Chapter 76: So It Begins!

"Today is the day huh~" A sigh echoed in a dark room filled with nothing but coldness. 

On a luxurious bed adorned with expensive jewels, laid a woman, more beautiful than the most in the whole kingdom. 

Her emerald eyes devoid of any light stared blankly at the ceiling, her long green hair was spread everywhere covering the entire bed. 

The Silk sheets covered the lower part of her body while her giant breasts were out in the open. The Pink gems on them pointed towards the sky. 

She might have resembled a dead body if not for her chest heaving up and down in a rhythmic manner. 

A long time passed as she stayed in that manner.

"Your Highness, Your majesty the king is saying that it's time to leave.." 

A voice came from outside the room, the voice brought the focus in her eyes as they moved to look at the closed door.

"Ask them to go without me. I will meet them in the arena." Her cold and emotionless voice akin to a lifeless being echoed in the silent room.

"As you wish. I will inform the King" with that no voice further entered the room. 

Soon Erla sat up straight causing the Sheets to fall down revealing her pearl white skin and her slim belly.

Erla moved out of the bed and walked towards the bathroom. 

As soon as she entered the bathroom, her eyes turned in one corner of the room, following the gaze she walked in front of a mirror. 

Standing in front of the mirror she looked at her own reflection, the first thing that caught her eyes was that there were slight signs of dark circles under her eyes.

As she gazed downwards she saw her gifted figure as if carved by the hands of the god but her eyes gazed further downward at a small bush over her private area. Her pink slit was slightly visible through the green hairs. 

Before moving her gaze downwards she looked at the table in front of her, there was a ring placed along with a razor on it. She moved her hands towards them and picked up the razor.

With her skillful moves Erla started trimming the hair above her vagina that she hadn't touched since her kids were born. 

Small patches of hair stale on the floor as the skin underneath them become more and more visible.

After a while, she was done with the trimming and looked back in the mirror. Her eyes turned Cold at the sight of what she saw yet there was also determination brimming in them.

In the mirror the sight of her perfect pink lips reflected yet the beautiful sight was smudged with several scars around them.

Many cut marks that were spread around her lower region. Her inner thighs were marked with Cigarette burns and Blade marks. She tried to touch the scars, her body visibly flinched and her lower area clenched tight. 

Her breath got heavy and her heart started beating in an erratic manner. She seemed to be having a panic attack. 

Erla moved to pick the ring in front of the mirror. As soon as she wore the ring all the scars vanished as if they were never there in the first place.

Seeing the magical sight her breathing started slowing down, before long she started going back to normal state. Once she was standing normal, taking a deep breath Erla removed her ring and the sight of scars appeared once again.

Her eyes flinched but she calmed herself. With one more deep breath she placed the ring back on the table.

'I have had enough of this!'

With these she walked under the showerhead, turning the cold water on and she watched as the water droplets fell on her face. She felt the droplets tracing down her body and grazing the scars.

Her body trembled a little but she bit her lips hard enough for them to start bleeding. Her nails were also boring in her palms as she had her fist clenched. The water flowing down the drain started turning red.

After a few minutes she shut off the shower once again. Cleaning the water with the towel she walked out of the bathroom.

Taking her clothes out of the cupboard, she threw them on the bed. They fell over two long books that were already placed on the bed before she woke up. 

Erla closed them and started getting dressed. Once she was dressed her eyes fell on the books placed on the bed.

Picking them up she moved her fingers on both the new and the old looking book with care and gentleness.

She placed them in the bedside drawers and locked them up. Glazing at the drawer for the last time she made her way towards the door. 

She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.


In the middle of a perfectly clear sky, a huge cracker bursted enveloping the whole area above the colossal building that is the arena.

People started making their way to the seating areas and all the important figures of the kingdom had also taken their places in the room. 

"Welcome Ladies and not so gentle mens!!!" A booming voice attracted everyone's attention as they turned their face towards the Stadium which showed an animated image of a guy.

The figure was wearing a hat along with a hoodie and cargo pants. To go with the outfit he wore a black shades.

People started muttering looking at the screen. They pointed at the animated character which started speaking once again.

"I Know, I know what you all are thinking. Why does this guy not show us his face instead of using the Ai or sitting behind a dark screen all the time?!" he exclaimed out loud. "Even though I am a handsome looking guy, I fear for my life. What if you guys kill this poor me outside because of some shit I said."

His cheerful voice did not match his cowardly words. People started laughing out loud and some even started throwing curses at him.

"Eh!! Don't be so mean. If you are wondering, I am even using a voice changer So you cannot recognise me by my voice. Hehe~~" 

Those who were planning to keep a note of his voice were now shouting at him.

"HAHAHAH~ Now without delay let's start what we all have been waiting for so long!!" The commentator's voice roared in the entire callosum as everyone started cheering after him.

"Now would you please welcome the participants of this year with a loud applause." Everyone looked at the doors as the rows of people entered the stage yet the platform was not fully filled which entailed how big the arena itself was.

Before the people could get excited the commentator's voice sounded once again. 

"Some of You may not Know this but this year's Championship is Even more grand!!" people grew curious hearing those words and waited for his next words.

"Beside these people there are some special participants this year just like the previous year. Please welcome The participants from noble families." An array of drums started beating as the four figure made their way on the stage.

There was only a single Women while the rest of the three were males. People looked at them with awe and other feelings.

"That isn't all of them. Please welcome the members of the Royal family to the stage." 

The audience held their breath as they saw the doors to the arena lit up and footsteps echoed in the area. 

A pair of black eyes and a pair of white eyes scanned through the entire array of people in the spectators seat and they moved to the people standing in the middle of the stage.

Walking up the twins stood face to face with every participant in the arena. A single thought passed through both of their minds as they looked the people who were looking at them as a piece of meat.

'So It begins~. None of them shall live!'