In the year 2157, the vibrant metropolis of Lagos, known as Eko, stands as a beacon of technological marvel and societal division. Amidst its glittering skyscrapers and neon-lit streets, a profound truth lies concealed—a gaping chasm between the privileged elite and the marginalized masses. At the heart of this tale is the elusive immortality project, once hailed as humanity's salvation, now a tool of oppression under the Eternal Council's rule.
"Eko: Immortality" unveils a gripping tale woven from the threads of ambition, power, and intricate choices. Enter the world of Otunba Tony Akinwande, a political scion wrestling with his lineage's expectations. Encounter Odogwu Cletus Opadamola, a relentless billionaire driven by an unquenchable thirst for dominance. Dr. Nneka Olujimi, the mastermind behind the immortality project, shoulders the weight of a decision that shapes the city's fate.
Ada: "In this city of shimmering illusions, they've sold us the dream of immortality. But remember this, Tony, Opadamola, Dr. Olujimi... The pursuit of eternity often blinds us to the beauty of the fleeting moment. Is it worth the price we're paying?"
Tony: "Ada, you underestimate the allure of power. It's not just about living forever; it's about shaping forever."
Opadamola: "Power, my dear, is the currency of eternity. In this world, we're the architects of our own destiny."
Dr. Olujimi: "Our creation has spun a web of possibilities, but it's also entangled us in its threads. We must navigate carefully, for the choices we make now will define eternity."
Ada Sobowale's investigation into the project's enigmatic origins intersects with Femi Ogundipe, a hacker with a hidden agenda, and Jidenna Aluko, a rebel leader igniting the spark of rebellion. Their destinies converge in a cataclysmic clash poised to expose the project's sinister underbelly and ignite an uprising against the Council.
Beneath the veneer of Eko's marvels and mayhem, characters' loyalties blur and the pursuit of immortality becomes a battleground of ethics. "Eko: Immortality" paints a vivid narrative of intrigue, shifting alliances, and societal upheaval, compelling protagonists to confront their desires amid the moral complexities of eternal life.
Within this narrative tapestry, themes of power and corruption are intricately woven, illuminating the delicate dance between ambition and integrity. The first installment of the Eko Eternity Series invites you to explore a world where the quest for everlasting life blurs the lines between right and wrong, leading to both redemption and ruin.
Update Schedule: 7 chapters/week
Best dystopian science fiction on Webnovel. The character development and worldbuildin is topnotch. Read to experience next level story telling.