That's when I noticed the entire sky as far as the eye can see turning black, the ground shaking with an authoritative quake of cosmic order, reminding me of the time I accidentally said Azathoths Name out loud in his presence, but I could sense it being on a much smaller scale in comparison.
It wasn't all though, as black streaks of lightning cracked and thundered near my being. It scorched the ground below me as shockingly fast winds seemed to spiral around me, forming a dense pitch-black tornado that I was the center of. I could feel the sensation of my arms splitting open, my sets of arms becoming four rather than two, my total fingers being 20 rather than 10.
I could feel thoroughly as my eyes withered and melted into a horrifying uneven number of 5 total, my sight enabling my vision being 360 degrees all around me. My Tattoo's glowed a distinct and powerful hue of crimson, my eyes shifting into the same color. Oddly enough, I didn't feel pain over my transformation, only mild discomfort. However, something about it made me feel a distinguishable amount of satisfaction.
Within the spiral of intense wind, I could hear the faint screams and plagues of lost and tormented souls, agonizing over the madness that they have cultivated behind so many years of asphyxiating guilt and turmoil. I could hear them whispering, I could hear them moaning in arousal at the pain, the sheer unbridled joy at the irony of their suffering, the darkness that veiled them.
Then what was finally heard, was laughter.
but it wasn't theirs.
It was mine.
~Magical Britian; The World; 1993~
The world stands collectively awestruck and anxious as a sweeping transformation unfolds above. The once familiar expanse of sky, a canvas of boundless blue and gentle hues, surrenders to an unprecedented metamorphosis. A palpable unease emanates from every corner of the globe as the atmosphere darkens, an ominous shadow cast by the unfurling tempest.
Communities, regardless of distance or culture, unite in shared disbelief and curiosity.
The pitch-black sky imparted a sense of foreboding, like the prelude to an ancient fable coming to life. The contrast is stark, an eerie juxtaposition against the once-reliable blue dome. Anxiety and curiosity intertwine as people scramble for explanations, seeking solace in scientific knowledge, folklore, and religious beliefs.
They could only watch, powerless.
Meteorologists and scientists work fervently to unravel the cause, dissecting data and models in a desperate bid to decode this climatic anomaly. The media amplifies their every discovery, dissecting and disseminating complex theories to the masses, who hungrily consume every morsel of information in search of reassurance.
Fear ripples across the population. Yet, this darkness also fosters a strange sense of unity, as the shared experience cuts through differences, creating a collective bond that transcends borders.
Neighbors reach out to one another, guided by an instinctive need to connect amidst the unknown. Wizards all over magical Britain could only look on in confusion and horror. Was a new dark lord emerging, or was a master of magic making themselves known? They could only ponder.
Time seems to stand still, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. And then, with a suddenness that matches the initial transformation, the storm bursts forth. Thunder rumbles like a universal declaration, lightning fractures the darkness, and torrents of rain cascade as if would be endless.
[Yumi's Mother]
Can my son not be so destructive with his abilities?
He nearly gave me a heart attack with that surge of negative energy just now. It felt like the world was shaking. I never saw anything like it in all my years as a mage. It was simply astounding.
At first, I thought that maybe a creature with ties to death might've broken my protection wards and infiltrated the forest my little Yumi was playing in. I was going to set my goal of apparating to him, ready to protect my Yumi till my last breath, to think it was my baby himself! He definitely has my strength, but it's different from regular magic! Like an apple to a peach. It feels like yesterday from when I used to sneak off, away from my parent's supervision practicing all kinds of magic. If I hadn't, those trees wouldn't have been able to grow that large in the first place! Just doing little warmups in that forest when I had this property built caused these trees to mutate from the little saplings that were there to amazing pinnacles of nature.
And to think my little Yumi will continue on my line, he'll surpass me! I was excited for him, but I knew he needed control above all else. Beyond a doubt thats what I think he's training. I'll let him keep his wittle seekwet for now~ he's just like his mama! Be careful baby! Mommy will see you soon!
[Back to Yumi]
I was breathing slowly and heavily through my viciously sharp teeth, my smile ear to ear with perverse glee. 'I was still conscious of myself!' I noticed, but It seemed to be... loosely hanging by a thread. If I ever was provoked in this form, I could only imagine the level of restraint I'd need to not slaughter whatever was in front of me. I got a feel for my appendages, my eyes, which can see all around me. 360 degrees impressively. They can also see farther, and percept things faster. Just now, a fly flew past me.
You wonder how I noticed? Once I focused, it appeared as if it was going in slow motion. Like being slowed on a video, but smoother and more pristine. If the average human reaction time was 250 milliseconds, and if trained were to achieve a total of 190-200, then mine was less than 1 millisecond. A fly's being 12.
At this point, I no doubt had the fastest reflexes ever known on this earth. Dodging spells was child's play in this form, I'd be untouchable. The only downside to this form is the difficulty of invoking limitless cursed techniques. Cleave and Dismantle come strikingly straightforward to me, and I don't doubt the fact that pulling out my domain would set this entire forest on the path to ruin. However, Limitless was hard to conceptualize. Not impossible, just extremely difficult. I equate it to being a Taekwondo master your whole life and suddenly coming up with the genius idea to learn Jiu-Jitsu.
As I said, not impossible, but uncanny.
Secondly, my arms. I had control of each of them independently, which was strange to get used to. Do you know how your eyes normally seem to track one thing to the other if you want to gaze at something? Imagine the opposite. Like your left eye could move how you want it, and the other is just the same. It was a level of control that I never had the privilege to experience in my past life, and it was as weird to get used to as the eyes.
Martial arts in this form seem to come naturally to me, my instincts guiding me from one form to the other, as if I were dancing through this stunningly beautiful forest. A sense of chaotic oneness was derived through the corruption of the mind and the promise my subconscious made with it. To make a long story short, I promised the sheer destruction of my enemies, and that's all it took to coalesce into a peaceful resonance. My control skyrocketed as a result. I was pleased. I grinned maniacally, gesturing to a nearby tree.
The tree was obliterated as a strange guttural sound of a demon's pleasure tore through the air as the slash hit its target. The bark tore itself with loud snaps and crackles as the tree collapsed in a massive heap of torn wood shavings. It was like Malevolent Shrine was influenced into one target. I enjoyed these abilities if you couldn't tell already. So little understanding it took to understand Sukuna's power. Just use your cursed energy to cut. Simple.
"It will be...Marvelous!" I laughed and couldn't stop it, my voice sounding deeper, more profound. I had to grab my lower face in desperation to halt my musings, my eyes widening in realization. I quickly tried to figure out how to change back.
'The more time I stay in this form, the more I feel the need for violence and bloodshed.'
I needed to only use this form if I intended to cut loose in this world. No other circumstance I would deem it appropriate... unless I get to intimidate somebody for some reason, but even then it's shaky. I should liken this to the Berserker armor. Only use it if I have no other choice, that's it. If I up and use this form recklessly, I could end up being mistaken for a god and/or a demon. In this world, I wouldn't care about how I'm viewed. It's relatively weak so to speak, but the higher-tier worlds are going to have me by the balls.
A magician like Zatanna or on her level could easily just banish me to fuck off to God knows where. Scarlet Witch would just say "No more assholes " and just completely erase me from fucking existence.
Just imagining someone like Mephisto or The Spectre coming in to see this "new deity" in their dimension was more than enough to get me off my high horse. Infinity is a powerful ability don't get me wrong. It slows things down unquantifiably as soon as they try hitting me, but what can slowing down do if something is moving towards you at the "Velocity Of God"? Like seriously Dr.Fate? What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Only a gold-plated dipstick would risk testing that with only infinity.
It's okay Yumi... Take a deep breath in... Deep breathe out. I looked towards the sky in realization. The sun is now a few inches lower than what it was.
"I think it's about time for me to depart. Limitless will have to wait for now, I can test that in the room of requirement... probably. I visualized my current form to revert, seeing my extra set of arms and eyes destabilize and turn to ash. My tattoos slowly lost their glow, being replaced by the familiar black once more. My eyes went back to my conventional blue. Feeling the mental exhaustion from the influence of my transformation, I quietly sauntered back to the house in resignation.