The worst scare ever.

{Authors Note}

As I would like to say a few words before this chapter begins, It is my humble pleasure to say thank you for reading, as it's filled a spark in me that people all across the world are tuning in to read my imagination sprawled on a digital page. As I would like to address a few things being the harem request and the ten shadows.

Now as for harem? No? Kind of?

For two reasons.

I don't know how to organically and methodically integrate something like that in a story that I hold a higher esteem to. My collection of volumes being the first time I've written a story. Ever. I guess you could feasibly call it a harem for the simple fact that the protagonist will travel to multiple different worlds and will confront a collection of women from those worlds, and being a straight man... Yeah, well you get the point.

One at a time. So one woman from each world.

So while I do not condone the practice of making more than 1 female love interest in each world, collectively, he'll have at most three women from each world, then I'll just stop there. I already have those women in mind, so no polls or anything like that. This is for the purpose of exploring the romance aspect organically, and often I see so many fanfiction deviate from the main course of plot (good ones too!) in favor of fanservice or not nicely executed romance. So it won't really be a big thing in each volume I release, but rest assured, it will show itself from time to time. But I do warn that I focus on telling a story first, and It'll be unpredictable as all hell. Sometimes It won't be as obvious as Hermione, so it'll be fun to see people guessing on who it may be in each world. Or maybe, I won't at all.

The most unpredictable author of all time! It's not my fault! It depends on how I'm feeling I swear!

Ten shadows??

Yes. But not in this volume!

This is mostly an introduction to magic, and while I can't divulge exactly when he'll get this ability, I'll do it in a way thats badass. So keep your senses sharp for that!

But above all.

Again, Thank you for reading, and enjoy the chapter.


The trio was now dead silent, I saw Hermione reaching for her wand with trembling hands, swaying her wand and a famous incantation escaped her lips.

"Ex-Expecto, PATRONUM!" she screamed, as a brilliant and powerful white light flickered in and out of our presence.

A Patronus charm? It seems that the Young witch was more impressive than I thought.

She blanched, anxiety and desperation evident on her face as she tried once more to invoke the charm. She puffed out her chest, voice still trembling. "Expecto.. Patronum!" She repeated.

A ghost of a wisp of silver light plumed from her wand, the dementor covering its face in vexation, shrieking with wrath. It caused Hermione to jump at its cry, the light abruptly diffusing into just a cloud of light-colored smoke.

Impressive. Really Impressive! I thought excitedly. I could sense with my eyes just how strong the patronus was that she was conjuring, but it was in vain. The young witch lacks experience. She most likely never seen a dementor like this up close before, as they have an aura of sucking the happiness, the hope out of a human being just from being there. She froze in response to her 2nd failure, her wand dropping from her grasp.

I guess I can flex a little bit huh? I thought maniacally.

This is what I'd been waiting for. A chance to vilify a being who would dare grace my presence with fatuity. Pleasure bubbled through me.

I lifted my hand and shouted one word.


What I could only describe as a hypersonic slash of white energy, cut through the air in an almost breathtaking bout of precision.

In an instant, it bisected the creature as it let out an ear-ringing shriek, falling onto the ground in a heap of bones and darkness, stopping just before it could reach the entrance of the cart.

Being in Azathoth's presence meant that this was child's play. I have met an outer god and was able to comprehend its true form. What makes you think a Dementor would make me keel over?

I beamed in reaction to my first victory. 'Pitiful. One attack was enough? It befits a soul-sucking bottom feeder like you though.' I leaned in to look at its corpse.

'Trash.' Disgust clear on my face. The cart seemed a bit warmer after its evisceration, the magically high temperature of the train returning to all its glory, the frost melting off the windows as the lights once again flickered on, illuminating the cart once again.

Hermione and Harry turned to me, the expression on their face making me a little sheepish.

Ron, being as blunt as he is, whined.

"What the bloody hell was that?!"

"Ehh, A severing charm?" I shrugged. Hermione clicked her tongue, frowning at me at my attempt to lie.

"Rubbish. A severing charm or any spell can't harm a dementor except a patronus."

Her tone was disgruntled. She stared at me as if waiting for the real explanation.

Kind of hypocritical considering what they were hiding, but it was for the safety of Harry's life. I knew that. I would do the same if I was in his situation. It doesn't amount nearly to just asking what a peculiar ability was. "I'm sorry, you just saved us. I'm just curious" She wore a guilty look on her face, but it only made me feel a little remorseful for glaring at her like that.

I brought my fingers to the bridge of my nose, looking down in a moment of weakness. I guess my friendship with these three is set in stone now. And it's not like I can't twist the truth a little to avoid explaining the whole outer god thing, or the fact that in another world, they are mere characters in a book or actors played in a movie. Nevermind that. That's something that can't be told no matter what.

Well, I guess I have my own share of secrets, don't I?

I looked up to speak. "I don't know if I inherited this from my mother, and I never knew my father, so I could only assume it's a unique magic ability perhaps? It has something to do with my eyes I think." Purposefully vague. A half-truth always works.

Hermione scrunched her face in realization, an empathetic look on her face at the mention of my father. "Unique magical abilities are astoundingly common Yumi, It's just they only amount to things like more magic reserves or more talent in a specific subject or means of using magic. Someone might be better at using a staff or casting wordlessly. but in rare cases, a unique power comes around every century or so... I know you're just learning about this, it might be a little mouthful, but this is definitely unique. I never heard of something that can harm dementors. What else can you do?" She questioned.

I scratched my head in nervousness, her gaze being hard to get over. "I don't know. Maybe you can help me?" I squeaked, her complexion sighing in exhaustion. She waved me off, nodding in resolute. "Of course, I will. But I warn you, you better make it worth my time...unlike a certain someone".

At that point Ron chose to butt in, snorting in amusement. "You don't want her help I assure you, man! She's evil incarnate. She hit me on the head with a book once, she did!" as Harry, Hermione, and I deadpanned towards him. Harry facepalmed in annoyance.

"And who still failed the potion test when she tutored you for a whole week, And during these days, only piping up to ask about food or candy? We lost 10 points from our house because of you. It was so atrocious Snape himself was speechless." He stressed. He enunciated the last word with so much resentment I was almost hard-pressed to laugh. But I only silently looked at the boy in pity, his face riling up in color in embarrassment.

"Go off and tell everybody my failures then, Go on! That was supposed to be never brought up again!" He sniffled, as if about to cry. He couldn't finish his act though, as we all in unison broke off into laughter, Ron tackling Harry and wrestling in the cart, scabbers squeaking worriedly in its seat.

After everything was cleared up, an adult wizard with abnormal scars on his face came to see if we were okay, fortunately collecting the materials of this disgusting filth's remains, claiming it could be used to make rare potions.

Giving all of us a look, and focusing on Harry and me, he spoke to soothe our nerves. "Rest assured, don't worry about another one making an appearance. I'll have a word with the driver to make sure everything is going smoothly. You all must surely have been lucky that one of you knew the Patronus Charm."

He said as he hurriedly packed up and left, bidding us goodbye, though not forgetting to give us bars of chocolate, discreetly winking at me as he did so.

Cool lad, but I wonder if he knows my mother too?

Ron raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised he didn't ask you about your...thing" he gestured to his head. For a split second, the red-head annoyed me. Seriously?

Hermione shook her head in exasperation. "It's because he's a professor. Professor R.J Lupin. Ms.McGonagall said we'd have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor last year." Ron grunted in return, relaxing in his seat as I exhaled in relief. I guess he was able to deduce it from the name on his trunk.

Smart Ronald.

The cart melded into conversation once again as we drew closer to our destination.

Talking to Hermione about her family, I could tell she had adequacy issues, but really? I always disliked this blood supremacy stuff. I mean, I would get it if you had some kind of magical strength from being pureblood, but to me, it only had a significant impact on how wealthy you were, and that's generational wealth we're talking about. I'm pretty sure a great-granddad from 100 years ago didn't amass a kingdom of fortune just so you could act like an ass to a magical with muggle parents. Things like magical abilities or talents simply were random, as Hermione explained the inner workings of magical gifts. It's all a desperate claim to any speck of political power.

In my opinion, it was a system reserved for the sorry weaklings who couldn't grow a pair... magically speaking.

"Someone who could cast a Patronus charm that only failed because of a lack of experience shouldn't concern themselves with the opinion of others. You said it was advanced right? You're strong then. Stand tall, you deserve to." I looked her in the eyes, smiling toothily. Harry agreed, advising me a patronus was very difficult to conjure, especially in a critical moment such as this one. He expressed he heard a woman faintly screaming, his mother coming to the forefront of his mind as he shrunk into despair. Ron confessed that he thought he'd never be cheerful again as a result too.

The rose on the young witch's cheeks was palpable, but she softly punched me in return. "Don't think that will make me give you less homework. Kissing up to me doesn't work!" She shouted. I laughed in return, snickering at her attitude.

"What gave me away?".

The witch only grimaced, a gathering of magical power making me beg her to chill out.

Ron snickered. "Oh, now you've done it!"


As we then transitioned to old wooden carriages to travel the remaining distance, I could see that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a marvel of magical architecture and grandeur. Nestled amidst the rolling hills of the Scottish Highlands, The castle itself is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, with towering spires and turrets reaching for paradises. The rain seemed to give it the look of a towering cathedral, reminding me of a particular Batman game.

'Sighh, I wish I could play Arkham City at least one more time before I died.'

As I rolled my suitcase against the hard floor, Harry shook his head, telling me to stop for a moment. "Here, this might help." He seemed to whisper an incantation, gesturing to the suitcase.

It caused the heavy case to float up, peacefully as if I was inside my aunt's office again. "Once you get sorted, it'll appear in the house that the hat chooses. I don't know if they'll call you to the front, but we'll see won't we?" he shrugged.

He smiled at my expression. Though not arrogant, he certainly liked to show off, didn't he?


The trio and I trekked onwards with the armada of young wizards as they disembarked the pitch-black wooden carriages,

Each stone seems to hold centuries of history within its weathered surface, and the castle's many windows glitter like a thousand diamonds in the sun.

As we approached the castle I saw lush, sprawling grounds that seemed to stretch on forever. I could see what had to be the Forbidden Forest looming at the edge of the school grounds, while on the other side lies the serene Black Lake, its surface often reflecting the castle's majestic silhouette. I could only say that I was pleased. The movie couldn't have prepared me for a sight like this. It was like the castle itself breathed magic, and was forged in its presence. Simply Magnificent.

Crossing the threshold into Hogwarts, I found myself in what I recognized was the Great Hall, a cavernous space adorned with soaring, starlit ceilings that mimic the night sky and thousands of candles that flickered with white hot flame hovering towards the top. Enormous house banners hang proudly on the walls, and the long rows of wooden tables are set for feasts that promise satisfaction. At the front of the hall sits the staff table, where the professors preside over meals and events. And at the head of the altar stood the man himself, in front of a window that was flickering in white light, the lightning clashing just outside.

Albus Dumbledore.

Quick! look away! No mind reading for you Old Man!

[Albus Dumbledore POV]

It's been a while since I've seen Young Harry and his friends. I've longed to witness in person how he's been growing, but my time was always limited in that regard. The Ministry of Magic mostly leaning on me for their more... I should say unsavory matters.

And what they're upset about most, is this peculiar student in our midst, following behind young Harry, his blue eyes a spectacle to behold. He seemed to look away, avoiding eye contact.

I had no desire to read his mind, however, I commended his wisdom. In this world, you have to take precautions, sometimes unnecessary ones.

The son of Aesira Concordia, and nephew of Aviana Taron, two of the enlightened 6.

Two witches who surpassed me in sheer magical might, but also objects of fear and respect in the magical community. They chose to not follow the ministries' way of underage magic rules and revealed their gifts to whoever they wished when they reached their apex of strength.

They believed the statute of secrecy was at a life-threatening risk for everyone if they were to let two powerful witches run free unmonitored or uncontrolled. The fact that they were half-bloods made relations even worse. They demanded me to do something, anything to get control of the young witches, but I knew it was in vain. The two were simply too strong, as the remaining magically enlightened avoided taking residence in magical Britain.

I admit to having made a mistake in teaching the generation in which she was a part. I should have planned better, and been there for her more as a teacher. Now, she's a wild card. Her only welfare in her life is her son. It made me remember the time she appeared in my office, completely silent, her apparition on a different level in finesse.

"Old man, I want you to do me a favor," The dark-haired witch asked, a hand placed under her chin in contemplation. She sat opposite from me, with a cheerful smile that hid a kind of cold calculation, a facade she learned to build up over her years.

"I've decided to enroll my son in Hogwarts. You could either take it as a sign of goodwill or trust. However, I assure you that I only need him to grow stronger, and build relationships and bonds in this world. I've learned that I can't keep him locked away, never to be able to forge connections because of my paranoia for his safety."

Her demeanor took a sharp turn in contrast to the kind of calmness she exuded. I looked at her in interest, noticing her face twitching in worry at my own decision in the matter. I had no qualms with the Queen Of Charms.

She always was an ally in all things I would find to be difficult as my time as headmaster, the new rise of the dark lord being something with even the combined efforts of Aesira, Aviana, and myself being for naught. Tom Marvolo Riddle was a mastermind, a powerful one at that.

If I could acquire another powerful wizard, only a fool would work their mouths to decline. Just as I was about to fix my lips to affirm, she glared at me. Those eyes promised righteous anger for what she was about to say next.

"This doesn't mean you can manipulate and place those abhorrent magical limiters on him like that Potter, Prophecy boy you're keeping watch on." She spat, her voice grim.

"That's right, I've seen your little stunt. You're his magical guardian, and whatever you do is not my right to involve myself in, but hear me this,"

She leaned closer, and the collective area of magic in the room grew dense, Fawkes puffing up his feathers and objects shifting color in response. Her eyes glowed with the intensity of a bronze sun, the temperature rising.










"You try anything against him, I'll be here. You know I will, Albus." She declared.


The study grew quiet, the witch gone. Leaving Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, speechless. The old wizard saying nothing, quiet in thought.

'Fret not, Aesira. The boy will be safe.' He resigned.

'Maybe this is my penance.'

[Yumi POV]

Why are his eyes so misty? I thought. The headmaster of Hogwarts gazed at me with his twinkling eyes, nodding to me with a small smile. He motioned for me to come forward, Harry telling me to leave my luggage with him, as he would take care of it. I gave him a thumbs up, before nodding to Dumbledore, quietly making my way towards the head of the great hall.

As soon as I reached the altar, Albus addressed me. "I'd have you sit in with the teachers, Mr.Concordia. We'd have to get you sorted, won't we? Just wait until I call for you, as we have some announcements to get out of the way. Welcome to Hogwarts, I am pleased to have you joining us." I nodded in response, smiling. I then walked to the benches that occupied some of the most iconic wizards and witches of all time. Professor R.J Lupin greeted me with respect, but What I wasn't prepared for, was the man sitting directly next to him.

As an empty seat had shown itself next to a man I'd never forgotten.

Once a death eater, now a dedicated follower of light. An exceptionally skilled wizard, and the man who devoted the latter of his life to a woman who couldn't reciprocate his feelings in the end. A man who would shut his mouth and kill his superior at his request to bear the misunderstood hatred and ridicule in the world, one who would bear the label of the Professor who would kill Albus Dumbledore.

A loyal man, an honest one. But extremely cold and hostile, procuring a particularly bad habit of not separating kids from their parents. He lived a lifetime of anguish, deep grief, and guilt from Lily's death pushing him to the brink. Before he was ultimately murdered by the Dark Lord himself.

A man whom I respected.

Professor Severus Snape.

The man wore a grim expression, looking at me with a familiar look of coldness and spite.

"I assume you must be Yumiranj Concordia." He drawled an air of sophistication and mirth in his tone. "I do hope you don't end up disappointing me, much. like. The majority of students" He deadpanned.

I gulped, nerves getting to me uniquely and irritatingly.

"As I can't promise exceptional work, I can promise diligence Professor-" He cut me off. "Snape. It is Professor Snape, Mr.Concordia. I do not accept excuses, however, I respect your willingness to at least... learn." He stated. Turning his head abruptly to witness hundreds of students filing in, apparently finished talking to me.

Well, That went well I guess.

I could see Ms.Mcgonagall waving at me from the opposite side, a smile as sweet as her care for her students, and a Giant beside her smiling warmly at me as well. It was so surreal seeing a man being 8 ft tall sitting at such a small bench. I most likely would laugh if I was fearing coming across as rude to the giant.

The great hall was then filled with all kinds of children. Older, younger, lighter, darker. They were from many different backgrounds and lives, each with their own stories to tell. It reminded me of a summer camp I was forced to go to when I was younger. At least the food was better than summer camp I'll give them that. Anything that you wanted, from the most succulent chicken to the sweetest dessert you could ask for would materialize on your plate in a method that fades the food into existence.

I pictured in my mind a delightful rotisserie, accompanied by a side of mac and cheese. Basic meal I guess. I wanted to stick to what I was familiar with. For dessert? Chocolate-covered strawberry skewers with fluffy marshmallows in between. Yep, a dessert for kings indeed. Snape glimpsed eccentrically over my meal but said nothing, only examining back a raised eyebrow at my dessert choice. What? This isn't conventional?

Once the feast was over, all it took was the snapping of the old wizard's fingers to calm everyone down, the cheerful atmosphere finalizing with the students quiet in anticipation.

"Welcome, Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! Now I would like to say a few words before we all get too preoccupied with the flow of things. First, I am pleased to welcome Professor R.J Lupin, who has kindly consented to be our new defense against the dark arts teacher, Good luck Professor!" He gestured to the man sitting opposite from Snape.

The students broke irreparably into applause, an encore that he stood up for, a quiet respective bow as he sank back into his chair, the applause leaving with it.

Dumbledore smiled.

"And as you may have all known our teacher in charge of the care of magical creatures, has sadly retired, To spend time with his remaining limb. Filling that role is none other, than our Rubeus, Hagrid!"

I saw the trio in the stands smiling, clapping more fervently than the rest of the hall. A few whistles and even some shouts of approval ringed through the hall.

Hagrid stood up as well, much to the table's dissatisfaction.

I almost snickered. Just like the movie.

"And last but not least. I am elated to announce, a new student! One who is more than excited to start learning magic as a third year in our wonderful school of witchcraft and wizardry." He turned to me, beckoning me to stand by his side. I complied, finally exposing myself to the stares of the students.

You wouldn't believe how many whispers I heard up here. For a great hall as big as this, its sounds echoed nicely off the walls, giving me an outlandish understanding of the gossip that ensued.

Or maybe my sense of hearing was annoyingly heightened.

"Who's that?"

"He's like a model!"

"Is Dumbledore sure he's a third year? He looks older."

"Dibs" An older girl's voice was heard this time.

Damn, no shame at all huh?

"Fresh meat sister. Poor boy."

"If he goes in Slytherin we have dibs."

Dumbledore then gestured to my visage.

"I would like to introduce you to none other than the wonderful, Yumiranj Concordia!" It was then my turn to smile, bowing as Students shouted and screamed in applause.

I think I'm going to like it here.

"Now, it's time for a little sorting ceremony, isn't it?" Dumbledore asked, the students chanting and clapping in enthusiasm. He requested for Ms.Mcgonagall to get the wrinkly hat from it's stand, the hat grumbling out of it's slumber as it was picked up.

"What? WHAAAT!?" He screamed. "IM TRYING TO SLEEP HERE DAMMIT. WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS DISTURB ME WOMAN!" The hat cursed. A collective of gasp was heard throughout the hall, Ms.Mcgonagall scowling at the hat in return. Scolding it.

"Language sorting hat! I must educate you, that whenever we do pick you up it's for the obvious sorting of a new student, You pompous piece of wool!" The woman not minding the torrent of laughter coming from the students. Dumbledore himself almost cracked a laugh, but distracted himself, clearing his throat with the request. Respectfully attempting to sort me.

As the form of Ms.Mcgonagall drew closer, the emotion of dread completely took over my senses, a cold sweat forming on my face.

He's gonna read my mind!

Ms.Mcgonagall assured me, "Don't worry Mr.Concordia. He doesn't bite. Only barks"

They slowly lowered the hat onto my head, Mcgonagall transfiguring a seat for me to sit on.

He's gonna read my mind! What can I do?



"Hmm, curious," He said in my mind.

"The outer gods are real, Aye?"