I challenge Anastasia Shelman

For Dominique, life was just a game in easy mode. Being born into a family with an ancestor called the 'Planet Lord' by the masses, he had nothing to worry about.

If anybody dared defy him, the next day, that 'anybody' would become 'nobody'. And the others would just praise him.

"Young master Dominique is benevolent by giving that man a peaceful afterlife."

"Young master Dominique has the favour of everyone in the Lindstrom family and is even going to become the family head within a few decades."

"It's just a few centuries, and young master Dominique will take on the mantle of the Planet Lord."

"If only young master Dominic would step on me, then I will happily die with an overdose of pleasure."

Well, the last one was a bit weird. However, it was nothing but buzzing of flies to Dominique.