Chapter 54: The Enemy in the Shadows

Looking at the Leopard sneaking its way towards Aiden, Keiran and Luna's eyes turned cold and killing intent blazed out of them, scaring everyone around them. 

Whether it was a human or a beast they were all moving away from the twins. This commotion caught Seraphina's eyes and she saw the beast making Its way towards her son.

Without any second thought she killed all the beasts around her instantly and charged towards her son.

Unfortunately the distance was something she could cover in time and she realized that too.

' I hope you can make it in time, Keiran, Luna.'

While she was praying the duo were already halfway through killing their way towards the boy.

Aiden who was standing in the middle of the battlefield dumbfoundingly, sensed a huge amount of killing locked on him.

This brought him out of his shocked state, he turned to look at the source and saw a huge Beast jumping to attack.

With every shred of his will power, The boy willed his body to turn and it listened to his call. But not enough to make him evade the attack.

The claws of the beast grazed past the boy's chest, creating a gashing wound across it. The beast seeing the attack went unsuccessful, tried again. 

Limping on the ground the boy gasped for breath and looked at the beast coldly while speaking out loud.

"Y-your killing intent is nothing in front of big sis's Aura. HAa-haha"

Aiden spoke while laughing, his words made the beast roar in anger. Rushing in his direction the beast dashed in his direction and leaped on him to kill the boy in a single sweep.

Looking at the approaching beast in a speed he could not react to on time, Aiden closed his eyes ready to use the last resort. But before he could channel his ether he heard a voice that shocked.

"Don't you know the basics little brother, never close your eyes on a battlefield. Looks like you need more training."

A voice, whose gender was hard to tell due to the overlapping of two tone made the boy tremble.

Opening his eyes in a hurry he saw the backs of twins standing in front of him, their swords blocking the attack from the beast.

"Let's talk later, he needs treatment."

Their voices resounded again. Making the boy look at his chest, seeing the blood covered chest. He felt his adrenaline rush wore off and before he could fault he was wrapped in a warm embrace.

Turning to his side he saw the anger in the eyes of his mother as she held him. He knew he messed up real bad this time.

" I am sorry…" 

That's all he could mumble before his consciousness slipped off.

Hearing those words her eyes softened as she turned to take him away, as if remembering something she looked at the twins who felt her gaze and spoke.

"Don't worry about us, we will be able to kill him. It is just one beast, take him away."

Seraphina nodded, deciding to trust the twins. Her figure disappeared and her words resounded in the twins' ears.

" Show the beast, hell!"

Hearing those words a grin broke out on the twins face as they replied in unison.


Keiran's white eyes outlined with black ring shone as he kicked the Beast in the stomach. Luna's body followed the action but due to the fact that her height was shorter than Keiran she was having problems covering the distance.

Seeing the miss, Keiran took note of this shortcoming.

Creating a distance, he did the same thing they did when they displayed this power to Seraphina.

From both sides, the twins launched an attack on the beast, confusing his senses.

Trying to parry one of the humans but being slashed by the other made the beast angry.

Releasing his ether he entered the shadow and traveled through coming behind the boy.

Before the sneak attack could succeed the beast was kicked once again. The kick could not make it suffer but it was getting annoying.

Luna's eyes, which were connected to Keiran's, were watching attentively. Keeping an eye on all of it moves.


In his anger the beast growled and changed the attack pattern. It once again disappeared in the shadows.

Keiran felt the beast shift through the lying trees and rubble around them. This area was like a personal territory for the beast.

But what the beast did not know was that it was against it's natural enemy.

Launching an attack once again from the back of the white haired girl trying to catch her off guard.

It's confidence boosted, seeing the girl standing there without moving. 

But something happened that did not give enough time for the beast to react.

The sword in the hand of the girl shone and when the beast was a few inches away from her, she moved.

With a graceful flip of her sword, she aimed backways plunged the sword deep in the stomach of the beast.

"You still do not understand that we are able to see you even in the shadows. Well what can I expect from a beast"

Luna's voice resounded in the beast's ears enraging it even more.

Seeing that it was about to die, the beast made a last attempt to take the girl down with him.

What it failed to notice was that the eyes of the girl were now pure black.

Opening its jaw the leopard tried to bite off her head with the last of its will power.

The only thing its jaws could meet was a sword that passed through the open mouth of the beast, slicing it in the process.

It's mouth was split in two pieces and fell to the ground.

The blood of the beast sprayed on the twins, painting their clothes red.

" That was exhausting."

Luna spoke with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

The soldiers were shocked at the sight of seeing their prince and princess slay a level two beast.

They roared in celebration and charged at the remaining beast with their morale boosted.

Exhaustion caught up to Luna as her body wobbled, a pair of strong arms tightly wrapped around her from behind.

She looked up to see the worrying eyes of the boy she loved and smiled in return.

They felt a familiar aura rushing towards them, turning to meet the figure.

They were enveloped in a tight embrace.

" I am glad you both made it safely."

Hearing the words of the red haired woman embracing them a smile made its way on the twins' face.

Not hearing any reply from them. Seraphina moved back and saw that they had already fallen into a deep sleep, yet the smile on their face did not vanish.

Seeing the sight Seraphina hurriedly took them back to the military station.

Deep in wastelands a pair of eyes shot open revealing its reptile-like irises. A domineering pressure spread throughout the area.