New Drama

~~Magnificent Entertainment~~

"Ben, here is the list of all our high school alumni working here. Do you want me to call them?" Timmy asked, perched on Benedict's desk.

"No need. It's office hours. And get off my table," Benedict replied sternly, engrossed in his paperwork while sipping the syrup.

"You're still drinking that! Are you mad? Leave it," Timmy chided.

"It's none of your business," Benedict retorted, his mind still replaying the disturbing scene.

Timmy grabbed Benedict's collar and scolded, "You know what, Ben? You have a strange way of dealing with your emotions. You always run away from facing situations like this." He pointed to the syrup.

Benedict, not one to back down, grabbed Timmy's tie and retorted, "So what if I'm weird? You're friends with a weirdo. Doesn't that make you a weirdo too?"

Their heated exchange was interrupted when their personal assistant burst into the room and gaped at their close proximity. She stammered, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," before hastily leaving the room with a sly grin.

"Hey, listen, you're misunderstanding us," Timmy shouted after her.

"Because of you! Because of you, Ben! This is the third time we've been caught like this. People probably think I'm interested in men. If I end up in an arranged marriage with some unsuspecting girl just because they assume I'm gay, I won't spare you! My parents already suspect my sexuality because of these rumors," Timmy vented.

"Oh, and who refused to leave when I asked you not to occupy my desk?" Benedict smirked, grabbing Timmy's shoulder and inching closer.

"What...what's that got to do with anything? And why are you getting so close? Dude, stay five feet away," Timmy said, feeling creeped out.

"And what if I don't?" Benedict's eyes glinted mischievously.

"You're creeping me out! Gross!" Timmy exclaimed, trying to push Benedict away.

"Hey, Miss PA, come in. I know you're watching," Benedict called her, breaking the tension.

"Sorry, sir. I didn't mean to spy. Here's the report on the viewership of the new drama," she said, a bit flustered.

"Very well. And VP, get back to work. If I catch you slacking off again, I'll personally train you," Benedict ordered as he signaled her to leave.

Miss PA, a fujoshi enthusiast, lived out her dreams of shipping various office romances, especially the one involving the VP and CEO. She was also the office's top gossip queen, constantly speculating about potential couples. But nothing excited her more than the prospect of the two handsome and eligible bachelors, especially since they'd been friends since childhood.

"So, what about the new drama?" Benedict asked seriously.

"Yes, sir?" She was momentarily lost in her daydreams but quickly refocused.

"I think you need a permanent vacation," Benedict remarked.

"No, no, sir. Sorry, sir. About the new drama, it's not getting the viewership you predicted. Netizens are complaining online that it's just the same old story in a new wrapper," she reported.

"Are we watching the same drama? 'Broken' has a unique plot, not your typical romance," Benedict questioned.

"It's about the latest episode. The director decided to deviate from the novel, thinking it would be more appealing to the audience. He believed the viewers might struggle to adapt to the softer romance style. His vision involved adding spicy scenes for more excitement," she explained.

"And so he went ahead without consulting anyone? He didn't even get the author's permission to change the plot? And why am I just hearing about this now? These fools! Today is the worst day to be in the office. I leave for a single day, and this happens?" Benedict's eyes were a mixture of anger and thinly veiled sadness.

He was typically the cheerful type, always smiling and focused on his work. But this time, he was genuinely infuriated, and there were many reasons for his anger.

"Call the director. I want a one-on-one discussion with him. Wait, I will go to the set. I need to see things through myself." Benedict ordered.

"Yes, sir," she acknowledged, taking her leave.

Benedict took another tablet, letting out a sigh. "Bitter."


~~Garret's Bedroom~~

"Peony, I'm leaving now. You stay here quietly and wait for me," Garret commanded.

"This is not done, Garret! I will not stay here," Peony protested.

"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice. If you want your phone to remain with you," Garret threatened.

"Garret!" Peony's eyes flashed with anger as she shouted.

"I'm leaving for the office now. Be a quiet, good wife and wait for me to return," Garret said before kissing her forehead. He called the maid to unlock the room and then locked it again when he left.

"Garret! Garret! Let me out! Please!" Peony cried out, her pleas echoing throughout the household, but no one dared to defy Garret's orders.

Peony couldn't escape the room, so instead, she locked it from the inside. She feared that Mrs. Gonzalez might devise other schemes to tarnish her reputation.

She cried while clutching her phone, "I regret falling for you. You're toxic. So toxic. I should have listened to my friends. Why did I even bother trying to change you? Why do I always end up with toxic men?"


~~Outside the Room~~

"Dear son, what happened? Are you leaving already?" Mrs. Gonzalez inquired sweetly.

"Yes, Mom, I need to go to work right now. Dad messaged me," Garret replied, a hint of confusion on his forehead.

"You're newly married, son. You should be on your honeymoon instead of working. Look at the stress on your face," Mrs. Gonzalez suggested.

"I know, Mom. I'm going to the office now, and I'll request a leave for us to enjoy our honeymoon. Thank you for reminding me," Garret said, furrowing his brows.

"That's like a good husband. Keep it up, son. I even bought two tickets to France for your honeymoon. You'll have a fantastic time," Mrs. Gonzalez patted his shoulder.

"Oh, Mom, you think of everything for me. You're the best. I love you so much, Mom," Garret warmly hugged her.

"I love you too, my dear son. I've planned everything for you," she whispered, concealing her broad smile.

She hoped he would never return from the honeymoon. She had more schemes in mind.