Change of Heart

Peony lost her sleep worrying over Natalie. Her phone was switched off and she couldn't reach her somehow. She couldn't shake the feeling of her friend being safe.

Also the friend request she sent her wasn't accepted. She felt demotivated. Not understanding what can she do.

At the same time Irina called her. Picking up her call Irina delivers good news, "Congratulations Peony! Your new work 'Heart-Mending Operation' qualified for the preliminary stage of the writing competition."

"Thank you Irina", Peony stared blankly at the laptop screen.

"Are you sleepy Peony? I forgot to consider the time difference. I called you as soon as I got the result. You should be happy," Irina says enthusiastically.

"I should be. I am happy Irina. Thank you," Peony sounded blunt.

Irina now concerned asks,"Did something happen to you? I already told you that if anything happens tell me immediately."