Restrictions to Moving Forward

~ Lá Cafe ~

Benedict's sleek black Rolls Royce glided gracefully through the streets, cutting through the early morning mist like a shadow.

Peony arrived at Lá Cafe slightly ahead of Benedict.

Inside Lá Cafe, soft jazz music played in the background, creating a soothing backdrop for patrons savoring their morning coffees. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the subtle scent of freshly baked pastries.

Her phone chimed, alerting her to his text message. With a touch of irritation, she typed back, "Where did you get my number?"

Benedict's reply came swiftly, "I have my ways. Did you already reach?"

Peony couldn't help but add a touch of sarcasm to her next message, "Sure enough. Invading privacy is in your job description."

Benedict, undeterred by her tone, teased her further, "Haha, Great words coming from someone who cried." However, he quickly thought better of it, erasing the text and typing again, "Haha, you can't escape me anyway."

" Not funny. Anyways, I'm already at the cafe. When are you coming? "

Benedict decided to up the suspense, texting, "Well, turn around."

Peony obediently turned her head, only to find Benedict standing behind her, holding a large bouquet of peonies. Her heart raced, and she felt a mix of surprise and embarrassment.

"This is for the tragic heroine," Benedict remarked with a smirk, presenting her with the bouquet

" I'm leaving. ", Peony stands up.

Benedict, not willing to let her escape so easily, implored, "Don't be shy and accept. Just quietly sit down, if you don't want to hit headlines tomorrow."

Unbeknownst to them, the women in the cafe had taken notice of Benedict's entrance and were swooning over his striking appearance.

"So handsome," one of them whispered.

"So dashing," another chimed in.

Their murmurs of admiration created a low buzz of excitement in the cafe. Benedict's presence had certainly not gone unnoticed.

Ignoring the surrounding attention, Peony reluctantly returned to her seat. "I forgot that threatening people is another point in your job description," she muttered. "Well tell me, why is the great CEO wanting to meet me and that too with a bouquet. "

Benedict couldn't help but chuckle at her remark, and the women in the cafe swooned a little more. "Well, I'm glad you've decided to stay," he teased.

"So tell me why you called me here.", Peony muttered.

" Well Miss, remember I'm doing you a favour.", Benedict smirks at her.

" Did I ask for it? " Peony slams the table.

" Woah woah! Cool down. Drink some cold water. "

" I would rather dump a bucket of that on my head and still be angry at you. ", She remarks.

Benedict laughs. He recalls often bickering with her in high school.

" You're still the same. ", He chuckles.

" And what about you? You're as flashy and over the top as ever, rich kid. ", She reminds him.

" Well, you look better than I expected. Did you by chance have any idea about his affair before? ", Benedict asks her seriously. He couldn't put off Timmy's suspicion at all.

Peony looked down. Her eyes are teary as she speaks, " I knew you would think that. I'm just acting everywhere right? "

" Hey, calm down. I was just asking in case you had a hint. ", Benedict tries to calm her down.

Benedict's heart clenched again seeing her tears.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. ", He says.

" It's fine. I should get used to it. Tell me why you called me. " She looks straight into his eyes.

Her teary eyes looked like deep ocean waves. Benedict couldn't take his eyes off her.

" Hello? Earth to Benedict? " She waves her hand.

" Yeah, so what I was saying. Regarding yesterday...", He snaps out of it.

He tells her everything. About the mysterious mail and weird letter content.

Peony is in deep thoughts. Who would want to help her? And why in this way?

Peony listened attentively, her thoughts racing. "What if that was a trap? Why did you heed such a dubious letter? And who told you to create more explosions on stage by acting the last bit? You can't fool me with the letter," she said, expressing her doubts.

" Well, I just wanted to find out the truth from him and the better the acting the better the result. And he denied everything until that. ", He hid that he actually enjoyed playing the part of a groom.

" You have too much time in your hands Mr. CEO. "

" I decide my timing. Anyway, who do you suspect sent me that mail and not tell you? ", Benedict questions.

" Someone who knows about my life and someone who knows about you as well. The problem is I have lost contact with most of my high school mates and you know why. Maybe that person knew you were invited? "

Benedict nods " I have the same thought as well. Maybe by someone working in my company. The letter was written in such a way that I couldn't miss the show. ", He finally shows his colours.

Peony gets enraged at the word "show"...

" Mr. Auguste , to you my life can always be a joke or your soap opera but to me and my relatives, it isn't. High school was different, we were all immature but now we live in an adult society. You can't just interfere in my matters without hesitation. You could have sent it to me separately and I could have cancelled the wedding but you followed that ridiculous letter. " Peony draws the line.

Benedict couldn't resist a playful jab, adding, "Says the one who ripped her wedding gown and injured her finger when she got dumped."

Sometimes we say things that we don't want to in spite of the moment. And Benedict did the same.

" You also think it is my fault right! Or am I so unattractive that he would need another woman besides me... " Her insecurity resurfaces.

She continues, " No matter how much I tried to change after high school, I'm the same old unwanted girl. Well I overshared today. Thank you for going through such lengths to block the news and for helping me out yesterday. I owe you. If you ever need help, I will be by your side. And text me the amount to buy out Shyla's proof. I will pay you very soon. I need to present it at court."

Benedict listened to her all this time and only said, " Remember what you said yourself, If I ever need you, you will be by my side. "

" I keep my promises, you can even create a contract for the same, another point in your job description. Also take your fancy bouquet with you, I can't owe you more. ", She walks out of the cafe.

" You are really the same. The same confident girl. Nothing can stop you from moving forward. I don't even have the power to stop you. ", He thinks to himself.

~ Outside the Cafe ~

Outside the cafe, as Peony left their meeting, she unexpectedly encountered Garret. He grabbed her hand, causing a commotion and drawing the attention of onlookers.

" Peony, come with me!" Garret grabs her hand.

" Leave me Garret! We were over the moment you cheated. ", Peony screams.

Garret's desperation was evident as he pleaded, "Who said that, Peony? I didn't cheat on you. I only love you.

" Don't speak of " love " to me! " She warns.

"Don't speak nonsense and come with me Peony!", He forces her.

A small crowd forms around them creating commotion.

Benedict who comes out of the cafe looks at the commotion. He asks his secretary, " What is going on over there? "

" Well, Miss Peony and Sir Garret are quarrelling, Boss. "

" Didn't I give them a sufficient warning yesterday to his family? Did Mr Lee contact him about the divorce? " , He asks his secretary.

" Not yet Boss. His duty will start next hour. Only then he can inform. "

At the same time, Benedict hears Peony's voice, " Scum! I should have beaten you up yesterday. "

He runs to see what is going on. He fumes in anger seeing him grabbing her wrist tightly.

Benedict, now outside the cafe, intervened, his tone icy, "Mr. Garret, what brings you here today? Should I call Mr. Gonzalez?".

Garret loses his mind and says, "For this person you are willing to leave me? Didn't I tell you that you cannot leave me? Will you leave me like that woman? I cannot leave without you Peony. You're the only one for me. Please don't leave me like that woman."

Peony who knows his family very well and his childhood gets soft hearted. She sees him as a child whose heart was broken by his mom and has a twisted form of love. Whenever his trauma triggered and he trembled thinking she would leave just like his mother, she would comfort him.

And she did the same again. She pats his head and says, "I will come with you. Don't cry now. Mr. Auguste, please leave us alone."

Benedict watched the scene unfold, torn between understanding and frustration. He couldn't help but think, "So he is the only one who can prevent you from moving forward?"