Friends or foe

The sun had barely crept over the horizon when Garnt found himself in a tense situation. He decided to have a gathering early in the morning, but Kara was giving him an odd, suspicious look. He wanted to ask whether, she was the one that spied on him last night, but decided not to since he wanted to finish the meeting.


Beside her stood the Baktou seemingly unfazed by the brewing tension in the air and Unami with a tried to look on her face showed the long night she had.


But today, they had no time for games. Iron ore and cement needed to be gathered quickly, and the group was determined to take their task seriously. Garnt, with a newfound sense of authority, stepped up and issued a stern warning to anyone who dared to break the rules.


"Listen up," Garnt declared, his gaze fixed on everyone in the area. "Anyone who breaks the rules will face consequences."