How to Placate a Jealous Sister

"Has the cat got your tongue? Hm?"

Alice's arched her eyebrows while folding her arms below her breasts. Her action made her already perky bosom look even more pronounced, drawing my attention. I gulped down the accumulated saliva and looked up at her face to find a crafty smirk.

(I am clearly playing in her palm. Since when has my sister become such a good actor?)

I understood her intentions and devised a counter for her, a reward for being able to trick me. With downcast eyes and a light stutter, I delivered my finest acting skills.

"There is nothing much between us. Just… I just like her a bit. But sis… No big sis. I promise I haven't done anything. I haven't even confessed yet."

I peeked up surreptitiously to see my sister's reaction. Her crafty smile faded as her face crumpled in jealousy, but she composed herself and tried to give me a gentle smile, which was an unsuccessful attempt.