Treasure between Legs

With the highly concentrated yin essence present in the chamber, it took Liliya and me more than an hour to utilise all that essence.

Though absorbed and converted into yang essence by the Bane of Yin technique, it would still take some time to properly assimilate it within my body. Thus, group cultivating anymore would be just a waste.

The same was the case for all the women.

And so, after the session was over, everyone dispersed, each to their own residence or wherever they wanted to go… an action that they had repeated many times, even when the sect master was present because no one objected to their behaviour.

We should have done the same, but the sect master invited Liliya and me to her abode so that she could impart the technique to control the Yin Oasis Pavilion to us.

Also, there was another thing that I was sure she wanted to talk about with me.