Chapter Eighty-Four: Imprisonment

AN: Hey guys it's been a minute but I'm back...mostly. So thing is I've been going through it to say the least and writing daily or even semi daily frankly drained me. So I decided to come up with a bit of a compromise. Chapters from now on will be a little shorter than usual. My chapters are usually around 1500 words give or take but now they'll be about 1000 since that is easier for me to do. Now release schedule is something I'm still working on but I'm hoping to create one soon so please like all of you beautiful bastards been doing, stay patient with me and I promise I'll get to work lol. Also I am working on something else in the meantime it's kinda just a thing I've been writing to keep my mind distracted. I'll elaborate more in a later chapter for when/if I decide I want to make it public. Thank all of you for understanding!



Ren was dizzy; he couldn't even open one of his eyes. His arms were chained to two separate walls, and his legs were weighted down. He couldn't feel anything but pain in his body.


Ren could hear a voice speaking to him, but he couldn't make out any of the words being spoken. He did his best to remember everything that was happening to him. He remembered him being arrested and put in court, where the Emperor found him guilty and sent him to this prison. Since he arrived, the guards have been rough with him. He felt new bruises forming on his body—new cuts. He started to black out from the pain, and next thing he knew, he was chained up. Slowly, the voice speaking to him became more and more clear.

"You really fucked up."

Ren moved his head up and saw a man with red skin and two horns on his head looking at him with a clipboard in hand.

"Satan? Ren asked, barely able to speak.

"Who the hell is Satan?

Ren didn't answer; instead, he just did his best to get himself together.

"So, you're here on the charges of, well, everything treasonous possible. Doubt your getting out. At least not for a long time. Once we decide you're not a threat of lashing out, we'll put you in a comfortable room. If you need to use the bathroom, yell out, and one of the guards will unlock you so you can go. Nod your head if you understand."

Ren nodded his head.

"Good. Now I'm Zerak, the second-in-command here. If you make our lives as guards easy, then you'll have it better. Make life harder for us, and well... your introduction beatings will seem like we were just having fun."

"Sounds like quite the place..." Ren said.

Zerak smiled "Just...make the best of it, kid, as much as you can anyway."

Zerak left the cell, leaving Ren alone. He was so cold that it was almost numbing his pain from the wounds on his body. He didn't have any energy to fight back; instead, all he could hear was a dripping noise in the room, and he couldn't tell if that was just water or his own blood hitting the floor. He was left with only one thing on his mind. Those he loves

"Lucilia, Scarlet, Ashastha, Lily, Eleonora, Serenity, all of you...I'm sorry."


"Okay everyone!" Lucilia said with excitement. "Today we start officially putting our plan together; we know every card we now have on the table. This operation is going to be very risky.

"Lucilia, you really need to sleep." Scarlet said, noticing the darkness that surrounds her eyes.

"I'LL BE FINE! I'll sleep once I have him back..." Lucilia said it with annoyance.

"Lucilia." Lily said. "Scarlet is right. You need to sleep."

Lucilia stared at Lily. "And I said I'd sleep whe-"

"She's right, sister." Octavia said, looking at Lucilia. "Ren is going to need each of us at our best. Your exhaustion will only hinder our efforts to save him. We need you in perfect health."

"REN NEEDS ME!" Lucilia yelled, shocking everybody in the room. "He... he is going through something that none of us could even think about...who knows what they are doing to him in that prison? I have to save matter what."

Eleonora walked up to Lucilia and put her hand on her shoulder. "No, Lucilia, we will save him. But all of us need to be at the top of our games to do so, especially you."

"Ren's strong." Scarlet said. "He'll get managed until we save him. We just have to plan smartly."

*A week later*


Ren was still chained to the walls, and one of the guards thought it would be fun to torture him. Ren's forehead and eyes were covered in blood, and his back had multiple deep cuts on it.

"So...tell me "Prince" how are you enjoying your stay at our luxurious resort so far?" The guard said, looking at Ren.

"F-Fuck you..." Ren said still trying to show resistance.

"Ooh, how rude!" the guard said with a sadistic smile. "Let's see if this makes you more...appreciative." 

The guard grabbed his knife and cut Ren's neck deep enough for it to scar but not enough to kill him.

"AAAAHHH!!" Ren screamed as loud as he could.

The guard smiled "I love that sound."

Then, to the surprise of the guard, they felt a giant rumble around them.

"What the fuck was that?" the guard said, confused.

Ren, despite all the pain he was going through, smiled and said. "M-my wife."


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