chapter 30 : adopted

at that time stella charge toward the bandit, and give him a blow in the stomach before sending him crash toward the tree.

"fire fist," say stella who fire her attack toward the bandit who just burn like it was nothing.

[ you level up ]

[ you level up ]

[ you level up ]

'man, this bandit are weak, but they surely give me a large of experience,' though stella who grab her sword and infuse with her magic before swing it to the bandit who try to counter stella attack but failed miserable.

'so the rumor were not excessive after all, she's the real deal,' though lilith who at that time narrow her eye when the leader of the bandit suddenly came with a person that she well know.

"well, well, well, i never though that the kingdom, send a bunch of weakling to come here, and mess with my men," say the big man who was holding a balde on his hand with a woman beside him.

"yes, we come here to arrest you mountain bandit leader, thoran glans, and you as well lena corven," say lilith to them.

"do you think you can stop us, alone, you must be out of your mind," say lena who was lick her dagger as her eye narrow to lilith.

"enough of this, die," shout the man who lauch itself to the man with his blade swing to the woman, at that time the blade was stop in before reach her head.

"you know this is kind of dangerous if i don't step in," say stella who was holding the man swing with her two tiny arm.

"i know you will help, you handle him, while i handle her," say lilith to stella who nod where she infuse her sword to push the man before launch an attack toward him.

'this girl manage to push, there no way i will be humiliated like this,' though the man who was try to counter stella before launch himself toward the girl, but at that time stella already prepare an attack that was more powerful than before, and slash the man with a powerful fire attack.

"cough cough, fhis is imposible," say the man who look at stella with fear, never have though that an adult like him, will be humiliated by a girl who is not even at her teenage year.

"haha..hahahaha," laugh the man, who at that time stella come closer to him, while the man itself was laughting.

"you may have won little girl, but you also lost this fight," say the man who at that time stella ear hear a scream from the cave, as her a widen before a sudden enter her mind.

"look like you figure it out, that right i already order my man to kill all the prisoner in that cave while we're fighting, hahahaha, even you guys won, you couldn't e-," just before the man could finish his sentence a sword was pierced toward his body, as he look down he saw a girl who look at him like a predator who was ready to destroy everything in her sight.

when he saw it, he knew he will be death, as the man saw the sword was pulled out of his body, the girl swing her sword and cut of his head, before she enter the cave.

"i going to save the prisoner, please take care the rest," say stella who was in panic, never though she was careless and let the bandit do their way, as she manage to come to the prison, she saw a bunch of bandit who aleeady kill all the prisoner.

while looking at that scene, stella eye turn cold as she look at that bandit with eye full of bloodlust, they will note escape her fury.

"oh, it just a little girl guys, furthurmore she look like from a rich family, let's take her as a hostage an-" but before the man manage to finish his sentence, his head was cut by an enrage stella as she swing her sword with no mercy to the bandit and literaly slaughter them all, as they only scream in pain before they drew their last breath.

[ you level up ]

[ you level up ]

[ you level up ]

[ you level up ]

[ you level up ]

Even though stella level up a few times in one go, but she doesn't has any slightest of happpiness from her face.

she look at the bloody prison that filled with corpse, for hope as least one survivor, but just by looking at the injured on their body, she already knew they already dead, at that moment, tears start fall from stella face, where her leg feel weak as she touched the ground, crying for her failere.

at that moment, stella hear something, a cry, a small cry, when she hear it, she force her leg to move to the corpse of the woman who was crying, as she saw a child, not older than 2 year if she count right with blond hair and green eye, she was crying at the lost of her mother.

stella who look at the scene quickly pick the baby up, as the baby at that time see stella face, as suddenly her cry was stop as she look happy at the brown fox girl who hold her.

"let's go home," say stella as she look at the corpse of the woman who hold her before, as she silently thank you for protecting her, as she promise to look after the girl as her guardian and someone she can relay on when she needed.

when she exit the cave she was being hug by the older knight, for experience such a thing, while at that moment stella crying and thank the older women for conforting her as they went back to the kingdom.

"so what are you gonna do with her, ?" ask lilith to the baby who was asleep at stella arm.

"i'm gonna adopt her," say stella who look at the little baby that was held by her hand.

"you do realized that going to be really difficult right, furthurmore you are the employee of the arbento household, do you think you can handle than kind of harship while taking care of this baby, if you ask me you should dr-" as lilith try to speak her though she suddenly feel the atmosphere around her change, as she feel a poweful pressure that unease her.

"i already decide it, i'm going to take care of her, i already promise her mother that i wouldn't leave her alone," say stella, as lilith saw the determination on her eye, she know that whatever she going to do, stella won't change her mind.

"alright, i help you talk to the duke about this, all this happen because of my carelessness as well, is the least i can do for her," say lilith to stella who nod, thankful that lilith will give her a hand.

honesty even with a mind of the adult, she still a child right now, there a limited thing she can do, so getting a help from the other people, is the best thing she can have.

"thank you," say stella who was grateful for the help she get from lilith.

"by the way, do you already come up with a name for her, ?" ask lilith to the blond haie baby in stella arm.

"yes, i already decide it," say stella as she remember the name that was written by blood in the clothes of her mother, even after her death, she is trying to show the baby her love.

"Eve, eve auburt, my new little sister," say stella as she held her little sister sleeping face.