Kesher Nefesh

"Wake up."

Anais's eyes slowly fluttered open as the very dear voice of her man, accompanied by a kiss on her lips, woke her up from sleep.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. We have things to do. So, go take a quick bath, as we have to meet with Alice and mother to discuss something with them."

Anais rubbed her drowsy eyes and stretched her body while looking at the handsome visage of Lucas dressing himself…

(Hm hmm. That's how my man is so dashing and handsome… and also so dominating in bed.)

… as the memories of her first time getting frisky with him flashed through her mind.

She removed the sheets covering her body and looked down her navel, only to find herself to be cleaned of all blood and fluids, which she knew should be Lucas's doing. But her flower petals were still swollen and inflamed, a testimony of how intense they were.

But suddenly her mind registered the words spoken by him that they were going to meet Alice.