Senior Noah

~~ Peony's Old home ~~

The light rain finally pattered outside. The cold breeze finally caught hold of them as they rode towards Peony's home.

Noah dropped Peony to her home. Peony felt dejected hearing harsh words from her friend. Standing at the door, she was lost in thoughts.

"Will you not even invite me junior?"Noah smiles, shivering from a slight cold.

"Oh sure, come inside," Peony welcomes him feeling slightly distressed.

He enters her home looking around. The humble home is tastefully decorated with indoor plants, a cosy couch, a centre table and a carpet underneath the table. A few old photo frames of Peony's childhood pictures hang in the room. The pictures captured a smiling man holding her little girl in a peony garden, a simple smiling girl and a happy family of three.

"This is the first time I'm here but I can see your life through here," He comments.