Graduating from Being a Virgin

After having a deep understanding of her body structure and the positions of all the organs from the inside out, the next step was to feel the working of every organ, every tissue and every cell of her body…

The way she breathes, the rhythm of her heartbeats, the speed of circulation of her blood, the circulation of her stellar energy through her meridians.

… and then to make all of this my own.

Thinking that my body was the body for my sister. Everything that would happen in her body would happen in my body, too.

The same was true for Alice, too, who had to superimpose myself in herself.

Though it was entirely impossible to completely emulate the other's inner workings to almost perfection, I could still feel the changes that happened after the step.

Our breathing got aligned, and so did our heartbeats, the pressure of our blood, and many more.