Senior brother, I am back

Kevin's body slowly morphed into a giant under the eyes of all spectators. 

His mind was in chaos with all those unpleasant memories that he tried to keep buried deep and completely forget about them.

But like a curse, it stuck to him; even after two decades with his master, he couldn't let go of his monstrous past, which kept haunting him.

Even though the ones in the sect didn't know about his past and just used the words 'Lab Rat' as a trigger quite rarely, Kevin loathed those words and those ignorant ones even more for using those vile words.

So, he didn't want his new friends to get any inkling about his dark past.

But his senior brother had to use it. He understood that his senior brother just wanted Kevin to go all out and thus taunted him to get angry.

And indeed, he got angry but simultaneously lost control over the 'beast transformation'. It had been the same case for almost a decade.