important to me.

"Wha…t," She was at a loss for words. Perhaps even angry, "Is she that important?" I saw the look in her eyes, it was like her feelings were getting hurt.

"Yes," I replied, "She's my pair." I said firmly, "And what you did is a criminal offense."

Her eyes went wide when she heard me, "I-"

"I don't need excuses," I stood up to leave, "You'll be judged for your actions."