Chapter Seventy-Seven: The Party Continues

"How gorgeous."

The Queen and her daughters walked down the steps as the music played in the background. Every eye in the building was on the trio. Queen Tsukiko was wearing a red and blue kimono with intricate golden designs that completely fit her figure. Even with her tail peeking from the back, Ren guessed that the kimono had a design to it that allowed the tails to flow freely. Rei and Rin both wore kimonos as well, but Rin wore a red one with golden designs and Rei wore a blue one with the same designs, with their tails also coming throughout the back.

Everyone in the entire building was awestruck to see the three walk down the steps and to their thrones, but before sitting down, Tsukiko seemed to have a speech planned.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for attending this celebration on such short notice. Everyone here today is our planet's important nobles and admirals who serve in my own fleet and their children, and first, I would like to thank all of you for your service."

A quick round of applause went around the room from the various admirals and nobles attending the party.

"Now there are other matters to talk about. As all of you know, my daughters were recently taken by a band of brigands whose motives so far are still mostly a mystery to us. They took my daughters and made me fear that I would never see them again, so I made a decision. As a decision of not just a queen but one of a loving and worried mother, I asked an old friend of mine, Princess of the Volarian Empire, Lucilia Aria Caelum, and her friends to help me save my daughters."

A spotlight shone over Ren and the others, which caused everyone in the entire room to stare at them.

"This group of brave individuals fought against the terrorists who kidnapped my daughters and returned them to me safely and unharmed, earning my eternal gratitude."

Another thunderous applause went around the entire room, this time towards Lucilia, Ren, and the others, which made all of them quite nervous.

"Now that my speeches are done, there is another matter I must speak of." Tsukiko said with her very powerful yet seductive voice.

Everyone's attention quickly turned towards Tsukiko.

"As of today, I am officially signing an alliance with Lucilia Aria Caelum and her fiancé Ren. This is not an alliance with the Volarian Empire but with Lucilia and Ren individually. Should you two ever need my assistance, it is yours."

This statement caused many gasps and murmurs from the crowd, but overall it seemed to be accepted that it was with Lucilia and Ren individually and not the Volarian Empire, whom they despised.

"Now that everything has been addressed, please enjoy the party, everyone." Tsukiko said after taking her glass of wine and raising it for a cheer, which caused everyone at the party to respond in kind.

Once Tsukiko's speech ended, the music restarted, and everyone started their conversations again.

"I was not expecting the whole round of applause thing..." Ren said, rubbing the back of his head.

Mina, Kali, and Shera were basically kicked out of the entire conversation by Lucilia and the others, and the party started to resume like normal, with food and drinks being served for free to everyone.

That's when it happened: the music changed into a slow dance, and couples started to take to the dance floor. Ren then bowed in front of Lucilia and asked her "May I have this dance?"

Lucilia put her hand on top of Ren's, and Ren led her to the dance floor, where the two started to slow dance with each other. Ren was mesmerized by her smile during this, and she had the biggest blush on her face. Luckily, Ren was a good dancer and led Lucilia through slow dancing, so she wouldn't have a problem.

Ren was hypnotized by her; the way she looked at him as if he were the only man in the universe made him smile behind comprehension. That's when Ren got closer to Lucilia and whispered in her ear "I really do love you, Lucilia; I want to get married to you as soon as possible."

Lucilia blushed upon hearing this and nodded her head "When we get back to Volaria, let's do it."

Ren also noticed out of the corner of his eye that Tyler was dancing with Sakura off to the side, which also made Ren smile that his friend had finally found someone.

After the song ended and another began, Scarlet then stepped up to slow dance, which the two did in a similar dance to that of him and Lucilia.

Then Ashastha went up to dance with him, but Ren immediately had to tell her to chill when she picked Ren up, like he was the girl in this scenario and he wasn't having that. Then Lily, then Serenity, Sthora, Eleonora, and Ivy all danced with Ren as well; some unlikely few, such as Laelli and Mae, danced with Ren, and a few other crew members of Lucilia's ship, like Rumia, Aleyda, and Ceti, who stopped by all wearing beautiful dresses. Even the twin princesses got up to dance with their "savior" shocking everyone in the room. By the end of the night, let's just say Ren quickly became the most talked-about man in Tsukiko's fleet, leaving many young maidens feeling left out by not having the opportunity to dance with him, especially the three girls who approached him earlier and were cut off by his army of wives, as they called it.

Once the music stopped, people started to leave the party. The admirals and their families on other ships boarded their escort ships and headed to their own ships. Leaving the party more and more empty. Eventually Ren met with Tsukiko, who was now sitting alone since Rei and Rin were talking to Lucilia and the others.

"Hello, Queen Tsukiko." Ren said, bowing with respect.

Tsukiko smiled "It's just Tsukiko to you; you earned that respect for saving my daughters; I consider us more friends than just allies."

"Ok, Tsukiko, I just wanted to say thank you for everything since we've arrived; you've been more than kind." Ren said to Tsukiko.

"Oh Ren." Tsukiko said before standing up "What I've done is nothing so far; I owe you and Lucilia everything. You saved my daughters; you saved my world, Ren. I...I don't know what I would've done if something happened to them, but you and Lucilia did it, and they are back home to me safe and sound. So if giving you a free room and a party is a lot to you, you guys have no idea."

"What do you mean?" Ren asked.

Tsukiko smiled before saying "Let's save it for another time. Now I think your fiancé wants to see you."

Ren thanked Tsukiko once again before walking back to Lucilia, and the group walked back to their rooms.

Tsukiko, meanwhile, looked at Ren and Lucilia with a smile "They remind me of myself and my husband... I wonder what kind of mischief those will get involved in. Meanwhile, something tells me my daughters currently have a feeling of jealousy." Tsukiko thought when she looked at her daughters, starting at Ren and Lucilia, leaving hand in hand while looking angry. "Maybe I can secure another type of alliance while I'm at it."

Ren and Lucilia walked to their room, and Ren hugged Lucilia, who returned the hug even tighter.

Lucilia asked Ren. "By the way, what kind of dance was that?"

Ren chuckled. "It's called slow dancing; couples on my planet do it during dances, formal events, and even weddings."

Lucilia grabbed Ren's hand. "Well, I better get some practice in for our wedding."

"I guess I'll have to show you." Ren said thinking about how to teach Lucilia how to slow dance. "

"I look forward to it, but first." Lucilia let go of Ren and unhooked her dress, causing her dress to fall to the floor, leaving herself in her bra and underwear. "I want to get a shower; will you join me?"

Ren immediately took off his shirt and scrambled, getting undressed as he followed Lucilia into the shower. Which lucky enough for the rooms next to them, the bedrooms were completely soundproof.

(AN: Yeah, you know what's about to happen in there.)

*3 months later*

"Captain Aurora?" a bridge hand.

Aurora was sitting on her bridge chair, looking over at some reports on her tablet. "Yes?"

"Someone is hailing us from an unknown channel, but they did leave us a message." the bridge hand said.

"What's the message?" Aurora asked curiously as she continued to read the countless reports on her tablet.

"They wrote out 'Emilia Rose'"

Aurora stood up and dropped her tablet in shock. "What?"


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