Experiment on Oneself

What is a quasar mineral?

It is a mysterious mineral that defies all laws of normal science and understanding.

Though a piece of such mineral, called quasar crystal, is generally the solid state of matter. Sometimes, it would change into a viscous liquid or gaseous state, too.

The same is true for the colour. It usually gives out a bright red hue but sometimes turns bright white and sometimes darker than black.

Also, it could instantly become weightless or could weigh more than a planet in the next second. Many other physical and visible properties also vary for the quasar crystal, seemingly following its will as if it is alive.

Every slight change can be experienced by different amounts and rates of injected stellar energy.

This was what I had gathered after a few hours of experimenting with the two quasar minerals I had obtained after dismantling the quasar guns.

However, I still couldn't activate it manually to form a black hole.