Yin Oasis Pavilion

"Wake up, honey. We have things to do."

Liliya was stirred awake from her deep slumber by a soft peck on her cheek and a gentle voice.

"Mmhmm…? Ishh still early… lehme slweep for a little more."

She drowsily mumbled and pulled up the covers up her ear, shielding herself to go back to her sweet dreams. But her action was upended as someone forcefully tore away her protective cloak.

"You can't sleep any more. I know you drank quite a lot of wine yesterday, but we have to meet soon with the sect master. She is waiting for us to help us for the first session in Yin Oasis Pavilion."

The gentle sound once again entered Liliya's ears. But this time, she immediately woke up, shedding off the dullness in her body. All because the content of the rouser's statement was important.

Wide awake, Liliya sat upright, leaning slightly against the headboard and looked at the face of her rouser.