chapter 26 : engagement

"how is she, ?" ask the duke to the vincent couple who walk toward the room.

"my daughter is fine, right now she was accompany with my son," say the archduke who sit face to face against the duke and stella with his wife.

"stella auburt, am i right, ?" ask the archduke to stella who nod her head.

"i would likely to thank you for what you did, i'm truly grateful you cure my daughter," say the archduke who bow his head with his wife, she has done something that they never imagine would come true.

"please raise your head, i just did the right thing to help people, so you don't have to thank me like that," say stella to the vincent couple who only look at each other before laugh.

"you truly are a great child, we really like to give you a reward for what you did, but right now we don't have anything that was worth to give it to you," say the archduke.

"but we do have some proposal to give it to you, and i think it will benefit you as well in the future," say the archduchess who show stella a smile that make stella feel kind of insecure.

"w-what is it, ?" ask the little fox girl to the archduchess who kind of feel a little nervous from the way of the archduchess smile.

"i can give you my daughter to be your fiancee," say the archduchess who at that time make not only stella but also the duke to spit their tea.

"cough cough, that was really a good joke lecia, you really caught us on guard," say the duke who at that time trembling from the way he was holding his tea cup, while stella was in blank state, still try to process what actually happen.

"do you think i'm joking, philif, ?" say the archduchess with no hint of joking in her voice.

"No," say the duke who can already know from the tone thay the the archduchess was not joking at all.

At that time stella who already recover from her shock and quickly shoot a glare to the duke who was saying to do something in this situation, though she was ignore by the duke who was looking away until the archduke start speaking as well.

"i think is a good idea as well, furthurmore i don't think that girl will be like those bastard who broke the engagement cause of something like this," say the archduke who was still mad at that time where her daughter engagement was broken of by the royal family, now that her daughter was cure they were surely try to get the archduke good side once again by making a new engagement and he will be a fool if he accept that, her daughter deserved the best, and there is no way that he will hand her to the hand of those royal family.

'do i don't have any say about this,' though stella who remember her first meeting with arbento sibling where they deicde everything for her but in the end she got want she want, a home and a job so is a win-win situation.

after that long talk, the vincent family officially make stella her daughter-in-law but since they were still very young they decide to make this engagement a secret as well as the news about the archduke daughter who was cure from her illness.

after that, stella and duke arbento decide to go back to arbento estate while stella give the duke a powerful glare that she could give which of course the duke ignore.

"just how long are you gonna whine about it," say the duke to stella who still looking very upset.

"is not that, i mean why me, just because i save her daughter, doesn't mean they can give her as my fiancee, or something," say stella to the duke who try to make a point, does it make sense that they just randomly take stella as daughter in law for curing their daughter, this is not some kind of fairy tail story you know.

"actually when lecia say that, i though the same as you that maybe is rush decision, but after thinking quite a bit, i think is the right way to do, because is one of the way to keep you save as well," say the duke to stella.

"save, what do you mean, ?" ask stella.

"what will happen if the daughter of the arcduke was cure all of a sudden, ?" ask the duke.

"well, there might be a little suprise from the people especially the king itself, not to mention since she was sick from birth, it will create a lot of unnecessary attention," say stella who the the duke give her a nod.

"that right, but the attention will also go to you as well, the one who heal her, after knowing that, i'm pretty sure that a lot of people will try to find out about you, try to gain your favor, and else, not to mention the royal family will do something as well to keep you on their side, since a lot of noble knew that the archduke daughter already been treat by a lot of famous healer but none of them manage to get such result," say the duke.

"furthurmore the royal family will also try to regain their relationship with archduke vincent since the engagement with their children is broken, that the reason why they decide to keep a secret that their daughter is cure now, until the royal family officially make a new engagement for the their children which already been plan by the king, but if something happen and they found out about this matter before that happen, they can say that she was already engaged with a powerful figure who cure their daughter," say the duke who make stella nod her head, understanding why they make her become their daughter-in-law.

"right now the king already engaged his son to the viscount family but we need to wait for the king to make it official, so they won't be able to pull it off," say the duke to stella who seems still can't accept that fact.

"but still this relationship will only last until everything went down right, ?" ask stella.

"what do you think like that, maybe they really want you to become her daughter in law," say the duke to the girl, usually she was confident when she do something, but right now she look different.

"i mean, don't the noble usually have children so their family won't end, ?" ask stella, sure marrying a woman is not something that stella don't want, between man and a woman, if stella has to choose she will pick a woman without a doubt, since she still think herself as a man.

"you don't have to worry about that, the vincent family already have a successor who will take over the family, furthurmore if you though about having a children, you can actually do it with a woman though," say the duke to stella who still lost on though about having a children, but nod nothingless as they return to the estate without saying anything.