Underwater Game of Tag

As we, mother and son, were relaxing in the misty hot spring and I almost fell asleep, four more people intruded into the silent sanctuary.

From the other side of the hot spring, I could see the faint silhouettes of a few people, among which was the owner of the boisterous and very cheery voice who disturbed the silence.

"Alice has arrived. Where are you, little brother? Mom?"

But both mother and I kept mum.

Finding no one answering her, my sister didn't get disheartened. Instead, she got more pumped up as she invited another person to her upcoming shenanigan.

 "Hehehe~, seems like we are playing hide and seek, just like good old days. Anais, let's go search for them."

"Hey, isn't your mother already hogging him exclusively for seven days? Then, if we interfere, wouldn't it be bad?"

Being the newer one in the family, Anais still didn't know a few commandments in our family, and Alice, being the good friend, explained to her.