Hot and Spicy

Bright and early morning, Damien wakes up surrounded by four beautiful women all nestled up against him. 

"Good morning, ladies." Damien says as he slowly rises from his bed. 

Jessica pushes her body upward and gives Damien a kiss, "Good morning." Jessica says as she gets off Damien and starts heading toward the bathroom.

Emmy slowly stirs cuddling Damien, Ariel on the other hand stretches *Yawn* and gives Damien a kiss on the forehead, "Good morning." 

Damien smiles as Ariel gets up and starts heading toward the door, "you may want to wait, Jessica just went into the bathroom if that's where you're going."

Ariel turns back around and looks at Damien, "I'll get breakfast started, then." She exits the room.

The one up is Lauren. She slowly gets out of bed and turns back to Damien, "Good morning." Then she starts heading toward the door.

"Heh, See you in a few Lauren." Damien says with a smirk stare at Lauren butt swaying as she walks out the door. Just as the door closes Damien spots a smirk on Laurens face as she looks back.

Damien taps Emmy on the shoulder ever so lightly, and she looks up at Damien, "H-hey, good morning, handsome." She leans up and gives Damien a passionate kiss on the lips.

She rolls on top of Damien with her lips still interlocking with his own. 

A few moments pass and Emmy pulls away, heavily breathing as she stares at Damien with lustful eyes.

"Damien..." she says in a whisper. 

He looks up at her as she is straddling him, "Yes?" He says with a coy smile. 

"I-I want you." Emmy says as she presses her lips against Damien's. Kissing him aggressively. Her hands are journeying all over Damien's body, starting at his neck and slowly trailing south. 

Damien grabs Emmy by the back of the neck and pulls her off, "Heh" Damien lets out a smile as he stares at Emmy's eyes seeing her about to burst with lust.

He flips the script, tossing Emmy onto the bed where she stares as a hungry Damien slowly removes her clothes. 

She is laying there naked in anticipation of what's to come next. 

Damien starts with a deep passionate kiss on Emmy's luscious lips and slowly works his way south, kissing her neck, then her collarbone, stopping for just a moment on her wonderful full breasts. 

Playing with her nipples with his tongue, his fingers start playing with her stomach and hips, making Emmy's back arch as she moans into a pillow.

Damien starts to head deep south but Emmy grabs Damien by the hair, "No, *hah* I need you inside me now..." She says staring at Damien with lustful eyes that are begging him to please her. 

Damien takes his pants off and slams his full erect penis onto Emmy's glistening wet vagina. 

Damien stares at her eyes as he rubs his cock back and forth against her swollen clit. Emmy arched her back and thrust her hips upward trying to direct Damien to penetrate her. 

"P-Please *hah* *hah* I n-need it..." Emmy pleads. 

Damien slowly inserts his cock inside Emmy. 

Her eyes roll back as he spreads her wide open and it doesn't seem to stop. "W-woah..." The only word that are able to escape Emmy's mouth before she lets out a loud moan as Damien slowly rocks back and forth rubbing against Emmy's G-spot continuously. 

Damien starts playing with her breast as he starts picking the pace up. Emmy wraps her legs around Damien's hips and pushes him even deeper inside her. 

She says, "I-I *hah* want it *hah* a-all."

Damien starts slamming ever deeper inside Emmy giving her his full length. This causes Emmy's moans to get even louder. The slapping of wet flesh and her moans fill the room. 

"E-Emmy *hah* your re-really *hah* tight." Damien says as he grabs Emmy by the ankles and places them on his shoulders and wraps his arms around her thighs and starts going full board on her. 

This continues for a few minutes, Emmy gasps as her climax approaches and Damien grunts as his is soon upon him as well.

"Y-Yes! Yes! YES!" Emmy hits the pinnacle of her climax as her pussy tightens around Damien's cock.

"Damn, it feels like you're milking me!" Damien says as he reaches his own climax. 

Pumping Emmy full of his seed. They both fall covered in sweat on the bed breathing heavily as they reach a peak of ecstasy. 

They lay in silence for a few moments and then Emmy snuggles up against Damien.

Damien gives Emmy a kiss on the head and starts rubbing her back.

"That was amazing." Emmy says as she plays with Damien's chest and gives small kisses on his left breast. 

"That it was..." Damien says as he continues rubbing her back.

They lay there for a few minutes before Emmy starts getting up.

"OH! I gotta go help Ariel!" She says as she puts her Pajamas back on.

Damien grabs her by the arm and pulls her into him, he gives her a kiss on the lips. "Alright, I'll see you in a few minutes. I'll be in the bathroom."

Emmy gets dressed and leaves the room. 

Damien throws some underwear on and heads to the bathroom. 

  He does his daily morning routine and then meets the girls in the kitchen. He spots Emmy blushes as red as a tomato, and he can only deduce that the girls heard them.

"Well, well, well, someone had an exciting morning." Ariel says with a coy smile.

"That I did." Damien says as he pulls a chair out and sits at the table across from Emmy and next to Jessica.

"I think we might have to soundproof your room, Damien." The room burst into laughter.

"Only, if you'll join in the next activity, Jessica." Damien says as he fills his plate full of eggs and bacon. 

Jessica turns red as she looks away from Damien. He chuckles and starts eating.

After breakfast, Damien prays at his memorial and heads to the academy.

On the way there, Jessica asks Damien, "Are you ready for today? You'll be facing that monster of a man; Vladimir and he's been beating his opponents without evening getting hurt."

This grabs all the girls' attention, and they turn toward Damien, "Well, I haven't really gone all out yet. I'll figure something out."

The girls grabbed Damien's arms, "Please, please be careful, Damien. We know you're strong but..." 

Damien gives the girls a group hug and each a kiss on the head.

"No worries, I'll come out on top, don't worry." Damien says as they continue walking.

Once at the Academy, you can hear the crowd. 

"It's almost time. Thank god I'm the first match today." Damien mumbles to himself.

"Ariel, you should go find your sister and see her. She's got some big fights today too." 

Ariel gives him a nod and starts heading off to look for Veronica.

"Get some good seats, ladies. I will need you to cheer for me with all you've got."

The girls nod and start rushing off. 

"Now, let's do this." Damien says as the Announcer shouts out, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to day two of the Dragons Duel! Today we will be starting off strong!!! It will be DAMIEN from Genesis Academy Versus Vladimir from Battle Mage Academy!!!" 

Damien steps up to the stage and sees the mountain of the man standing before him. 

Damien rolls his shoulders back and cracks his neck, "Alright big boy let's see what you got."

Vladimir laughs, "Heh, I will break you."