Dragons Duel

The morning light shines brightly upon our young hero Damien. 

*Yawn* Damien stretches and starts his morning routine. 

"Alright, time to get some serious training going!" Damien hypes himself up and heads for the training arena. 

As Damien enters, he finds the damage from the fight with Arnold has been repaired. 

He spots both Randell and Veronica talking in a secluded corner. 

"Ah, I'll leave those two alone. Time to practice some of my martial arts and magical control."

Damien begins to mediate. 

As he is mediating a blue hue starts forming around his body.

He stays in this state for several hours. 

Once he awakens from his meditative state, he sees the sun has nearly fallen.

"Damn, that was quick..."

Damien gets up and starts walking to the exit but to his surprise he notices Spencer and Veronica talking at the entrance of the Arena.

"Hm- what's she doing talking to-" before Damien is able to finish his sentence, he sees Spencer slap Veronica onto the ground. 

Damien rushes over to them.

"What! The Fuck you doing!" Damien yells over to them as he quickly closes in.

Spencer looks at Damien, "Fuck." he says as he kicks Veronica while she's on the ground. "Getting your boyfriend to come save you? Get em boys."

Spencer points at Damien and behind him five guys come out of the shadows charge straight at Damien.

"Get! Out! Of! My! Way!" Damien releases his magic, lightning courses all around his body with a blue and black hue radiating from him.

One of the men tackle Damien, stopping him in his tracks. "Oof!" Damien says as the breath leaves his body. 

The other four surround Damien and start charging up their magic.

"Nope I ain't going down today!" Damien shouts as he grabs the guy holding him by the waist and picks him up. "Down you go!" Damien slams the guy's head into the ground cracking the earth beneath him. 

"Now-" before he finishes his sentence the men release their magic sending fire balls at Damien.

"Shi-" Damien gets hit hard as the fireballs impact him and erupt in massive flames. 

Veronica screams out, "NO!" She gets up and starts running toward Damien, but Spencer grabs her by the hair and yanks her backward.

"You ain't going nowhere." Spencer spits on Veronica. He slams her into the ground and steps on her face.

"This is where you belong, beneath my feet." Spencer looks over toward Damien and his men. "Keep firing!" He demands.

The men start charging up again, but the atmosphere of the place changes.

A massive gust of wind blowing the flames out and the smoke.

Lightning starts erupting from the center and standing in the center is, Damien.

"Enough. Spencer, you've gone too far." 

Damien shakes his head, "And you guys are going to pay for your crimes!" 

The ground erupts as Damien lets out a deep roar. Shaking the arena. 

He charges at one of the men and hits him in the stomach sending him flying into the wall. 

Damien turns around and charges at the next closes one, grabbing him by the head and slamming his head into the ground burying it. 

He looks at the next two and lifts his hands at them, lightning erupts from his hands striking them and zapping them until they fall on the ground. 

"You're next. Spencer!" Damien says as he starts walking toward him. 

"Get your fucking foot off her." Damien demands as he slowly approaches Spencer.

Spencer removes his foot from Veronica's face and slowly backs away from her looking petrified. 

As Spencer turns to flee, Damien lungs at him, striking Spencer in the back with a kick sending him flying out of the arena and crashing into the ground.

Damien turns to Veronica and helps her up.

"Are you alright?" He says with true concern in his voice.

"I-I'm fine. He hits like a bitch." Veronica says as she wipes her face. 

"Hopefully he has learned his lesson now. I would hate to repeat this." Damien takes a deep breath, and his magic slowly dissipates.

He starts breathing heavily, "Sh-shit, *hah* *hah* th-that took a lot *hah* out of m-me..."

"You've gotten much strong these last few days." Veronica says surprised. 

"Yeah, thank you. I have to get stronger for the upcoming Dragons Duel." Damien starts leading Veronica toward the exit of the arena.

"Oh, you're in it too?" Veronica says with surprise.

"I guess we both are then. Assuming you mean too as you are in it as well." Damien says rolling his shoulders back and stretching out.

"Yeah." Veronica says, "But don't think you'll win, victory is going to be mine!" Veronica declares. 

"Oh yeah, well see." Damien says as Veronica and him leave the arena and Damien.

"Well, I'll see you around, Damien. And thanks for the help today! I promise I'll get stronger!" Veronica says as she leaves the academy.

"Bye! Looking forward to it." Damien waves goodbye.

Damien looks up to the sky, "I got to get stronger. I have to find out what is going on with this academy and what it has to do with my uncle." Damien fist bumps and heads for his dorm room.

He retires for the evening. 

The morning arrives and Damien gets ready for his day. "Let's go! Time to get grinding!" Damien sprints to the training arena. 

Once there he encounters Spencer again. 

"What do you want now ass-muncher." Damien says with an attitude. 

Spencer steps up to Damien. "You just fucking wait shit boy!" Spencer stares daggers at Damien, "I'll get what's mine eventually! You and your little friends will pay a hefty price for pissing me and my friends off." 

"Okay." Damien says as he walks by Spencer.

This enrages Spencer, "Yeah! Just walk away pussy!" 

"Spencer, you are just all bark. Now you either leave now, or I'll get an ambulance for you." Damien starts walking away. 

"Fuck you!" Spencer shouts as he leaves the training arena.

Damien starts to mediate again.

This continues for several days: Damien going to the training arena, sparring with Randell and Veronica. Mediating and secretly practicing in his room. The girls try and invite him out but he refuses as the days continue to get closer and lets them know he is focusing on training. 

The day finally arrives when the Dragons Duel tournament finally begins!

"Let's get start." Damien says as he ties his shoes and steps out toward Genesis Academy where the first match will begin.