Lucy's Family

It had been quite a few hours, and her wife hadn't returned yet, making Liliya anxious.

They had just consummated their marriage, and now her wife had left the house for so many hours.

(Was it really because I didn't do well in bed last night?)

"Oh, what should I do?"

Worried, Liliya kept pacing around the room before finally deciding to search on her own instead of just waiting.

However, just as she reached the door, she found the late returnee back inside the house.

"Ah, you going somewhere, Liliya?"

The girl gave a graceful smile as she asked, catching Liliya off-guard.

(And what's with this only first-name basis…? No more honorific of senior sister.)

The sudden, unexpectedly intimate greeting made her feel embarrassed. She felt her face hot as she recalled the scenes of the last night and the play she did in the bathroom.

"Lu-lu… junior sister, you're back. Where were you all this time?"