Wen He's Chance to Shine

The ship I was in was filled to its brim. 

We, the cannon fodders, were all stationed on the upper decks while some of the people from logistics were in the internal holds to man the cannons popping out from the sides.

It was like any other ship that chartered on the boundless salty water of a planet, with the slight difference that the ship I was in would sail in space rather than on water.

Though, unlike Nimbus, it didn't have a specialized engine for making time-space jumps, it was bigger and could easily carry a large number of people through space at a reasonably good speed.

And so, our ship, along with the others, exited the planet's atmosphere, only to come across a massive fleet of ships approaching from the opposite direction.

"The enemies are ahead. Take up your arms and ready aim. Wait for the orders and launch a volley when signalled."

The commanding officer of our ship bellowed.