A Big Fan

On the duelling platform of the Inter-Galactic Ranking Competitions, I was going to face two rankers that hailed from 'Mortal Buddha Abode' as a punishment from Fairy Meiying.

The two monks, Bu Ting and Bu Jian, were quite pleased with the situation, as even with their eyes blazing with fury, they had a grin on their faces.

"Don't blame us, kid. It was your and your sister's fault for killing our brother in the last match. And for that, we will torture you to death."

"Aaaah… Mhhmm."

Listening to their villainous lines, I just nodded my head vaguely. And then glanced at Fairy Meiying.

It was not like she had some unpleasant encounter with me to have set up such a scenario for me…

(Maybe it can be because I have seen her true form?)

No, that shouldn't be the case. Whatever the reason was, it was not to get me killed by a borrowed knife.