I want something from you

I was doomed!

Or that's how it should have happened, but I suddenly felt a faint stir in my soul. And before I could check it out, a piercing pain spread through my body.

It was very excruciating on both physical and mental levels, but I couldn't do anything about it and just suffered from it while being at a standstill.

Pairing up with the pain was a pitch-black goo-like substance that suddenly emerged from my chest and shot towards the two bullets, engulfing them completely. 

After eating the bullets, the substance returned into my chest on its own.

And the next second, the time started moving again.

The first thing I checked for was not the expression on Dominique's face but for any changes in the eyes of Fairy Meiying.

It was very important to know if she had discovered something about my ability.