Quench my Thirst

A cold shiver ran down my back as soon as I heard the words spoken in a frosty tone of my sister.

I tentatively turned around from my seat and looked at the cause of such an instinctive reaction from me, only to find Alice and Anais standing by the doorway connected to the corridor, with each of them holding a knife.

"Ah-ahaha, you know that was all an act. All for the sake of fooling her. Avoiding you two was also part of the acting.

So, why don't you two just chill for a little and come closer, ehh? Let's rest while snuggling, as I am too tired from acting."

I conveniently forgot the sight of the two girls holding while having a crazy glint in their eyes, and bravely turned my back towards them, closing my eyes and sinking deeper into the cushiony chair.

I didn't see how they reacted or what they communicated, but after a few moments, two soft bodies seated themselves on my thighs and leaned on my body.