Kiss of Deception

Inside the waterfront pavilion, except for the three of us, there were another six women present. Everyone present wanted to have a go at joining the Celestial Yin Sect.

Even I, a man in a woman's disguise, was pretty determined to pass through this screening examination, even though it would still be like a walk in the park for me because of the 'Bane of Yin' technique.

Using it appropriately, I could influence the examiners to give me the easy way out, so I should have been very relaxed.

But reality had always been toying with me, sending unpredictable variables along my way.

And so, it did again as one of the other six applicants was none other than my mother, Sylvia, in disguise.

Her disguise was perfect; when compared to her original self, the disguise was shorter, thinner, moderately endowed, and had a different appearance.