First Mission

~~ At Peony's Old Home ~~

As Peony immersed herself in crafting the plot for her latest book, an unexpected message from Benedict disrupted her focus.

"Call me back," his message demanded.

Curiosity tinged with annoyance, Peony dialled his number. "What is it now?"

Benedict's voice echoed through the phone, "You're awake so late?"

"Yes, and?" Peony responded, her tone laced with a hint of defiance.

"You better have a good reason to trouble me now," she added, a touch of impatience evident in her voice.

Seated in his office chair, Benedict leaned in, "And if I do have a good reason, will you do it?"

Peony, unyielding, replied, "Tell me. My time is important, Benedict."

"Okay, Miss Drama Queen," Benedict teased, a smirk evident in his voice. "I have a job for you. The offer stands at ten million."

A moment of silence hung in the air before Peony, intrigued, asked, "So much. Tell me what it is?"