Chapter Seventy-Five: Tsukiko's Fleet

"ETA is in 15 minutes." Rumia said to Lucilia.

On the bridge was everyone, including the two freshly scorned twin princesses, Rei and Rin. When Ren asked why they looked like they just got grounded by their parents, he was told by Lucilia that there was nothing he should be worried about, and they left it at that...despite Ren still having some questions.

However, everyone's attention came onto the giant flotilla in space. A fleet of ships is hovering over a single gas giant planet.

"How many ships do they have?" Serenity asked.

"Has to be...hundreds..." Lily said astonished at the sight.

"Four hundred and seventy-four ships." Rin said it with a smile. "Our largest fleet."

"What do you need that many ships for?" Eleonora asked.

"I've only seen a couple ships...but this is insane..." Laelli commented on seeing this number of ships together for the first time in her life. Ashastha and Sthora were also liked. Laelli was shocked and in awe of the sight.

Rin began explaining. "Our planet has three main fleets. The home fleet was made up of more than 300 ships; the war fleet was made up of 500 ships; and finally, the royal fleet, which you see now."

"That's...insane." Ren said seeing this.

Then Rei joined her sister in explaining the purpose of the fleet. "The royal fleet is made up of our mom's royal guard and selected generals, plus the members of our planet's nobility and their private armies.

Lucilia then said "It's no wonder your mom is considered to be the only threat to the Volarian Empire..."

"Sadly, due to the vastness and alliances your empire has made, despite all of this, we are still outnumbered 10 to 1." Rin commentated.

"It seems like you really hate that fact." Rumia said.

"I do. I have no love for the Volarian Empire; no offense, Princess Lucilia." Rin said.

Lucilia smiled "None taken; I can't say I blame you either."

"Ma'am, we are being hailed." Rumia said, looking at the console in front of her.

"Answer it." Lucilia said.

It was then that a face appeared on the screen on the bridge.

"This is Admiral Valok; state your business."

Lucilia smiled "I am Princess Lucilia from the Volarian Empire; we are here regarding the special mission given to us by Queen Tsukiko."

Valok nodded and said "Give me a second while I hail the Queen."

After about two minutes, Valok appeared back on screen "You are free to pass; the Queen's flag ship will be awaiting you."

"Much obliged." Lucilia said.

The ship traveled through the flotilla until it reached the largest ship of them all. It was huge, making it pretty obvious that it was the flagship.

Once everyone landed, they were escorted up to the Queen's Royal Chambers located on the ship. Yes, the ship was so big that the Queen basically had a large penthouse on it.

The group entered an elevator that took them down a hall, and when they reached a door at the end of the hallway once again, all of them were left speechless.

The room looked as if it belonged in the rooms of a palace. Gold-designed things everywhere, a floor so shiny you could see your reflection in it, and when Ren saw what was located in the living room, he nearly passed out. Under the coaches in the living room was an entire fish tank filled with different kinds of fish.

"What...the...fu-" Scarlet was about to say before being interrupted by a new voice.

"Welcome everyone!"

When everyone turned their heads, they saw Tsukiko, wearing a long purple dress, walking towards them.

"MOM!" Rin yelled out along with Rei as they ran up to their mother and embraced her.

"Rin...Rei..." Tsukiko said before her knees buckled below her, bringing them all to the floor. She was crying while holding onto their heads. "Thank the goddesses. You're both ok."

Rei and Rin also cried into their mother's shoulder, hugging her. The sight was emotional for everyone else to see the two twins reunited with their mother.

Tsukiko looked up at Ren and the others and said "I can never repay you..."

Lucilia was the first to speak up "We will speak about repayment later; right now, enjoy being reunited with your daughters, Queen Tsukiko."

After the group reunited the family, they were allowed to explore the ship themselves. Ren was about to go with Lucilia somewhere, but he was stopped by someone surprising.

"Ren, we need to talk in private..." 

It was Ivy who looked seriously at Ren. Which made him wonder what she wanted to talk about. After all, the two haven't really had a one-on-one conversation in a long time, so this surprised him. "Uhm, okay, where should we talk?"

That's when Tsukiko spoke up "I have guest rooms prepared for all of you; down that hallway, you can claim any room you want."

Ivy thanked Tsukiko and went with Ren into one of the rooms; the room itself was huge. The bed could fit five people easily, not to mention that when Ren pushed his hand down on the bed, it felt so soft that he could swear it would be like sleeping on a bed made of feathers.

"So, Ivy, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Ren asked Ivy, who looked pensive.

"Ren... I have a giant favor to ask of you; it's not one to be taken lightly." Ivy said, looking at Ren with a nervous expression.

"What's going on, Ivy?" Ren asked.

Ivy took a deep breath before continuing to speak. "I know you love my daughter along with the others; you're very caring like that, which I appreciate, but you know my 'husband' will be working directly against you, right?"

"Yeah, Lucilia told me something like that." Ren said.

Ivy then said "All I can say at the moment is prepare for the worst. You embarrassed him at the fighting ceremony, and according to some of my spies, he's not happy with you at all. Which can only mean he will try something else. So I have a suggestion. A way to keep everyone you love and care about safe."

"And what's that?" Ren asked.

"Make alliances; Tsukiko will align with you easily, but there are others you may need help from. So, and this is a big thing, why not reach out to your planet?"Ivy said.

"My planet?" Ren asked.

"Yes, if your planet joins you, they will boost the numbers needed to go to war with the Emperor, and there are also a few other ways that can help you. Aurelia and Octavia are already making a few moves with the help of Lucilia, but there are just pieces of the puzzle." Ivy said.

"You want me to help build an army?" Ren asked.

"Not an army, just close allies. You will need them just in case of the worst-case scenario, but there is another thing—it's just that—and this entire request is selfish of me. If I'm being honest, I don't know if you would accept, but it is something I must ask of you, Ren." Ivy said, looking even more pensive.

"And what would that be?" Ren asked.

Ivy walked up closer to Ren and grabbed his hand. She held his hand up to her chest, which made him touch part of her beautiful breasts.

"I ask of you, me." Ivy said this with tears rolling down her cheek.

"Save you?" Ren asked.

"The Emperor...he will do everything he can to make Lucilia obey his orders, including hurting me. And while I would gladly lay down my life for Lucilia, I want to think of a better way to approach this situation, but it is a big ask of you." Ivy said.

"You want me to save you from him, right? But how?" Ren asked curiously as to what she would answer.

"I need you to...steal me from him." Ivy said with a blush of embarrassment.

"Steal you?" Ren said shocked "but your Lucilia's mother...I-"

After cutting Ren off Ivy put her finger on Ren's lips before saying "I understand it may be awkward for you, but listen to my thoughts first. I don't mind sharing you with my daughter; it's obvious she loves you, and I myself am attracted to you. I will not force you to say yes; if you disagree, that is perfectly fine, but if you agree, I promise you will not be disappointed." Ivy said as she moved his hand on top of her breast completely.

"But why do you need me to steal you?" Ren asked, still confused over that part of her request.

Ivy sighed "The emperor is the only man I have ever been with; when I was betrothed to be one of his wives, he never let another man lay his hands on me; if someone tried, they'd be killed and their families would become slaves. As a result, in his mind, I was his and only his. But I never wanted anything to do with him, but in the end, he gave me my precious daughter, and that was enough. I guess you could say I accepted that I would never be free of his grasp, but then you came along, you beat the odds, and you even defied the emperor himself. So that's why I ask of you...steal me from him."


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